Stepmommommy's Blog
Is this normal?
Planning a trip out of state in a few weeks. So far BM has stated she can't find any way to get her daughter so it looks like she won't be seeing her unless I bring her. Well, I told SD that when we go out of state (we are visiting my family), we can bring her to BM and she can stay with her for the 3 days we are gone. Didn't make it sound like a fun trip. Just the basics. We are going to visit so and so and while we are there you can see your mom! Won't that be fun?? She said she would rather come with us.
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6th week
Today would be the 6th week BM hasn't picked up her daughter. This past weekend, I visited my uncle who lives in the same town as her and I told DH to tell her I wouldn't mind bringing SD to her for that weekend. And she was so grateful to me. Yet for the past 5 years of my SD life she tries to say that I'm trying to take her place that I don't encourage her relationship with her daughter that I talk crap about her to SD. If that were true, I wouldn't have taken her there. I know SD loves her mom. I know she's her mom and I have nothing against that.
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4th week
Well, 4th week with us is quickly approaching. SD has lived in a 50/50 situation pretty much all her life and as of January 1, DH was granted majority, with mother getting every other weekend. We've had her since December 27th (the longest we've ever had her uninterrupted). We are enjoying SD5 presence. It's nice not having to re-train her every time she comes back from BM who has no rules. It's nice having her not fight bedtime because she's used to staying up until 1-2am at BM. It's nice not having to do 6 hours worth of driving every weekend.
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Pick ups
Since my SD5 was 5 months old, my husband and I have been doing all the driving to pick up and drop off my SD5. This constituted for over 300 miles each week. As of January 1, a new court order has been put in that we have week days and SD's mother has every other weekend and SHE has to do pick ups when it's her turn with SD5. Well, 3rd weekend of the year is coming up and BM just texted saying she will "let" SD5 stay for another weekend so she can get "used to" living in our city majority. (It's been 50/50 for over 4 years now so I don't know what she is talking about).
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Intro Continued
Hey everyone! Thank you for all your replies! In no way has it been an easy journey. Not AT ALL! But I have been in her life since she was 2 months old. Very toxic BM who tried to take her away multiple times resulting in going to court for every other weekend and ending up with 50/50 due to her lifestyle (going to the bar with her, moving multiple times, domestic violence, keeping her away from her dad, etc). It was 50/50 from 14 months old until just recently where DH fought for majority.
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Hey everyone! I have been reading through steptalk for a while and at one point I actually was posting. I am a stepmom to a 5 year old girl and a biomom to a 1 year old boy. I had come here for advice and help but at that time it seemed like I was one of the very few stepmothers that wanted her stepchild around haha. Well I see a lot more do now and I'd love to get more advice, vent, and just chat with you ladies! We had recently went through a court battle for custody of her and for the most part it went very well! Hopefully I can be a more consistent member of your community.
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