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Labor free-Labor Day!

str8_trippin's picture

Wow, this is nice!!! I have the house to myself, and DH has the kiddos. ALL 3 OF THEM!!! We were able to get SS for a 3 day weekend. It's been about 5 months since we have seen him so we were soooo excited to have him, if only for a short while.
BB called DH the other day, and I was so proud of him for not tearing her a new arse over the phone..."I need more money" she says. Mind you she gets CS every month and does not even have SS living w/ her. DH proceeded to tell her, "I support 5 people, and you tell me you can't even take care of yourself?!?! Tough shit!" Still pathetic after all these years. At least we don't have to have to many dealings with her for now. But we do however have to deal with SS's GM, aka 'the root of all evil', since BB gave up her child to her mom. She told DH it's b/c she is going to school, however, I know the truth-she got a new job at a lesbian bar. She just has no time for him.
When I saw SS, I had never seen him so pale befor. All summer consisted of tv and video games. But he was in good spirits, and very happy to be with us. Hopefully this will be the start of consistent visitation, and next year when he is twelve, if he so chooses-he may live with us!*keeping finger crossed*
Well that's all for now, I hope all of you ladies(and gents)have a great and relaxing Labor Day!!!!