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str8_trippin's Blog

Labor free-Labor Day!

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Wow, this is nice!!! I have the house to myself, and DH has the kiddos. ALL 3 OF THEM!!! We were able to get SS for a 3 day weekend. It's been about 5 months since we have seen him so we were soooo excited to have him, if only for a short while.

Jumping for joy!!!(well,almost)

str8_trippin's picture

Ok, for the past several months, we have not had any contact with SS11. We have been uncertain as to his whereabouts, b/c BB has been moving back and forth, not returning calls, etc. Recently, I saw her blog on myspace (posted in my previous blog)and realizing that she was moving out of her mom's, to an apt. of her own. SS would not be living w/her. To make matters worse she was leaving him w/her felonious mother. Which means he will be going out on numerous repos(his GM chosen profession)on school nights, just like the good ol' days.

What do we do???

str8_trippin's picture

It has been months since we have seen or heard from SS. We are not even sure where he is staying right now. DH has tried calling BB, texting, to no avail. She refuses to talk to us, or let SS call. Here is a little rundown: in the past 6 years BB has moved/crashed with friends nealy 20x. 15 different jobs-currently bartending. Nearly 10 different lovers/soulmates.

Becoming the "bigger" person...

str8_trippin's picture

Well I just got back from a long wonderful vacation in CA and wanted to drop in and see how everyone was gettin along...Boy, was I appalled when I read the infamous anonomous comment made in reference to the fantasies of retribution blog. Absolutely stunning how people are willing to poison their children's minds. It really got my wheels turning. I've been doing the whole step-parent bit for 7 years now, since the age of 20, and I will admit-in my younger less mature days, I had my share of ill-willed fantasies.

Hello everyone!!!

str8_trippin's picture

Well, I found this site about a month ago, and thank God! I don't really have any friends that are in the same situation as me, so I am thrilled about having SOMEWHERE to turn. So I've been reading some of your blogs, and by the looks of them, tis' the season for baby mama drama...Maybe it's always the season.