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has anyone out there made the blended family work WITHOUT support of DH?????

Struggling Step Mom's picture

I have been reading post after post and it feels like without the support of DH, without concrete house rules for all kids, without the united front, it just isn't going to work.
I am depressed watching my marriage fade away and I have put up a hell of a fight. The scary part is we love each other and we agree on everything and do everything together until SD comes to the house.
Then all our normal stuff just goes out the window. Then to me it feels like it is a different home, it is BM's house. I was told that it makes it EASIER for SD???? What about the rest of the family who are living in the whirlwind. We have schedules and rules that the 4 of us live happily. We respect one another and talk about everything.
When SD comes in the house all the negativity comes with her. I watch as the entire family goes to their own rooms, we don't speak, no one does. I am so frustrated but without DH's support what can I do but what I have been? I leave with my children. I leave her with her father. We are 2 families every second weekend....You have no idea how happy I am when I get the schedule for hockey and find out that we have to go somewhere. So how long is my marriage going to last is my question? My DH wants it his way, he doesnt' like this seperation? I can't breathe in the house with her in it, he made this mess, I cannot come up with another solution...ANY ADVICE would be appreciated? Has anyone else lived through this???


kathleen's picture

I think this is just one of the many symptoms of marrying a divorced man with kids. It is easier for the parent who has primary custody because things can be more consistent. But since we are in the opposite situation it is a challenge that must be worked through with compassion and a pioneers spirit because it doesn't seem that our communities, families, culture what have you guides us through this new and unusual family dynamic.

I too have had many problems with your issue and many others. One thing I have learned is that the behavior exhibited isn't necessarily being transferred from one house to the other. It might be exasperated by it though. My first thought when I read your email is that your Step Daughter does not want to come over to your house. It could be for many many reasons. It is the same with ours. Now they don't come at all. And to think I have a new house being built with two rooms sitting empty just for them. but that is my issue. anyway off subject....

When my Skids have shared their thoughts and feelings lately it is with deep and destitute pain. It is the kind of sorrow you feel with great loss and despair. It is horrible to think that over the course of time the adults have created an environment where the kids feel so bad.

I really don't think it is fair to blame the BM. Yes she has, I'm certain, in EVERY persons story, a fair and impressionable influence, however there are several people involved and the first thing I have done is to look at myself. What have I done to contribute to this, and how can I do better now.

Right now you have 3 kids who are suffering. Yours and your DH's. I can give you advice that I have tried or am trying but I can't guarantee success. First, I have become more religious, not the "my lord and savior" kind but, faith and trust and letting things just be what they are. Second, I am trying to build my own relationship with the kids, one at a time. Right now it is through emails but that is a start.

What I have learned from my experience and from those on this site, is that there are ways to make this work, but it is not easy, and there are ways to make it worse. Most of us on here especially right now, want to find ways to feel better but it comes with a lot of personal sacrifice, patience and lots and lots of love.

Your marriage can survive too. The important thing is to talk to each other, not fight about the kids, and continue to love and respect each other, even when things aren't working out as you think they should.

That is enough of a response for now. I hope that helps you a little.

try2relax's picture

It sounds so easy to say don't fight with DH about kids but good god, it is not easy to do. My Skids (3 boys every weekend F-Sun) rule the roost and everyone walks on eggshells waiting to see what they're going to be like. My DH is clueless. So, I don't have any advice, but I'll be watching this thread for answers too ! stay strong.

wildlife's picture

Have you ever read or are you familiar with a book called "The Surrendered Wife"?

Much of it is way beyond anything that I could do in terms of letting go of my ego and the religious aspects. However, it does give you ideas about how one person in the couple relationship can create change without the help of the other person and that is what you are really asking, right? Could you do this without the complete support and help of DH? We always here so much about how it "takes two" to make a marriage or blended family work, but this book gives you a different perspective. No you can't change other people or their behavior, but you can change yourself and that in itself can create change in others.

That's the gist of it, I think.

sparky's picture

There were lots of times when my steps were little I didn't think that we were going to make it, however here we are 13 years later and we could not be happier. Our relationships were worth fighting for and its true sometimes change comes from within and it does create a change in others.

laurels4u's picture

DH's son lives with us FT. DH does not do much to enforce rules or procedures in our home. I freely voice my concerns and unfortunately yell a lot, but I work FT, have a PT job as well as attend Graduate school so I expect some help from everyone. I was brought up in a house of respect, was expected to work hard in school, then go home and actually contribute to keeping it clean and helping my mom cook! G-A-S-P! So as a single mother, I raised my daughter the same way. Imagine DH's son's surprise after his father married me! He was expected to do schoolwork, housework, and earn privileges rather than being handed everything on a silver platter. Yikes! I can't stand it. I used to walk on eggshells as if DH's son was some sort of Platinum card carrying member of an elite hotel that we were all supposed to cater to. Not anymore. I work harder than anyone in this house and will not allow a child to make me feel like an outsider.

I know I can't change DH or Precious's behavior but if someone is going to be miserable in this house, it certainly isn't going to be me. If Precious is at home for a weekend, and I'm feeling particularly irritated by DH and Precious, I will go elsewhere. When I return, I let 'em have it! I put up with the crap during the week, and I deserve the break. I let DH put up with his son's nonsense but firmly believe DH should be making more of an effort to guide his own child.

Struggling Step Mom's picture

AMEN!! Thank you so much for this response...finally someone gets what I am feeling! The platinum card carrying, I laughed so hard, that is it exactly. We were raised the same and I tryed to instill this in my kids. She is not being raised like this, she isn't accountable for anything and the only time she calls is when she wants something. I just hate trying to explain to my kids why SD gets and why SD doesn't have to do. That is when I get angry with DH, when it hurts me or the way the boys are being raised.
Thanks again...

laurels4u's picture

as DH's ex always tells him, I'm not their son's mother. To be perfectly honest, I really am glad that I'm not. I don't even call myself his SM that's how rude he is to my daughter and I. I've never experienced a child who was raised to believe that his sole purpose is to grace God's green earth and has to do absolutely nothing while on it. Like you, I have to explain almost every other day why DH's son doesn't have to do something when my DD does.

I realize that this child was created by his father, BM, and GPs. I can't change it. It's not going to change but I'm going to keep the pressure on while he's freeloading in my house.

Struggling Step Mom's picture

When I have to introduce my SD I say "this is my DH's daughter" It is so important for me to make sure people know that I have nothing to do with this child. I would be so embarrassed if they thought I was responsible for her. I wanted to get a tee shirt that says NOT HER MOTHER when we go shopping...that is so embarrassing that I refuse to take her anymore. She treats the store clerks and waitresses like her personal servents. So many people have 'tolerated' her behavior because my DH is such a nice guy. I think I was the first to look at him and say "are you kidding me?" I told him I'm the only one who cared enough to want to stop the crap. I did ask him if they ever got invited anywhere more than once when she was little??? He actually believe that everyone loves his little princess??? She has no friends...that might be the first clue...

Riley's picture

Am I hearing that DH determined that it would be easier on his daughter if HIS house (and yours) was "rearranged" during her visits? Yikes! Who gave him that advise? And if he came up with that on his own, shame on him. Sounds harsh, I know, but geez!

Maybe I need more specifics as to how the house changes into BM's house when SD arrives, but my general response is why? How could any intelligent human being think that is the best route? Because it's easier? For who? His daughter? Him? He may have made that decision because he doesn't want to deal with the struggles of rearing his child after he's divorced her mother. Well get over it, I say.

Doesn't he know how resilient children are? Doesn't he know how perceptive children are? She's not part of his family with the message: I come to Dad's and everyone leaves. Yikes! What feelings must that be generating for her?

Tell DH that he's 1) taking the easy way out and 2) not doing his daughter any favors by making his house like the BMs. He's saying to her, "you're not important enough to merge into my life with my family here. You're not worth the effort." Of course he wants it this way, it's easier on HIM, not her, not you, and not your family. If he really loves his daughter, he needs to teach her to merge into his family, with his rules and rewards.

I know your question was how to do this without DH support, but you can't. Everyone is right though. You can alter your state of mind about it, which may help the isolation this current "plan" is generating.

Otherwise, I would have a "come to Jesus" meeting with your DH and shed some light for him to see more clearly that this "plan" is against all common sense. This isn't about being easier on his daughter.

klinder180's picture

I think I figured out something based on my experience. Most peopel do love their children but often overuse the phrase "I put the kids first."

I would rather hear someone say "I put the children's best interest first."

We make our children do things all the time that they would rather not do or do something else:

*Go to school
*We make them do their homework
*Eat a balanced meal rather than ice cream and soda every day
*We make them save their money so they learn the value of a dollar
*We make them play nice with other kids so they learn to cope later in life...

We as parents do that because we are placing their best interests first not what they want to do first. Parents pay child support so that their kids can eat. Parents have kids go on visitation with the other parent because all of the studies show that kids are better off pyschologically when both parents are present and involved.

The DH or DW has to be involved and an active coparent. Maybe one parent is a step parent, but both of them have to have respect. Love and friendship have to exist between the adults.

Otherwise, forget it.


proud mom's picture

I agree completly! When my DH and I first met I was all about the kids and didn't put anyone or anything before them. Now a year and a half later I am slowly learning to put there intrest first not them. Don't get me wrong they are taken care of but I have learned that the world is not going to stop if I chose to do something with DH instead of the kids all the time. I guess what I am trying to say is talk to DH and tell him he has to stop putting SD first he has to put your marriage first. Tell him you are no longer going to leave when SD is there you and your children are staying and SD is just going to have to learn to live by the same rules that everyone else in the house live by. Example when DH and I frist moved in together SD had been aloud to do pretty much whatever she wanted in her room, eat, drink, color on things, glue things to the wall. Well at my house food and drink belong in the kitchen not in your bedroom and the walls are not your coloring book. So I told DH somethings had to change at first he was like well she has never had to do these things before and I just looked at him and told him that was then this is now and she can either follow the same rules my boys have or she can not come that is up to him and her. Needless to say she loves to come and has learned to follow the rules like everyone else.

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

Struggling Step Mom's picture

Thank you all for the excellent advice. I think that with all your answers and some honest heart searching I have come to the conclusion that I have NO answers LOL...
I think that one thing keeps ringing true...we are never going to have a blended family without me and DH agreeing to everything together. Funny, but my DH is a wonderful father when it comes to my children. Is it easier to see the faults and correct them when the children are not your birth children? It is like he puts his daughter up on this pedestal and refuses to believe anything negative about her. He thinks that she is so mature and she makes all the right decisions.
When my boys get out of contol, he reels them in. When she does, he walks away??? I want to scream. But for some reason, I walk away too. If I say something to her, I get the cold shoulder from him?
So we live divided in one house. AUGGHHH....

proud mom's picture

I understand the whole cold shoulder deal. At first that is how it was at our house but after sometime DH relized I was doing what was best for all of our kids (I consider my 2 and his 1 "Ours") DH has told me it is hard for him to punish her because he gets to see her so little, but after I said to him look how the boys are when they come back from "fun and games" at their dads now think that is how SD goes home to her moms after being with us now how fair is that. Sometimes you have to show them how it is to have the shoe on the other foot.

Live for today,you may not have a tommorow

kathleen's picture

This could be a real syndrome. My DH has pussyfooted around his ex since the day I met him. Her rules, expectations, standards have dictated everything, even in our home. I think he has been so afraid to be the "bad dad" she has always accused him of being, that he hasn't played a disciplinarian role in his own home or stood up to be the man of his household. Well he does it with me and our daughter but not with the "First children" or the ex. So all we get is fighting and problems.

I think you are right. Set the standards and expectations in your home and expect that of everyone who is there even if just on Thursday nights and every other weekend. If these were "just visitors" coming that often, I'd make them pay rent. But they are not, they are children and they have to learn to behave and follow rules in both households, even if they are different.

When they go out in the real world they will see that everything isn't just as their Mom has made it to be and following a different set of rules might just teach them how to live in society when they are older.

With my step's. I think they, sadly, are doomed to unsuccessful relationships in adulthood. So stand up ladies and go ahead and stand by your standards. Everyone benefits in the long run, no?

Anonymous's picture

How about treating her just like your own kids? She has to follow the rules also, so don't look to dh to do it. Discipline her just like the other children, because if you don't it will get worse and so will the visits. I would let her know she can act that way at bm's but not at your home. For sure don't leave your home just because the little princess is there! You'll be giving her just what she wants, so do the opposite and be the woman of the house. She will have to follow the rules, and don't worry about dh not doing it because he's not going to and he may never see what a terrible child she is. Hate to say it but if the bm and everyone caters to her, its likely to get worse, all the more reason to make sure she knows the rules when she's in your home. She may get pregnant at 18 and take up dancing, maybe thats when husband will wake up, who knows. But children do act differently in both homes, and they know what they can and cannot get away with. Another good point is if theres different rules for her when she visits this will really affect your children, so its important to set that straight now before they have lasting resentments. At least give it a try, good luck.

Riley's picture

This is not a hopeless situation. Please keep the hope alive that things will get better. Just know that things don't get better on their own. It normally takes an active participation in the change that needs to take place. Keeping things the same, expecting different results only makes one crazy. Maintain the hope and activate the steps for change.

It's good to hear that you have recognized that you and DH have to agree. But on everything? Not necessarily. In your soul searching, make a list on what you can tolerate and what you can let slide. Because, to be honest, no 2 people will agree on everything, especially when it comes to parenting. Literally sit down with paper and pen, with DH, and list what you BOTH want, what YOU want, what HE wants...and then come to a compromise. It just may be that you are closer on some things than you think, just have different ways of getting there.

BTW, it IS easier to see faults in someone else's children. Bio-parents get this "well of love" for their children that causes them to screen out the "uglies" of children. I suppose it's a prehistoric mechanism designed into our genes to not eat our young, so to speak.

Anyway, I am hopeful that you and DH will come to some compromise on this issue. It's a big one and you have every reason to be concerned. Whatever decision you make, you have my support, because only you know what is best for you and yours. I only give advise based on my experience that worked for me.

eviecat's picture

It will get better, then it will get bad..and so on. As children grow, as we grow and change so will the situation. I have made it out of a very dark time with my SD (17), but I am not so naive to think that was it. I still have 2 other teenagers, SS (15) and SD (13), not to mention my diabled BS (12) and BS (9) to raise.

Please remember the both of you made vows to each other, not the children. Hopefully DH can come to the conclusion that his children don't need to listen to you like your their mom (your probably glad your not) but that they need to respect you as His Wife. I am not sure how my hubby finely came to this conclusion...but I honestly believe they (the DH's of the world) need to find their own way. We can not be responsible for someone elses choices (or lack of).

Don't forget to take care of yourself first. You need all of your physical and emotional strength. Please take care.

kathleen's picture

That last sentence said it all to me. We keep trying to be a part of their family. We are outsiders so why are we trying so hard.