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It’s tough out here for stepmoms.

TheEvilStepmomStrikesBack's picture

Please be careful with these enmeshed dads and their adult daughters (or moms and sons). I really do wonder what the whole story is.


shamds's picture

i hope they find out what really happened as right now its just they know they did it but haven’t said who did it or hoe argument escalated etc

thinkthrice's picture

Sounded like SM was the breadwinner and owned the house that the evil SD and biodad moved into.  Possible sponging off SM who might have put her financial foot down.  Speculation, of course, but highly probable reading this common theme on STalk.

Despicable!  Yet another reason not to pick as man with baggage. 

Chmmy's picture

I dont have life insurance. I literally said to DH I wouldnt want the skids to know there was insurance on me. BM is as psycho as it gets(actually ive heard much worse since joining step talk) and the children have some of her qualities. She taught them to manipulate, lie and steal.

The skids stand to inherit ZERO from me. I am bypassing my 1/3 of my parents estate to give to my bios so it never ends up in skid hands
