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Tiffany1111's Blog

Did I Under- React?

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Struggling to find common ground with my husband on this one. Need some help. Yesterday he and I were out for lunch. We work together doing contruction and we are all recovering from two hurricanes here in Louisiana... it's the hardest work I have ever done. We had several very big appointments that day. He gets a callĀ from his 18yo daughter that she thinks she broke her ankle playing with the dogs. She is distraught and crying so much he can't understand her. As our food is being delivered he says "we have to go, NOW!" So we ask for the ticket so we can just pay and leave.

Feeling Rejected

Tiffany1111's picture

My husband and I got married a month ago and live in two houses. His daughters are 16 and 18. My daughters are 3 and 6. We are doing an addition to his house so we can move in and I am selling my house which is under contract. In the meantime, I stay at his house on the days that my girls are with their father which is half the time. For the third time, I have wanted to come over to his house with my girls and he has said no. His reason is that he wants alone time with his daughters especially his oldest because she is going to college about 2 hours away in 2 months.