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Bio-kids in blended family

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So- my husband and I are starting to expand our family and have a child of our own.

Does anyone have any stories to share on how the BM took the news when finding out? Anything I should be prepared for? We're a little nervous on how she may react and her spin on things and what she tells the SD.

Also, how have other's step children taken to you having children with their dad?

DH not getting extra time with SD because of me.....

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My DH and I have been in custoday battles over our children for the last 2 years. Mine just ended two weeks ago with my XH and not much changed. I still have my daughter the majority of the time, but the court process was long, lengthy, nasty and something I'm not looking forward to in another 2 years. My DH's should be coming to an end soon as well.

BM wants me as crazy as she is!

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I swear the BM wants to drive me to be as crazy as she is!

I've been off of work the last month and have been spening the extra time with my kids over the holidays until I started my new job this week. Being home and dealing with the BM's emails and conduct is really driving me crazy!

I try to be nice and nice and spew out more niceness....but get slammed back with sarcasm, and continued knocks again me, my husband and anything that that we do.

I just don't get how a person can be so mean and want to be so negative all the time and about everything.

Pictures of birthparents-- DO OR DON'T

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How many of you have pictures up of the birthparents(birthmother or birthfather) in your homes?

When I seperated from my XH, I put up a picture of my daughter and her father together in her room. On one side was their picture and on the other side was a picture of her and I. Both pictures were above her headboard and seperated by a picture of her guardian angel. This has been like this for the last 4 years and in every house and/or apartment we lived in.

There are no pictures of me and my daughter at his house.

New SM

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I am a new SM to a 4 year old SD. I also have a BD that is 6. My ex's girlfriend and BM has not taken to well to me or the new marriage. Several of the things I read in the blogs are what she is doing to us. I've bought books on stepmothering and blending families, but nothing ever really prepares you and helps you deal with a "mean" BM. I'm lucky to have a very yound SD, but I still find myself working and reworking the progress of blending our families upon each return from her BM's home. The latest and greatest things to deal with ex-husband and the BM dating!