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tofurkey's Blog

Where are the guy's rights?

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A little food for thought, where are the guy's rights?

First off, if you are sensitive, then read no further. The purpose of me writing this blog is not to try to offend anyone or judge anyone or put anyone down. Any of you who have read my posts in the past know that while I may bring up heated topics, my intention is never to be derogatory or mean and I understand everyone's situation is unique.

Do any of you worry about accusations?

tofurkey's picture

Any of you that have read my blogs have seen that I kind of stress over any future skid situations that may come up. I've been blind sided so many times and screwed over that I find myself constantly thinking about certain situations that could possibly arise and try to mentally prepare myself if they ever do so I don't feel like I'm going into a situation never having given it any thought previously.

skid hand-me-downs?

tofurkey's picture

I have not dealt with this situation yet, as Dh and I don't have any kids together right now, but I'm curious as to how everyone feels about this.

If you have kid(s) with DH, or if you plan to, how do you feel about your kid(s) getting skid hand-me-downs? You know, toys that were skid's, clothes that were skid's, etc.

For me, I would not want such things. I will want our kids to have their own things. Things that skid grows out of in age can go to salvation army.

Are you kidding me?!

tofurkey's picture

Done with skid visit at MIL's, YAY! But I have to say that it was another hideous one to say the least....

For anyone who has read any of my blogs before, it was all of the normal b.s. This time, one of the in-laws decided to show us as always 20 pictures of SD. As she was going through the pics, she passed one she had just taken of SD and BM together. Really? BM has a camera, why are you taking these pictures with her?

Does anybody get this???

tofurkey's picture

I don't understand why some BM's (not all I'm sure) but some, especially the BM I deal with, act the way they do?? I especially do not understand in my situation. BM and DH were "dating" (if you can even call it THAT serious) for a little over a month. Hardly long enough to get to know squat about the other person. They weren't enganged, they weren't married, they weren't living together, hell I'm pretty sure you all can figure out the only thing they DID do in that short ammount of time....So this wasn't a serious relationship, this was a fling.

Does your SO/DH/DW know?

tofurkey's picture

My DH does not know that I am a member of this site, let alone even know this site exists lol. He is a more private person when it comes to issues we deal with, so he would most likely be pissed if he knew, so I don't tell him! While I would really love for him to know and to point out certain things to him, to show him i'm NOT crazy and i'm NOT alone in my feelings toward skid, I think it would do more harm than good.

So i'm curious, does your SO/DH/DW know that you are on this site?

Phone Number Exchange?

tofurkey's picture

I have read some posts on here before about people talking about meeting up with others who write on here. I'm curious, has anyone thought about doing a number exchange with fellow step talkers? You know, for all those times where you are in a frustrating situation and you can't really get to the computer, but need to talk with someone who knows and understands the crap you are going through?

O/T: Dh just doesn't get it!

tofurkey's picture

Sooooo on the weekdays I always cook something for dinner. I don't mind cooking, but by the end of the week I'm ready to not cook for the weekend. I also get things from the grocery store to make on the weekends pancakes, eggs benedict, crepes, etc. So when the weekend hits, DH will take me out for dinner Sat and Sun. No matter how many times I ask DH for him to please decide where to go for dinner on the weekends it always ends in this same convo (like this past weekend)

I fear for the future

tofurkey's picture

I have noticed recently a lot of articles and broadcasts about how "old fashioned families" are a thing of the past and "blended families" are becoming more and more prevelant and are paving the way for the future. In that case, I fear the future. I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the days are gone of getting married then having kids with ONE person and staying together. Now it's meet someone, have kids (married or not), split up, both meet new people, reproduce with them, maybe split up with that person blah blah blah.

Happy Thanksgiving

tofurkey's picture

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and I hope that with whatever set up you have this year that you are able to get atleast a little bit of joy out of it. I havn't been a member on this site for very long, but I am truly thankful that I have you guys to come and talk to. It's so comforting to know that everyone here is so sweet and compasionate and understanding. I have really grown very fond of many of you and wish you the best of luck today and will be here to listen for any unfortunate holiday aftermath!
