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turtle76's Blog

BM a moron

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Hubby recently has had some health problems. We told stepson 17 about it 6 days ago. I jokingly said hopefully nothing else happens and all his tests come back okay, but if it gets to a point where he is dribbling and I have to wipe his butt that stepson will have to do it!! I was laughing while saying it... Stepson is very lazy, doesn't go to school and only works here and there before he quits.

Step parenting is so thankless

turtle76's picture

Hello all. I am so angry right now. I have had a rocky relationship for years now with my stepsons mother because frankly she is an idiot. She wouldn't know how to parent if her life depended on it. She has never disciplined the kid or made him be responsible for his actions. Since he was about 9 he basically does as he pleases. She has been buying him copious amounts of alcohol on weekend since he was about 14 and when he was 15 she started taking him to get tattoos. He is now 17 and has about 7..... Yes she is a role model I know! Ha ha