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unika32's Blog

Depressed Teen and I dont care attitude

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I can use some words of wisdom pertaining to my situation. I have a SD16 and 2 biological kids. I have been in SD life since she was 6 and we officially became a family when she was 12. In the beginning it was fine cuz BM was out of pic. A yr lata BM asks for visitation and judge granted it. Long story short she got about as much visitation as if she were the custodial parent! last yr DH and I believed thatBM was coaching SD to call cops on us and CPS as we tried to show her their were consequences for her actions. Naturally, CPS immediately dropped all 3 cases.


unika32's picture

I am new to this site so can someone please help me out with the acronyms such as PAS...DH...FH and etc? Thanks