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WhoAmIGA's Blog

I left dh today, don't know which way to turn

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Sat here in a hotel room with a glass of wine and a headache from hell. It hit the fan again today. Feel like I'm going nuts. Am I the only one who feels this situation is effed up? Deadlines come and go and the SD is still at the house, no plans to leave, dh told her she had to be gone in "two to three weeks"! What a weird thing to tell her. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place I get it. He's told her he wants her out of his life, that's a step forward but " she can't afford to move". How long do I put up with this?

I'm divorcing my grown-up step-children!

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Recently I've been told that three of my five (grown-up) step-children got together to talk about me. They all feel I'm mean to them, pick on them, they hate me etc etc. They were astonished to learn, and can't believe, that the house my husband and I share, is in my name (I re-mortaged it when I moved in as my husband went through bankruptcy and didn't want to lose the family house). If it wasn't for me doing that, at least two of them would have been homeless.