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Something to brighten your day

Winterglow's picture

Saw these two letters to Carolyn Hax this morning and thought some of you might enjoy them. The first is by a daddy's little girl who feels neglected since daddy got remarried (think you'll like the answer to her letter). The second is by a COD who is horrified that daddy married someone who is younger than at least two of his children (clutching pearls). How dare he!


tog redux's picture

He didn't answer the phone immediately when she called to tell him she got engaged on the day he knew she would? Lol. 

Carolyn Hax can be iffy, glad she didn't blame the stepparent. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

they were MIA for hours

The horror! The absolute gall of Daddy not sitting by the phone, waiting for that life-altering call! ~clutches pearls~

  Good grief. Maybe Daddy and SM were hiking in the boonies or at the movies or sleeping because they'd been up all night playing. 

I remember the old days of no answering machines, no caller ID, and unanswered phone calls. There were times our family was on vacation for 2 weeks or more. I kinda miss those days...

bananaseedo's picture

She did well in her response about letting her dad live his life for sure.  As to much older men that marry younger women as arm candy/trophy wives (who have no kids of their own) and are younger then their kids, they are free to do as they want but I DO find it horribly exploitive and creepy, nothing will change my views on this.  It's gross. Men know what they are doing when trying to hook the younger women like this-easier to control, easier to manipulate to put up with all their baggage.  Yuck.