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Do you even speak to your Stepkid?

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I have a 7 year old SD that visits EOW, she is a brat.

I have long given up trying with her, I no longer speak to her unless I have to, I don't clean her room, I don't pick up her clothes and recently as my other half won't tidy her room or chuck out crap, I throw it out.

How do you handle your Step Kid? Do you even talk to them?

My 6 Month Plan - Accept SKID or Move On

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Three years into SD6 being in my life and I am at the end of my rope.(I have no kids)I love SO very much and the only bad thing in our relationship that causes friction is SKID. But I have to find a way to either accept and tolerate her OR move on and stop whining about it, I have decided the following......

By September 5th (6 Months) I will have made a decision on whether to stay or go based on.....

To Thoose of you who cannot stand Skid Visits.....

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Hi there

I have a SD6 that I cannot stand, my SO has her a few hours after school in the week two days a week but thats not so bad as I make sure I am out of the house until she leaves, so I don't see her. However we have to have her EOW and I HATE those weekends.

To those of you in a similar situation, how do you cope or are SKID weekends like mine and just cause rows and tension between you and your partner?

Please share...

Weekend from Hell (Again) Your advise please

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Yep SD6 here all damn weekend and what a horror she is.

She was watching TV and I happened to talk to SO and she went 'SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' at me! Cheeky cow.

I just said 'Don't be so rude' and she glared at me.

I don't know how to keep coping with SD6, I despise her and all that she stands for.

So does tell her off sometimes but not enough punishment IMO. I resent that we have to have her EOW and we cannot be free to do what we want, I don't have kids of my own by choice this far.

Just venting

I think you have to accept it or walk away - My conclusion

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So............SD6 drives me insane, loud, cheeky and not disciplined. My fiance suffers guilty Daddy syndrome and lets her get away with more than he should, she is the apple of his eye, means more to him than anything, can do no wrong.

I have fought it for 3 long years and I am tired, so tired. I am tired of stating the obvious, I am tired of expecting SD to have manners and answer when spoken to, I am tired of my fiance making excuses and I am tired of winding myself up and making myself unhappy because of SD and my fiances inhability to put her in her place.

Dear SD5

Wishitwasdifferent's picture

I will never be able to tell you how I feel when your around so I am getting it down on paper instead, all of the hurt and anger and frustration at your Dad, who is so smitten with you that even when you are being an out and out spoilt little brat, he see's no wrong in whatever it is you do.

There are NO boundries in your life, no rules, no consequences. You get what you want. Always.

SO Changes on the weekends we have SKID

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Well this weekend is our weekend to have SD5 and don't I know it. For the last 10 days since we last had her SO has been loving and caring and attentive BUT I get home from work last night and he is back to being distant and short tempered with me, a clear sign we will be having fucking princess from 6pm today.

When I mention to him that I feel he changes he says it is me that changes. NOT TRUE I purposely watch what I say, so nobody can say anything about my behaviour. I am NICE NICE NICE.

You win F*cking Princess

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Well Princess you have won. Your mardy selfish entitled behaviour is according to your Disney Land Dad MY FAULT and the reason your upset and want to go back to your scab of a Mothers house is because of me and because I don't make an effort with you. He can't see your manipulating him because your a selfish little bastard. Oh no its MY FAULT because he feels he has to tell you off on behalf of me. He said he wouldn't tell you off anymore as your behaviour does not piss him off and he is going to stop disciplining you and I need to learn to 'deal with it.
