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young but wise's Blog

pushing resentment ( and a schedule change)

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Well I have finally come to terms and can admit that I am starting to feel resentment towards SS5. I never used to feel this way but now that BD is in the picture and know what I want out of MY family, SS is pushing me to resent him through his behaviour and and attitude. He seems to be doing everything he can to make me angry. He constantly goes against what I say. He tries to play his dad against me. Even if his dad and I stay on the same side, it causes tension between us because "SS and I cannot get along" and he can't take it any longer.

Ss bday drama

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Atoll i all of SO is that he picks a day and time for Ss bday party. I will do everything else i just need to know when and what time. Mind you his bday is on the 17th... That is already only two weeks away and we are already pushing it for having anybody attend. I say "hey the Saturday after his bday is or day. Want to have it then? His response is "will we week have to see when she wants to do something.

Ss bday drama

young but wise's picture

Atoll i all of SO is that he picks a day and time for Ss bday party. I will do everything else i just need to know when and what time. Mind you his bday is on the 17th... That is already only two weeks away and we are already pushing it for having anybody attend. I say "hey the Saturday after his bday is or day. Want to have it then? His response is "will we week have to see when she wants to do something.

Argumentantive 5 year olds and what to do...

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So my SS5 has definately hit the phase where everything out of his mouth is either argumentative, rude, or disrespectful. You can't talk to him, or anyone else in the room for that matter, without him piping in with something rude or defiant. I love the boy to death but I refuse to be treated that way. Last night he was horrible towards me. Then five minutes later turns around and asks me for something, to do something, or if he can have a treat or play video games. Starting right then and there, I refuse to get him anything, do anything for him, or let him have anything but meals.

Balance with SS and BD

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I was looking for some advice on how to keep the balance between my SS5 and my BD7m. I like to think that I do a decent job. I make sure I make SS5 still feel special and important. I make sure that I keep BD out of his things most of the time and I make sure that I don't tell him that I can't do something because if BD. The on Tuesday SO and I brought SS and BD to the community center down the road to go swimming. This was BD's first time in any sort of water other than the bath tub EVER!!!

BM and Facebook

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For starters I want to admit my fault. I was two weeks late paying pre-school tuition this month because I completely forgot about it with everything else I had going on. The school would like my check to clear before SS returns to school. Not a big deal. He will miss yesterday and at the most Thursday as well.

Strict parents?

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On the way home from picking up SS5 today, SO was telling him how when we move he will have so much more room and he will have an entire floor of the house that he can run around all the time and do whatever he wants. I told SO to watch what and how he says things because there will be rules and there will be times that I will expect them not to run around and I will expect their toys to be put away and their school work to be done before any play is done and so on and so forth. I also told him that a 5 year brain interprets things differently then his.

SS5 and I do NOT get along lately

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Ok maybe it is just me but I have a huge problem when children disrespect adults. Lately SS5 has been doing this from the time he gets here til the time he leaves (which is sometimes 5 days straight.) For example, SS shows up at 4 last night. ALL night he either talked/yelled back, or ignored me. No matter what I had to say, he had to argue with me and have the last word. Two hours after his bedtime last night he was still f*cking around and I went in and told him to lay down and go to bed. His response was "I don't have to.

MIL and FIL overstepping???

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Ok so both my MIL and FIL think that they know what is best for SS5 and DD6m. They think that "expierience" triumphs all. Here is where my problem lies... Their "expierience" happened 32-43 years ago. FIL had a daughter "baby1" when he was 17. Married the mom, did the house thing, and then divorced. Long story short, his ex gave their daughter up for adoption without telling him (back when that was possible.) Then comes along MIL (actually she was around for a little while when he still had baby1 but not very long) They got preggo with my SO "son1" when MIL was 17 and FIL was 19.

O/T but I can't hold it in anymore

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One of my biggest problems with the world today is hypocrisy! I honestly can't just sit here and let every one yell at one another over who should post what and who should comment. All i hear about is how people have the right to express their opinion on here and how it is their right to freedom of speech! I hear about how if someone doesn't like a post or a comment how they should just not read it.
