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I was dreading swim lessons all day

mother goose's picture

My DH is working out of town, Mon and Wed. are SS6 swim lessons and bm was going to be there! This girl hates me! She really does, why? I have no idea, probably cuz I'm mom 6 days of the week to her son. Anyways, SS6 and I go to swim lessons, bm shows up 15 min late (go mom). SS6 said hi and started spazzing out, normal behavior for him when bm is around.
During swim lessons, I stepped back from my parenting role hoping she would step up, give her son kudos or something but she did nothing! SS was splashing some kid, the boy asked him numerous times to stop, I didn't say anything, again hoping bm would step up and say something to SS, nothing said, so I did, told SS to please stop splashing the boy doesn't like it, he stops, she glared at me!! SS wanted his goggles on, "mother goose, will u help me please?" again glares from bm! The kids were done swimming, I stepped back, giving bm ample opportunity to step up to help SS go take a shower, finally SS says "come on mother goose, will u help me shower?" uuuhh, I said of course, bm glares at me!
We were getting ready to leave, bm hands SS a bag of candy ( good mom) asks SS if the pool sold the goggles he liked, he shook his head yes, what guilt parenting!!

Here I was worried ALL day the SS was going to be a little snot to me cuz "mamma" was going to be there, when he in fact made me feel like his mommy!! I was very proud of him and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that he was soooo awesome to me!

I am feeling a little bad though that he treated his bm that way. He wasn't rude or anything, it just wasn't what I had expected by any means! Maybe she will step up and be a bm next time!!


Amazed's picture

well two things: 1.It's really nice that you are being shown by ss6 you are appreciated and respected that he would look to you to have his needs met...that says A LOT about how much he trusts you and loves you! 2. Why wasn't BM stepping up? Does she feel intimidated? Ashamed at her lack of involvement? Awkward maybe?

Being a BM myself I can sort of understand if she felt those things at that moment but it's also obvious to me as a stepmother AND a BM that she really isn't trying hard enough to be mommy. When my bs7 was living with his dad for a short time(hard times for me) I was truly ashamed of myself that I didn't have my baby with me full time and his stepmother was just SO great with him and he would often slip and call me by her name when he was with me. It hurt but being apart from him was something I needed to do temporarily. I resented her because she was able to be with him when I couldn't but I also valued her because she was there when I wasn''s a double edge sword. But then again, I was always on time,always took him to his activities when he had them and picked him up several times a week. I still felt awkward around her due to my own insecurities but I NEVER made it known to anyone because I truly appreciated her efforts.

Hopefully this BM you're dealing with will come around and see that you are good for her child and you're treating him should be a comfort to her not having to worry about things like, "my childs stepmother abuses him, she doesn't feed him, she does drugs,she doesn't play with him,she neglects him,etc..." She needs to recognize how lucky she is that her son got YOU as a stepmom instead of someone who would treat him like a burden and be mean to him.

The thing that impresses me most about America is the way parents obey their children. ~Edward, Duke of Windsor, Look, 5 March 1957

mother goose's picture

You got me in my boo boo!

You know it is sad that this girl does not realize any of this. She has no appreciation for anything. I have a BD 13(her choice) living with her dad and his gf and I am always thanking them! I know that the gf treats her right and am so grateful for that.

I wished his mom would have stepped up, I just don't understand that. If the roles were reversed I would have said hey do you mind if I do this? Ackward, yes very! I believe for both sides.

I wish she would come around and see that I am not the bad guy, we both just love this little man soo much!