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FH used to b good with me however now it is different

BMandSMto6's picture

FH was cool with me changing wall colors and taking decorations down from BM's era before but now it seems to be bothering him. He actually admitted the other week that he was pissed that I took down a pic of him BM and skids from back in their "happy days"...

I'm sorry but I don't want to live in a home with his ex-wife's pic looking at me every day...and I can't understand why he would want that pic up either, especially since bm cheated on him! I'm so fruststraded right now because I gave that photo to SD13 and suggested that she hang it up in her room. I'm actually thinking that SD13 told her bm what I did and bm called FH bitching about it and he once again gave into the bull just to make it easier...I'm so sick and tired of the knocked up bm and the way she tries to control us!


Kb3Hooah's picture


BMJen's picture

That's what that was. Shit.

Who in the world is going to want to live in a house with a pic of BM staring at them as you do housework, kiss your husband, etc. That's just plain stupid that he ever thought that was okay in the first place.

And you were very nice by having SD hang it in her room. That's where it should be.........

You were right. He was wrong. That's all there is to that.

RustyHalo's picture

My FH has thrown everything out that belonged to BM. When she left their home and she left so many things! We gave some of it to her, but now when we find a picture of her, we just throw it out.
I also have a lot of FH's first wife's stuff around the house. She was killed by a drunk driver in 1995 and she was a friend of mine, so I actually find comfort seeing her things. FH also has photo albums with pictures of them, but then again, I enjoy looking back on old times, and I'm even in some of the pictures from the late eighties and early nineties!

**my stepdaughters did not grow in my tummy, they grew in my heart**

Pantera's picture

Does he still have feelings for BM? You were absolutely right by taking down that picture!!! I would have done the same.

Squillion's picture

Giana... pics of the other parent belong in the kid's bedroom.

How long have you guys been together? Are you getting married?

frustrated stepmom's picture

"happy days" my ass!! he's lucky you didn't have a ceremony and burn it! I wouldn't live in a house that had memories scattered around!