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BMandSMto6's Blog

I'm probably telling way too much but I have to get it off my chest.

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SD13 does not flush the that gross or what? All the other kids that are older and younger know how to flush. I've talked to DH about it before but he just doesn't get that it's gross. I'm almost tempted to take his toothbrush and run it in SD's urine unflushed toilet just to teach him a lesson but I won't. I guess I'll deal with it and teach my own kids right and hope that the skids will notice and follw in their step-siblings foot steps.

DH doesn't have the same kind of relationship as EX-HUBBY and I.

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DH and I are total opposite with how we deal with our ex's. DH seems to let his ex get away with anything and everything. And my EX and I deal with things together...and that's how I feel it should be...especially when it's 50/50 custody. I just feel like I'm in control of my life but DH's ex is still in control of his. For an example, last year BM would pick up the skids after school every Wednesday and now that she signed one of the boys up for fall baseball (not discussing it with DH first) we have the skids until after SS's practice on every Wednesday.

New to site. Hello fellow SP's!

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Hello to everyone! I'm a little shy so be gentle with me...this is the first time I've done this kind of thing. I am a bio mom to 3 and SM to 3. My bio kids are 8yo girl, 9yo boy and 16yo boy. My skids are 9yo boy, 13yo girl and 18yo boy. I will say it's not easy blending our families especially when I feel a more of a connection with my kids however I'm trying. All the kids seem to get together alright but I hear SD13 sometimes say mean things about BD9 behind my back and it really hurts my feelings. SD did make a comment in front of DH before and he didn't respond at all.