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Damn Bm Had it with the bitch... Sorry Strong language...

cantmissamy's picture

Ok today was the last day I have had it with the damn bm as far as my ss goes. We have had non bio daughter of my fdh for the weekend and the damn bitch only called to check on non bio of fdh.. Wtf... What about her own bio son who is my fss... I am to the point of calling it quits with the whole damn thing as far as everything is concerned.. I know I posted positive notes about fss but enough is enough and I am not sure how much more I can take here. Damn fdh treats non bio daughter as she is his own and fuck this. I can not take it.. Dbm fucked around on him, he knows she is not his but he treats her as she is his. I can not take it anymore. I had so many plans for us, but honestly I can not see a future with him if he keeps this up.


buttercup123's picture

Why does it upset you so much that he loves a child that isn't his? I know that I don't know teh entire story but my response would be to think that he had a big generous heart that was capable of a lot off love. Am I wrong?

cantmissamy's picture

What bothers me is the fact that he pays more attention to the non bio daughter than he does his own bio son...

vgill's picture

perhaps, he loves her, and is worried because he is not the bio dad that he needs to make the special effort to earn her love, or from fear of not getting to see his child because of lack of DNA link, or simply because their it ahs always been a daddy's girl and Momma's boy type of world!!

cantmissamy's picture

Oh her bio dad wants to be apart of her life, but dbm wants nothing to do with that. She would rather let him pay css but not let her see him and let non biod call muti-men let her call them daddy.. Mfdh lets this go on and says its ok, but its not.

cantmissamy's picture

P.S Bio should just stand on the street corner and sell it instead of giving it away like she is now.... Yes I am pissed off...

buttercup123's picture

have you asked him why he pays more attention to her than bio son? It's very odd. BM sounds like a complete retard. Crappy situation indeed.

kidsaplenty's picture

I agree. Parenthood is more then about dna. I don't get feeling the need to referee his parenting of these kids based on dna or getting so wrapped up in whether his x selss it or gives it away. I admire that my dh didn't dump the former kids with x just because dna wasn't there. I would agree she might be best to not build a future with him given her feelings on this (again not knowing the whole story but life is so much easier when you let some things go)

Angel72's picture

I personally think if real biodad wants to have a relationship with his daughter he should, your bf should start stepping aside from time to time and bm is a freak for not letting it happen unless there are serious reasons not to. Cause if he came out of jail and is a drug dealer then i completely understand why she is not allowing her biodad near her. Its understandable.
On the other note. It truly bothers you that bf is loving a chidl that is not his and not paying attention to his own son. I understand that. My situ was a bit and ss, my dh would shower more attention to sd than his own son ..he didnt' realize he was doing it until i pointed it out and encouraged more of a sd dismay:) too bad! cause my ss would cry out, daddy loves her more than i made sure my dh understand and started to balance things out your case she is not the biodaughter..but that doesn't mean she should get loved. But you should speak with your bf to tell him to balance it out with his own son for one.
At the same time, i dont' consider that too natural for a father to give more attentiont to a child that is not his over his own son...son fahter bond? i think it shoudl be stronger...
And do you resent the love he is giving to her?
If bf doesn't change his ways with the girl and you cannot accept it, regardless of yoru relationship with ss, i would advice you to move on and find another who you can make plans with.
Your post clearly said it.If he keeps this up, you dont see a futur.

Questions? why doesn't bm let real biodad see daughter? have you spoken with bf and told him, i understand you love her but her real father wants her too andits not fair you are interfering cause bm lets you and encourages you. And biodaughter is going to be really confused over this. And it snot fair for your own son to be neglected when she is around.

cantmissamy's picture

Bio dad is great and has tried to build a relationship with his daughter, but dbm will not let him because she is afraid that she might loose custody of daughter to bio dad. She lost it with fss, to my fdh because she was deemed unfit to raise him. Dbm does not work so maybe she is afraid that she might loose what money she does get from her bio daughter. The only thing that I resent from the relationship with non bio daughter of his, is the fact that his bio son is not getting the same attention as the daughter. I understand that life is not fair, but fss has been through enough in his life that just a little attention from his dad means the world to him. Like I have said I want to be here for fss as he has had so much loss in his life, but can not take the actions that is father is taking anymore.