why is it that bm always sends her sick kids to my house?
as i sit here sick and worrying about my sick babies dd3 and ds4 months...i am starting to hate bm even more (i didnt think that was possible lol) so the bm is always sending her very sick kids to my house. i mean flu, bad cold, stomach virus, you name it, they have had it and came over to my house with it. as a mother i dont understand how you can send your sick kids away. now i understand that they are kids and are going to have things sometimes but when you know they have something very contagious and we have a new baby, keep your kids at home like a good mother!! not only do they constantly have something, they never go to the dr. the only time she takes ss6 to the dr is when he needs his add/adhd meds so he will leave her alone...so now my dd3 who was supposed to have surgery yesterday will have to wait another week since she's caught the latest bug from them...
- txcajunmom's blog
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It seems a reasonable
It seems a reasonable request
that if the stepkids are contagious that they stay home with BM. Or if your children are sick and contagious the stepkids stay home with BM. I would talk to your DH about it. I don't know what your BM's situation is - stay at home, single working mom or does she have partner that can help out?
DH and ( didn't have kids of our own and BM was a nurse - she understood that if DH and I were sick and contagious - SD stayed with her.
thanks glynne and
thanks glynne and snarky01...as a "good" mother myself, i could never send my babies away when they are sick. i want to make sure they are taken care of and definately do not trust a man to care for a child the way a mother can. no offense to men but they just dont have the nurturing side that a mom does. bm does not work, she lives off cs and the gvmt (she's a winner) and cares more about partying and men than taking care of her children which is sad but i have my own to worry about. i know that sounds mean but i really dont care. i have to protect my children...
I see no reason why a single
I see no reason why a single father can't care for his child, I see no reason any father can't I think the sick child is usually more comfortable with the custodial parent and that tends to be a mother.
that's fabulous for you but
that's fabulous for you but we are not talking about a single father we are talking about children staying with their cp who is there mother (and i dont care what you say its my opinion that mothers are more nurturing than most dads)while they are sick to be cared for.
I’m on the fence on this one.
I’m on the fence on this one.
As a BM…If my kid was really sick I would NOT want to send him away for the weekend. Now if it was an every other week custody, that may be different. But no kid that is sick, wants to get up and go to the NCP’s house. They want to stay in the bed they are most used to. And me, as a BM wants to take care of my kid.
As a SM…I would not want a sick kid sent to my house to make everyone else sick.
As a NC Parent…(I am just guessing on this). I would want to take care of my sick kid as a parent.
No help…sorry.
I disagree Blended. If the
I disagree Blended.
If the kids have a cold, sore throat, upset stomach and no fever - I would have them come over. But if they have the flu or measles or something contagious I would think it's better to keep them at home with BM. The question is can BM stay home with them? If she works - it's difficult. My DH and I had a good agreement with our BM - she didn't want us making her daughter sick and she didn't want to expose us to her daughter's flu bug. I think that txcajun's concern is justified.
Agree to a certain point.
Agree to a certain point. This poster had a child scheduled for surgery in this case no sick person should be over regardless of relations, this is extenuating circumstances.
she didn't want us making her
she didn't want us making her daughter sick and she didn't want to expose us to her daughter's flu bug. I think that txcajun's concern is justified.
I agree with that.
If dd3 was sceduled for
If dd3 was sceduled for surgery any and all sick people should be kept away from her regardless of relations. What the OP is asking is not out of line by any stretch.
we have the kids every other
we have the kids every other weekend and most of the time on weekends that are supposed to be spent with her...i agree if it is something that is not contagious well its something we have to deal with but when it's contagious and she knows they have it it's time to keep your kids at home. like i said she does not work so what's the problem? idk i just dont understand ppl like that
No, I wouldn't ship the bio
No, I wouldn't ship the bio off Blended
We are not talking bio's - we are talking stepkids that go between households. I think that txcajun is bringing up a reasonable concern. Maybe she can work this out with BM - my DH and I did. And as Willow mentions the sick kid doesn't want to go back and forth between homes. My SD preferred staying with her BM - BM was a nurse and I have to admit she did a better job of taking care of SD when she was ill than DH and I did.
I come from a family of 4 kids and of course my mother did not ship us off when we were sick. Although, I think at times she wished that she could. We would come down with the measles, mumps, flu whatever one by one. She must've been exhausted.
Both these are different circumstances and there are new solutions.
Blended I grew up in a step
Blended I grew up in a step family. My stepbrothers lived with us and rotated to "disneyland" eow. I remember one time my stepbrother came down with chickenpox we had all had them so it wasn't an issue but my grandmother had never had chickenpox and was visiting, at her age coming down with chickenpox could have been very dangerous so my mom had my steps stay a couple of days with their bio mother. It wasn't that my mom didn't love my steps or care about them it was a common sense approach and I think that's all the OP is requesting. We all know kids get sick, but there is not sense in spreading the germs for the sake of just sharing them due to a visitation schedule and to be that rigid in the schedule is just plain ridiculous. And if these kids are constantly getting sick someone needs to take them to a doctor and find out why. But there is nothing wrong with keeping sick kids away from a kid who's scheduled for surgery. I grew up with 4 siblings, my mom didn't ship any of us away but she did what she could to keep us seperated as well as she could within the household. Meaning no one was allowed in the room the sick kid was, no cup sharing, etc. whatever it took to try to keep everyone healthy.
I was just using chickenpox
I was just using chickenpox as an example because I posted something that happened. It could be any illness. Point I was going for is there are reasons to keep sick people seperate.
Ok... I gotta jump in on this
Ok... I gotta jump in on this one... My opinion??... (Nothing to do with which parent has custody, but all about where the child LIVES most of the time...)
The CP should keep a sick child at home, with them, where they are comfortable... and the NCP should understand that keeping a sick child home is NOT denying visitation.
Does a sick kid really want to be shuffled from house to house? I'm not talking about colds, or whatever... I'm talking really sick. The kid should be resting and staying in bed and getting better.
One parent shipping a sick child off to another parent without concern for the child isn't thinking in best interest of the kid.
Likewise, it is not a sin to ask for ANYONE and EVERYONE including skids to stay away from someone - especially a baby - that has to have surgery.
I really feel like this is one of those times when adults play the "my card" game and it becomes more about who does what / who gets what, rather than best interests of ALL THE CHILDREN involved.
And in case anyone isn't clear where I stand... - Txcajunmom had every right to want sick skids away from her baby. BM should have been more considerate toward another woman's child.
key word here...ALWAYS... she
key word here...ALWAYS... she always sends them over sick. i mean if it was here and there then ok but EVERY time they come over they are sick??!! take your kids to the dr and get them well before you expose other ppl's children to sicknes. i guess i'm old school, my mom took care of us when we were sick, she didnt allow us around other children or babies for that matter when we were sick. its the responsible thing to do. i dont care they have to miss a visitation, get your kids well, be a mom take your kids the dr and when they are well send 'em over... and i have to agree, what sick person, child or adult wants to go ANYWHERE when do not feel good. i'm grown and still want my mom when i'm sick...who doesnt?
Agreed these kids need to see
Agreed these kids need to see a doctor to find out why their immune systems are so weak that they continue to be ill.
Yes, they are his BIO's And
Yes, they are his BIO's
And they are the BM's Bio's.
The issue for me is what's best for the extended family and for the kids. Again, I would have the kids come over if they are not contagious but if they are - again, I think it's reasonable for them to stay with custodial parent.
We had this agreement with our BM - maybe Txcajun can do the same.
thanks stick!! and the thing
thanks stick!! and the thing is dh agrees with me. he will ask bm if the kids are well or if they are sick she says "they are fine" then they get to my house and we find out that is so not the truth so dh calls bm and she says "yeah i knew they were sick" (btw, this has happend more than once)
Stick and Buttercookie You
Stick and Buttercookie
You said it better than me.
And thanks.
Thanks Glynne (twice! - once
Thanks Glynne (twice! - once for the support on the other post!) How are you doing?
I'm doing okay Stick. Thanks
I'm doing okay Stick.
Thanks for asking. SD is living on her own (kinda), she and BF broke up - my DH was so upset about that - BF was a great guy. SD is still going to college -it's a nursing degree this time. DH thinks it's great and co-signed a loan for her. Holidays are still tense but I continue to try to take the high road.
Oh the joys of stepparenting! }:)
Oh I totally agree but in our
Oh I totally agree but in our situation we have to take him (SS7) however we can get him. He lives several states away and only gets to visit during Spring Break, Summer, and Christmas so we have no choice. The past 2 visits he has been infested with pinworms and for those of you who don't know what those are...they are little worms that actually crawl out of his butt! Oh what fun!!! I have to disinfect our entire house and keep him as far away as possible from my daughter so she doesn't get them.
He has arrived with the flu, stomach virus, throw up on his clothes fropm vomiting during the car ride with her to come meet us, etc.
oh wow. i really feel for you
oh wow. i really feel for you and the poor kid...it's hard to keep kids from spreading germs!!
well meesh that's really
well meesh that's really great of you but i just can seem to do that. dh agrees with me and when they are sick they get brought right back home so their mother can care for them.
well the thing is if my kids
well the thing is if my kids were really sick, contagious, i wouldnt want skids to come so they could get sick. it's not fair to them i mean really , is coming for a couple of days really worth your kid being sick? i dont think it's fair to the kids. idk i guess i'm just not an emotional person and i think their health is more important than their feelings. that may be mean of me but i cant help it. but yeah she doesnt like it much because that means she would actually have to do something with them other than have them go outside and play and leave her alone.
Tx you need to do what is
Tx you need to do what is best for YOUR child's health. You H and the BM need to take their children to the doctor if they are ALWAYS sick. Constantly being sick isn't good for them or your child and it's going to stunt their education because the schools won't want them there sick either. I wouldn't turn down visitation if the children aren't contagious but I agree with you about not wanting kids who are contagious and constantly sick at your home infecting your child. You already had to reschedule a surgery due to this (nothing major I hope) Someone should have health insurance on these kids or a trip to the free clinic is in order if you have one near you.
What gets me is when BM sends
What gets me is when BM sends the boys to my home with head lice and doesn't bother to tell DH at drop off. I do lice checks at the door now and have sent them right back to her once. They get them from her, so she needs to take care of it before she sends them over...
buttercookie: i agree with
buttercookie: i agree with you 100% dh always gets into it with bm because he tells her to take them to the dr. they have medicaide therefore their visits are free. (she is on govmt EVERYTHING possible) and she does not work however, dh and i both do so she should have no prob taking her children to the dr. i have no clue why she refuses to. his family has had to tell her before that she needed to take them to the dr because they needed breathing treatments because they were about coughing up a lung. some ppl have no business having children.
I don't understand some
I don't understand some people. Some parents take their child to the doctor for every sniffle and others won't be bothered to take them at all, but unfortunetly you can't do anything about it but protect your child. It sucks the skids are getting the shaft but you have no power over that. Your H needs to assert that his children get proper medical care if the BM won't provide it since she gets it free. Sounds like your skids shouldn't be living with her but courts always give mothers custody and even if you prove them unfit it's no guarentee they won't still have them.
stepmom22boys: i feel ya! she
stepmom22boys: i feel ya! she has sent them over with lice a couple of times. everytime i have to treat me and my dd3 (ever tried to keep a 2 year old with long hair still for over an hour to treat and check her head...not fun) and treat the entire house because she "forgot" to mention they had lice. how in the world do you forget?! she had it her damn self! their heads were shaved but for the longest but know the oldest is growing his hair out so i'm just waiting for the lice to come back. it's rediculous!
Check them at the door and
Check them at the door and send them back if they have it.
yep that's what i'm going to
yep that's what i'm going to have to do!
thanks nomi!! and i loved the
thanks nomi!! and i loved the part "my guy cant get sick because god forbid he has to miss work and not pay that high Child support to BM, so it is probably in her best interest to make sure my guy stay as healthy as possible" LOL all i have to say is AMEN!!
Well, i've been in this
Well, i've been in this situation a few times.
They never came to the house with lice ever again.
At first, i was engaged living with my bf at the time when BM would send them over sick...and i mean , puking! #1. As a mother, i would never want to be out of sight of my sick child. Doesn't matter of time or place or situation. So i found it odd that she would send them over in that state. Then as the years past, i realized she would do this out of spite. To get back at her ex husband.
The time i put my foot down was when i was pregnant. She wanted to send both kids over and my ss had the Chickenpox...well ladies, you can lose your unborn child to something like that and i confronted my dh right away. I told him if they come over, i'm leaving and i will be gone for at least 10 days after they leave as well for my safety and my childs. He called them immediately and cancelled the pick. Bm of course was completely overgased about this and they had it out over the phone and he put her in her place.
then she would begin sending them over with lice. So i did several things, i would pluck my sd hair out along with the lice eggs and make sure she bagged all her clothes, had lice shampoo etc...then by the third time, i told my dh, if any of lice, they dont come over, i dont care.
She sent them without our knowlege the 4th time with lice one year....well, there was one weekend my son and i were puking the night before. My dh didn't know. He worked late and came home after all our puking sessions were over, i said ntohing, he picked up kids, They went back home and their entire family was sick 3 days after their visit......bm called to complain and my dh said...'now you know how it feels'
Sd would take to asking if we had the flu before she came, and i would ask her if she had lice...lol..
dont worry. Speak with your dh. and if he doesn't agree, you pick up and go to a friends house if they are sick.
oh yah, i made sure i plucked sd hair out, which was painful...and i told her i would do this to her everytime she had lice because i had no choice. Her mother would not treat the lice properly and would send her to me. Then her father said right in front of me and her once, ' well sorry angel you cna't waste your time plucking hair, we'll just shave it all off like ss.
Is it cruel...nope. Its reality. If my son has lice, his hair gets shaven off and he is put on treatment... and will not visit houses, any house until they are gone! If my son has the flu, we cancel our visit to bday parties....
People who send their kids out sick honestly do not care about anyone, not even their kids. Its called beign selfish and vindictive.
In the end, you must put them in their place. So....tell your dh no more pick ups when either family, even you and your kids are sick. It goes both ways!
If the skid is sick they stay
If the skid is sick they stay with bm end of story, why should the rest of us get sick?so what if its on our time and his sick.he should stay with his mother.
i agree sick skids should
i agree sick skids should stay home with bm (orbd depending on who is cp)... i can't tell you how many times ffc (bm) has sent skids over sick or with head lice.... i can count maybe 2 times she kept them when they were sick.... she send them here, they stay in the room the whole except to go to to the bathroom.. breakfast, lunch & dinner in the room..... minimizes the area i have to disinfect...
aside from that, i also beleive kids in general prefer to be with their primary care giver when they are sick.... not to mention nobody young or old wants to be drug around in the car when their sick....