New - Sad and depressed - Long
Hi all, I seriously don’t even know where to start. I’m feeling so confused, angry, depressed and just basically feel like crying all the time.
To cut an extremely long story short, this is my background.
I have been with my BF for 5 years. We are engaged and the only reason why we haven’t tied the knot yet is financially we can’t afford it for what we want (I’m not saying we want a grand wedding with 1000 people but something nice, small and elegant) I am an SM to 3 SS. We have the eldest SS14 living with us and the 2 younger ones live with BM.
Although I really could of used you guys for some help over the last 5 years and especially the first 4 I’m extremely grateful I have found you now.
For the first 4 years the BM drove me totally crazy to the point where BF and I ended the relationship for 6 months. We realised we couldn’t live without each other and although BM did every thing she could to prevent it we got back together.
The BM is what I like to call the classic BM. Although she isn’t on drugs, doesn’t have a criminal record or been diagnosed with a mental disorder, she can been a sane fruit loop. By that I mean she hated me being in the picture and the simple fact that the children like me and the fact that her ex had moved on. So like I said we had 4 years of dealing with her bullshit.
Over the last 12 months things are finally on the up when it comes to dealing with BM. We went from BF dropping me off around the corner like a prostitute (I had many many issues with this) from BM house while BF dropped or picked up the kids, because she would throw a temper tantrum if I was in the car. I was not allowed to attend any of the kids sports games, graduations or special events they had at school as she would threaten to make a scene and even though the kids wanted me there they still sided with there mother of course. Like many of you guys I was expected to babysit for her yet her not even acknowledge my existence.
There has been so much more that she has put us through but I feel there is no point rehashing what has been as we have all moved past it.
BM and I don’t have what I call a friendship but more of a working relationship. It has taken her 5 years to move on from me being worst that shit at the bottom of her shoe to at least seeing me as a human being. She has now learnt to respect me as the stepmother in her children’s life, acknowledge my presence and has deleted all the foul names from her vocabulary that she use to call me. So I guess it all happy, happy, joy, joy when it comes to BM.
I will try and explain this as best as I can. I’m 29 years old in a couple of weeks and have no bio children. BF is 39 and had a vasectomy about 6 years ago. When BF and I got together we had the talk about having a child. We had many ups and downs about this as I wasn’t willing to be in a relationship with someone who didn’t want to have children with ME. I always dreamt as a little girl about being a bio-mother. I never was/am a career minded person and always had this dream of just being a loving mother. It was always my dream. BF agreed and we continue our life knowing that when we were ready he will get a reversal done.
Since things have calmed down with BM we started looking into renovating our home (it is BF home that he purchased when BM left him which I moved into). We currently live in a 3 bedroom home that we were looking at renovating into a 4 bedroom home plus study. Currently we have SS14 in 1 bedroom, BF and I in the master bedroom and SS12 and SS8 share the 3rd bedroom as they only visit over night EOWE. With the renovations as I’m sure you can guess the 4th bedroom was for the new baby and the study we were adding so I could then eventually work from home when we bring our child into the world.
Unfortunately we spent 5k getting plans drawn up, soil tests, building permit etc.. only to have the loan get rejected by the bank.
After feeling as though all my dreams just came tumbling down we decided to speak to a financial adviser who couldn’t understand why we didn’t get the loan and organised to apply through another financial institution. After 2 months of waiting, rejected again.
So now we have decided to only borrow enough to renovated the existing kitchen, laundry and ensuite enough to make it modern and sell (there is no way anyone would buy it in the condition it’s in).
Over the weekend BF has done a total 360 on me. He has now decided that we are going to fix up the house as planned but not sell. He wants to stay. When I told him how are we supposed to have another child with no room he said that our child will get SS12 and SS8 bedroom and we will just buy a couple of fold out beds for the weekends the boys are here. I explained to BF that I didn’t think that was a good idea as 2 younger boys will never have there own room. Where will we put all their clothes and toys. I also told BF that they would be resentful of the child for taking their room and that if ever SS12 or SS8 want to come and live with us we would be able to have them. This doesn’t seem right to me.
To then top it all off, BF has now also decided that he will not get the vasectomy reversal (which I have saved the money for) that he wants to go through IVF instead even though the statistics prove that the reversal has a much higher chance (I’m very against this).
I feel like I have no say, that I am being told if this is want then this is how its going to happen weather I like it or not. I feel like my dreams are being ripped away because I love this man. Maybe I should just come to the realisation that I would never have a child even though I so desperately want to be a mother. It feels like all these obstacles keep on popping up and getting in the way of having a child I can call my own.
I don’t even know what response I want, I just needed to get all this out, I’m just so emotionally drained and feel that my purpose in life isn’t going to happen.
If you got this far, thank you for reading.
- Mary Jane2's blog
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It funny you say that Old
It funny you say that Old Dart. BM has aldrady told BF that he better not stuff me around, cause now she likes me :jawdrop:
I would reconsider this
I would reconsider this relationship as well since he is the one telling you what you two are going to do instead of you have a equal say in the decision making. Does he really want another child is the question here?
Thank you for your comment.
Thank you for your comment. From what he tells me it does seem like he wants to have another child and he has told me that he is excited about it but our lives just seems to be working against us.
Saying it seems like he wants
Saying it seems like he wants to have another child is not telling me he wants another child. Even you are questioning. I know your sad and hurt. You are only 29. If I only could go back to that age knowing what I know now I would have made sure I was educated first before starting a family just in case. Being a step parent is harder than being a parent because you have no rights and you must look the other way and you have to just suck it all up, be the bigger person. Don't bring another child into this world because you have dreamt about being a mother since you were little. Bring a child into this world as an extension of the love that you and your husband-to-be have for one another. I wish the best for you.
Why the hell does everyone
Why the hell does everyone think I haven't had an eduacation.
Sorry that I haven't written my blog like an author writes a book.
I dont think she meant this
I dont think she meant this as you haven't had an education but what she would have done if she could have went back.

Oh please I am sorry. I am
Oh please I am sorry. I am not saying you are not educated. We are all educated to varying degrees. I know what I wish I would have done. I want to see you succeed and I want all women to succeed and never ever have to feel thay are defined by a man. It takes guts and courage to for you and all of us to open up to our plights.
Wow, that's a tough spot you
Wow, that's a tough spot you are in. I am going to tell you the same thing I think most of us are thinking while reading this. It sounds like you have endured quite a lot to be with this man and now when it's his turn to make the sacrifices he's not willing to hold up his end of things.
At 29 you still have plenty of time to find someone compatable who wants the same things you do and to start your family. This won't be the last time you will have to give up or severely compromise what you want in life nor will it be the last promise broken.
It all comes down to how much you are willing to sacrifice for the oppritunity to love this man. I feel for you and hope you find what makes you happy.
Also, H has parked me around the corner and walked to BM's for pick ups/drop offs. This didn't last very long. After about the third time he did this I told him I'd be happy to just stay home while he went to get SD since he's so ashamed of me. The next time we went he parked in front of the house. The closer we got the redder his face got, his eyes got wider, veins were popping out...he looked like a deer in the headlights. He had never been in and out of that house so fast. He almost made it but forgot something and BM brought it out to the car. When she saw me she lost her mind. She banned H from the house and he had to meet her elsewhere after that.
In my opinion this was one of several good learning experiences with H as to how to stand up to BM and showed her that she had no control over our lives. Without me making it clear early on that he was not going to put me out to keep her happy, BM would have continued to try for years.
Oh, and welcome! You will find tons of great advice and support here...this place saved me
You hit the nail on the head
You hit the nail on the head with this comment:
It sounds like you have endured quite a lot to be with this man and now when it's his turn to make the sacrifices he's not willing to hold up his end of things.
This is exactly how I feel and its getting me angry, resentful and extremly depressed.
Firstly don't you EVER
Firstly don't you EVER respond to my posts again.
Secondly the reason why my relationship with BM has become good is because BF DID stand up for ME.
Thirdly, i'm putting my priorities in order. Just because I think it's better to fix up my home and have a child before signing a marriage certificate doesn't make me a bad person. As for family and friends telling me to leave or get married, not 1 person has said that. In actual fact they all think that finishing our home so it's livable for my family is quite a mature decision. My wedding day will come and go, my home is wear I plan to live my future.
Regarding my BF not wanting the child. How the fuck do you know. Have you had a conversation with him that I don't know about or can you read his mind. This is not a decision he just made to keep me in his life and I know that for a fact.
Lastly, FUCK OFF you are not worth any more of my time.
I meant:
My wedding day will come and go, my home is WHERE I plan to live my future.
Clearly you don't understand
Clearly you don't understand ENGLISH.
Maybe if I put it in capitals you may.
DO NOT ANSWER TO ANY OF MY BLOGS AGAIN and I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of deleting your response, I want everyone on this site to see what an insensitive, mean and horrible person you are.
Some enjoy her posts I
Some enjoy her posts :?
I guess I don't understand her sense of humour, but then again it must be because i'm not educated.
You said - You sure have
You said - You sure have spent more time attacking me than addressing your own problems.
That's because you are hijacking my blog.
I have asked you twice now not to responed to my blogs anymore. I hope you get it for the THIRD TIME.
**You can't help it sense it
**You can't help it sense it is apparent I angered you so.**
sueu2, that would be since dear, not sense.....
I was starting to think I
I was starting to think I blogged on an english grammar site not step talk.
Thank you.
Thank you.
My story is somewhat similar
My story is somewhat similar to yours but yet somewhat different. I was with my DH four years before we were married. He had three sons and I had one, I was 19 and he was 25. For some reason, my body did not respond well to birth control the two times I had tried it. My DH knew this from the beginning and we both knew we wanted more children, many more children. He would joke that we were going to have a baseball team. Typical male who didn't want to wear condoms, insisted his method of pulling out would keep me from getting pregnant, and besides if we did get pregnant we would just get married. So I am extremely happy as my DS had just turned two, my divorce had finally come through, and I was working. I was living with my mom but was working on doing what it took to get my own apartment. Then 14 months after we started dating, I found out I was pregnant. Do not get me wrong, I love my daughter more than life itself, but I cried and cried. I was so afraid my X would try to take my son away,(I was so relieved when he told me he was there for me if I needed him).
Well, his whole family was so upset that we had gotten pregnant you would have thought I had murderized someone. Then, he called me and told me he wasn't sure if he was ready to get married yet and he was sure I wasn't yet. That kind of hurt to hear after all of his big talk but I wasn't ready yet to marry him. I should have ran for the hills then! Honestly, I should have ran and I was only 20. I could have raised my baby by myself but was so inlove with this man, that I could not see he did not love me like I loved him. After I had to quit my job due to a difficult pregnancy, I came for the weekend and he would beg me not to go home so we just moved in together. Two weeks after our DD was born, my then three year old found a naked picture of him from the head down that he had scanned into his computer. Not only that, he had taken this picture with the camera he had bought me for my birthday. I cried and cried, I could not imagine why he would do something so stupid, was it to the same person who had sent him an im that said she loved him too? (see I Was STUPID, I found that im when I was 4 months pregnant and never confronted him) I had forgiven him when I found out he had been playing pool with his ex girlfriend three wednesday nights in a row and it had become a date night almost with them when we were dating. I mean, he was nice to me and didn't hit me or call me names, so I thought I was doing so much better than with X husband.
I forgave him and a couple years later when myspace was becoming popular, my best friend called me and told me she had to talk to me. She came over and showed me his profile and where he was talking to a 19 year old and how she missed him and loved him. I was leaving absolutely that time but then he started the begging and pleading of how much he loved me and how studid he was. Ok...... fast forward five years and husband and I have one child together. DH absolutely wants no more children even though he knows I have always wanted to have at least three BC. I had my tubes tied after DD because I thought, "Oh I can do this and wont have to worry about birth control for awhile and when we are ready, we can just get this undone". No one had told me I could have just had clips placed on my tubes or something simple such as that. DH has absolutely nothing to do with my BS unless he is disciplining him for his television being too loud. DH's three BS's live with us. My mother in law and I are the ones that ensure these kids have what they need with occasional help from SIL and SSs' maternal great-grandparents. DH seems to love our DD but refuses to go to any of her practices and has refused to help teach my DS how to tackle in football. I am 28 and seriously considering running for the hills again. I have worked on my education and am three classes from my Masters in Accounting. DH claims to love me but here lately, I have yet to see any proof that I am not just a glorified babysitter. Please keep us updated, and I am here to listen if you ever need an ear or eyes to read posts in this case.