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Is it just me...???

Hogger's picture

it is so frustrating when my SS comes home and lists the many, many things the BM bought him for xmas...she can't afford anywhere near what she spends (I know, not my problem). But it bugs me sooo much and all I can think about is that we basically bought all those presents as well....CS.
arggghhhh!!!!!! She better not complain once about being broke in January when all those bills come flying in.


txcajunmom's picture

just to offer a little help...i get aggravated myself when i think of how much money dh pays bm in cs and how hard i have to work so that my children have the things they need and she sits on her lazy behind and lives off cs and the government and works about 2 weeks out of the year...BUT i just try to tell myself that it is not her money (even though i know for a FACT that she uses it on herself because she actually thanked her "baby daddys for getting her nails and hair done" on her myspace). i tell myself that its ss money and poor thing, if dh didnt give her any cs that poor boy wouldnt have ANYTHING! sorry i got a little worked up. lol i know it's hard to do but try to not think of it as her getting any benefit. and look at it this way, cs will end eventually Smile

llorraine23's picture

CS does end when your child turns 18, but unfortunately if you have a real nightmare for a BM she will get pregnant and give birth to yet ANOTHER child by yet another man! Why is it that these awful people seem to keep getting a break while I can barely make ends meet?

skylarksms's picture

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!!

EXACTLY what our BM is doing and exactly what I SAID would happen 10 years ago.

SD is going to be 18 in July and just had a baby and dropped out of school = no CS for college for that girl.

SS just turned 16.

So now, BM gets pregnant (right after SD has baby) then marries the guy in August and has the baby Xmas Eve (induced).

My H said, "If she waits a couple years and has one more, she'll be set til retirement!" AND, if things don't work out with THIS guy, she'll get alimony too!! I don't know if she'll be able to pull the "I am sane" act for long enough to have another kid with that guy - but I guess she did it to H, so why not?

Hogger's picture

it's hard too when I go out and by my own daughter something and not get anything for my SS....I don't pay or get CS for my daughter so I don't mind buying her more things she needs/wants. But we often keep it on the down low so we don't upset my SS. My SO knows I do these things and has no problem with it, we often say we would love to do more of that with my SS but all of his 'fun' money goes to pay the BM her spousal support and his CS. And her spousal won't have to stop being paid until we prove 'a change in circumstance' with her...meaning she either gets an inheritance or starts living with someone...CS gets paid until SS is done school which could be until he's about 21! Just over 11 years of this crap!

skylarksms's picture

I know I get jealous MYSELF over some of the things the skids are able to get!

SS16 now has an iPod Touch. I would LOVE to have one of these for myself!! I think I've deserved it! But, nope.

And now my H, the technophobe, has decided that HE loves those and HE needs to get one!!!! :jawdrop:

MadeMyBed's picture

SS16 has an iphone, ipod touch, 42 inch flat screen in his bedroom at BM's, expensive headphones and just got a fender telecaster guitar from BM for christmas which is about $700. Oh, and she is crying bankruptcy if we take her to court again for contempt. boo freakin hoo.

MadeMyBed's picture

Oh, I forgot to mention: I cant afford a "smartphone" so I have a crappy 4 year old "Razr" phone they dont even make anymore. go me!

purpledaisies's picture

WOW I'm sure this is a coincidence but I know a woman that just got her son a $700 guitar. I'm not sure if she has custody or what but I do know that she didn't buy any of those things. Someone else bought them, everything she got her kids for christmas someone else bought them.

MadeMyBed's picture

well, since BM will not spend any money she doesnt have to on SSs, I am pretty sure she gets someone else to buy them. Shes the kind of person who always gets someone else to do her "dirty work". And, shes a cheap biatch who manipulates her family (the 2 left that actually talk to her) by claiming poor when shes not. typical.

purpledaisies's picture

Yep I blogged about my skids getting IPHONES and where do you think that money came from? Bm doesn't work but all we ever here is how broke she is and how much she has to sacrifice and being a single mom his too hard. BLAH BLAH BLAH! I WAS THERE FOR 10 YEARS SWEET HEART! I didn't get CS either and I HAD to work! I told dh that the next time she screams poor me to tell her to get a job oh right he already did. }:)

ddakan's picture

im not jealous of what either ex buys the kids because i have an actual relation ship with my kids and my presents come fromt the heart.

i could care less if the BM ever buys skids anything because she gets 1200 a month and never spends any of it on deodorant or clothes for the skids. she's too busy staying "high" smoking dope and drinking 24 packs of beer all the time, while taking her anti=psychotic meds (truthfully)

i'll probably NEVER see my 2 skids again. they totally hate me because I went off on BM on Christmas Eve. Oh well, i held it in 10 years, what can I say. They are 20 and 17 and I don't like them or want to see them anyway. I feel sorry for DH that he is married to me and that I have gotten so mental over the drama.

Hogger's picture

I'm not jealous either of BM....she has a pathetic life in my opinion. Just frustrating when she spends all the support money on stuff that isn't necessary, then she'll be complaining she doesn't have money for new boots, food etc. She spends her money without thought and then complains my SO is too cheap to buy the SS the necessities. That's what the support is for...duh!

shootingstarz's picture

Yeah I'm not jealous of someone who lives like total trash and doesn't work. Pops out kids just to live off men and the government. I wouldn't want to live like that. Of course I'd like the CS to not exist, but when those kids get older and realize that their BM doesn't work and doesn't have to ability to shit money out of her nasty pathetic ass, they will know where the money comes from and why their father couldn't buy them things... When really he has been the one buying them EVERYTHING.

hbell0428's picture

Ya, things like that are just plaing annoying...we paid CS for SD13 for YEARS! and then paid for extra things on top of it. Now SD lives with us and we don't get a penny for weeks; (dad feels bad asking!) So when SD sees her BM once every other week she'll come back with money for herself and "stuff" it is absurd.