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Let the games begin

sweetthing's picture

Literally. So baseball is just starting for the kids & BM signed herself up to be an assistant coach for one & is heavily involved in the older ones team as well. Each year they have little league at the ballpark, because of our new staduim & scarcity of tickets each kid can only bring 1 parent. This event is on our weekend. She emails Dh and syas she would like to take the kids & could she have our weekend & next weekend which is fathers day ( DH gets them on sunday) he could just have them the whole weekend. BTW if DH did sign them up to go on our weekend she would only let him have one of the kids parent tickets & she would take the other making it so we could not go as a family.

Please tell me how this is fair.


uncommon's picture

Can't she go anyway since she is a coach? I don't see why you can't just keep the normal schedule and all be there... unless it's that you all can't stand being in the same place which would be understandable. On the flip side, I'm sure your husband would like to be with the kids on Father's Day...


sweetthing's picture

He still gets them on fathers day, that is in the decree. Basically we end up losing time. We all attend things together all the time so sitting with her is no biggie, except she LOVES to be seen being such a self sacrifing mother. Lately she has been on a huge power trip and is pretty busy playing supermom & totally excluding DH.

I think she has been pissy lately because she signed each kid up for a one week activity this summer that costs $600.00 & then asked DH how they were going to pay for it. He just ignored the email as all of their expenses are to be paid for out of the CS other than medical & dental which is split.

uncommon's picture

Ah well she is just being stupid then - your husband should say no.

That's crazy how some of these parents incur expenses and then just think they should be able to hand the other parent the bill. My XH and I both sign our DD up for activities, but we pay for the ones we choose - we do cooperate as far as taking them since we alternate week by week for custody, but if I ever got a bill for "my half" of something I had no say in, I would be beyond livid.

sweetthing's picture

He did say no, that when he checked the calender he realized we have plans. It is his mother's birthday weekend & he is wanting to do something for that as she is moving to Florida this fall. Sad thing is he can't even say that or she will be all over it sucking up to MIL & trying to be a part of things.

hismineandours's picture

that's crazy that only one parent can attend. I've never heard of anything like that. Can siblings go? Wow, what a way to NOT promote family. I would never sign my kid up for something like this. But if you've got two girls playing then each should have a ticket and you both should go. I dont even understand why bm would think she had the right to withhold the ticket if is is needed to get into the game. Since she likely needs NO tickets as a coach.

I would take the girls on my scheduled time and not take them to game unless bm is willing to fork over both tickets. That way you are placing the decision on whether the girls are able to participate in HER hands. Dh should tell her that he and his lovely wife would be happy to take both girls to the game, but that he needs both of the tickets. If not, then he will make alternate plans with the girls-something that everyone can do as a family.