Mother's day ordeal and my mistake
So mother's day didn't go anything like planned. It started early in the week when BF call BM to see if she wanted the kids earlier on mother's day so that she would spend mother's day with them. She said no and to drop them off at 5pm like usual. Well BF ran into BM's mom at the store and said hi to her. Some how it came up and BF told her that he offered to drop the kids off early, but BM acted like she didn't want them. Her mom seemed confused - who knows what BM had told her. So BF called BM again just to make sure she didn't want them, letting her know what he talked to her mom and that her mom thought she should have them. BM didn't seem happy about it but agreed to take them at 10 am.
We told her that we had plans and if she didn't want them then they were coming with us to see our mother's.
BM txt'd at 8 am saying to drop them off at 10:30 instead. I was a little annoyed with it but I was like okay - it's mother's day I am going to let it slide, even though it sets our plans back a little. I was trying to get to my mom's house before she left for work at Noon. Well she txt's again at 10 - she is at the pub and doesn't know when they will be done. Now I am really annoyed but as luck would have it she was done by 10:30 so we ran them over to her. Bring along the mother's day gift that we HAD to get her (which I am going to look it up in BF's divorce no way that is required by law). Well SS6 tells her what it was - a waffle maker. BM just frowns. WTF! did she expect us to get her?
Any way what happened next was kind of my fault. If you read my blog you know that BM gave me a picture with her in it for mother's day - which was very rude. Well I cut her out of it. SS3 found the cut out and was playing with it, at the time I didn't care because I figured he would just trash it and then I would find it later and toss it. Well forgot all about it and I guess it ended up in his school bag. Long story short BM found it and sent BF this long rambling txt that made no sense - especially to him since he knew nothing about it.
I had to read it a few times before I got what it was about. But you know what she shouldn't have given it to me in the first place.
In the txt she asked if she needed to get me new scissors or photo shop for xmas. She added that she made 3 of them for family. and that it was just a pic of her legs (which it wasn't just her legs) and then a tiny picture of her. And she called us both psychos. Something about keeping it that next time - but if you think about it technically I gave it to SS3. How is that any different than her sending a 'family' photo over with SS6?
So she is mad at me now but you know what I really don't care. She doesn't need to give me any more gifts - period. and she can stay away from me.
- SisterNeko's blog
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Be glad she is mad! I'd
Be glad she is mad! I'd rather have BM be mad at me, than thinking that I would ever stoop to being a "friend" of hers. DH once suggested that we go for coffee (after BM and I had a falling out over her bull crap) I know the suggestion came from BM and I told DH HELL TO THE NO. Sorry, but I tried, to be "friendly" with her, she blew that, so let's be "friends"???? NO, I have no desire to sit and look at her snaggle tooth face and listen to her annoying voice over coffee... I'd rather drink bleach with a shot of drain-o.
Don't worry about her, I
Don't worry about her, I wouldn't have kept a picture of her either. My ss bm sent him home with a picutre of the two of them framed to put in his room. My ss shares a room with my son. The picture was hideous of her, I wanted it out of my house. My husband went in his room one night and "made it fall behind the tv".... so it's not really missing, it's just not visible. Haha!!
Also, I refuse to buy that woman anything. I'm sure there is not a court decree that states you must do so. The most I think you should do is have the kids wish her a happy mother's day.
No court order is going to
No court order is going to make your bf buy his bm a gift for mothers day!!!
Thanks you guys! Honestly I
Thanks you guys! Honestly I think BM is more mad that BF didn't stand up for her or respond - mainly because he didn't know what she was talking about. I am glad that she is mad - I have been mad at her for months but she lives in 'La La' land where everyone likes her so now that she KNOWS i don't like her, she doesn't like it.
Does that make me sense?
I also have a theory on why she didn't like the waffle maker. First of all she can not cook. But I think she gave me the pictures because that is what she wanted in return. But I told BF I am not giving her any more of my pictures (I sent her some pictures when we were friendly and she made BF a cd/video for xmas - half the images were mine!). She told me that she does a scrap book for the boys every year. But she doesn't take very many pictures or do very much with the boys. So you know like 75% of the book would be MY pictures. I told BF that we would make out own photo album this year with our pictures in it and she can make one what all her pictures.
I told BF (and he agrees) pictures of her are not welcome in the house and if any more show up they will mysteriously disappear - i like some of your ideas by the way.
I know the boys miss her but they get to see her every other week.
Also I will not be accepting any gifts from her - though she just left the picture at my house for me to find. BF is on the look out now and will send anything back with her. But it won't be an issue for awhile since the next time she might try is my bday which is months away. All future gifts will be returned or given away (we are having a yard sale soon and the bday gift and xmas gift from her are already stickered - priced to sell!)
I also told BF that there was NO way that was in his divorce so he and I plan to sit down and go through it. BM has a bad habit of lying and saying there are things in there that are not in there. Once she tried to tell us that we needed a note from her to take the boys out of state them like 2 weeks later she said she was taking them out of state. BF was like don't you need to note? and she had no clue what he was talking about. So yeah we are going to look and if it's not in there she is NOT getting a birthday present from us - but I will help the boys make her something or whatever.