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Desperately want another baby....

harleygirl's picture

Ok I have 3 BS 18,16,11. My DH has one BS almost 5. I'm 34 yes I started very young he's 36. I want another child so badly and I know EVERYONE says you have 4 be happy that's to many. However, I want to share that experience with my DH more than anything else in the world, and he had such a nightmare with his ex he thinks I'll turn into her if we do. I feel like my clock is running out of time and I'm so sad.

Of course I would not want to have another child if he doesn't also so I'd never bully him into agreeing. Nor, do I feel like I'll never be happy if we don't. I do feel though that after all the talks we have had if we don't we'll regret it. I wish I could turn it off!! I wish I didn't feel the ache in my heart to know what OUR child would look like and to share the memories of raising a child together.


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I have 3 of my own, and 3 skids that we have custody of. I'm pregnant again. We both wanted a big family, we can afford it, and at 32 I hardly feel too old. If it's what you both want, why not?

shielded2009's picture

I say go for it...

Talk to your DH and see if he'd want a child also...

Your clock isn't ticking, IMO...

I didn't start early at all...I had my first baby at 38...I'll be 40 in a couple of days, and DH and I are trying to conceive...We're giddy and excited about it all...

do it!!!!

newbiemommy's picture

We have SD10(full time), SS4, and SD2(1-2 wkend/mo) and beautiful, sweet BD5 months. I want more!!!! Hes says he can't afford more. So I'm going to school so we can. I'm only 25 so I have some time. But I will convince him to give me more babies!!! If I can afford a big enough car and house I'm going to be bugging the heck out of him. Smile

harleygirl's picture

Thanks for all the encouraging words. DH in his heart wants a child with me, but is afraid it's gonna change everything like it did with ex. Of course I have re assured him I'm not a crazy freak so no worries lol. He worries that he's to old (36 lol please). I think he'll come around soon. I hope I hope. It would be such a wonderful addition to our family.