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Ranting and Venting...

LadyTremaine07's picture

So...I deleted my old account and changed my name. I got mad and just deleted it. I'm the one living with freakin' BM. And before I get the judging comments about how weird it is and how I'm in the wrong for doing it, I know this already. Trust me, if SO and I had a car, we wouldn't be in this situation. I need to vent and I don't want any judgement passed on me.

Tonight, BM (or, as she shall be further referred to as, the inbred hillbilly bitch) completely pissed me off. After my SO has been running around all day with her, doing errands and whatnot, I ask him if he wants to make a quick trip to the store with me. It gives us a little bit of alone time from her constantly screaming his name to come help her do whatever. Honestly, I don't know if she can wipe her own ass without him standing right there. She really tells him, with me standing right there, "she's just going to keep asking so just go so she'll shut the fuck up." REALLY YOU F***ING INBRED HILLBILLY BITCH. WAS THAT COMMENT CALLED FOR? Later, I get my ass chewed by SO because I call him out on agreeing with her. I'm tired of the snide comments about me by her. Yes, I am living with her in her brother's house, but that does not mean I deserve the verbal abuse. I take care of her kids and I do the main cleaning of the house because cleaning "stresses her out too much." I spend most of my day taking care of SS2 and SS 5mos. SS2 is potty training and I'm doing much of that by myself. SO is nice to her for whatever reason. He's not even supposed to be around her because her family made her file for a VPO against him for domestic abuse, but, she doesn't mind being around him because according to her, "my mom and grandma pressured me into filing for a VPO so I did so they would be happy." I swear she's f'ing crazy.

My solution is staying in the room SO and I are staying in when she's here. I have nothing nice to say to her. She's driving a wedge between me and SO. Tomorrow I'm going to take my frustrations out on SS2's room and rearrange it and clean it because she's not getting to it any time soon and I'm freakin' tired seeing it messy like it is. She's gonna bitch and complain that it's not done right, but oh well, she should have gotten to it first. She calls into work every other day because she has a case of idontwannagotoworkitis so I don't see any reason why she can't do it.

Oh and I forgot to mention that the other day when I asked SO to buy me a cheap phone from Walmart, he bought that inbred hillbilly bitch a new phone and I got her hand me down.


LadyTremaine07's picture

The wicked stepmother from Cinderella was named Lady Tremaine. You know, since I'm such a wicked person (for caring and whatnot about skids and SO).

princessandthepee's picture

Oh, you mean the misunerstood lady of the castle? Oh, ha, ha, you are brilliant. May my princess and my pee meet your your step kids? Have your seen the play "Wicked?" It brought me to tears, I love the power of women.

LadyTremaine07's picture

Yeah. When I got mad and then decided to get on here again, she's the first wicked stepmother I though of and I couldn't remember the name of Anjelica Houston's character in Ever After. And no, I haven't seen Wicked but I want to see it. I hear its awesome.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Oh wow... Idk what to say... Why are you living there? Why are you even with your DH if he has a 5month old with BM? And to be honest I don't think they are over one bit. How can you ever heal and move forward if you are still living with the ex, ya know? How dare he answer to her every need and how fucking dare he buy her a new phone and give u her nasty hand me downs!!!!!! Are you standing up for yourself at all to this man??? I understand that you are in a situation that you were forced to live with BM but that does not fucking mean you have to spend every second with her. Why is your bf running around with her alone????? It sounds to me like your bf is having his cake and eating it too. If I were you I would pack my shit and leave that weirdo family, your bf, BM, SS to be a happy little family and take off and never look back!!!! Quit baby sitting for them and leave your bf to be with his ex like he obviously wants. If he didn't then what man would be living with his ex, his kids and his new gf, taking off with BM and leaving his current gf to watch the SKids??? All I know is is that you deserve wayyy better than this jerry springer crap and if he can't see what a freak show he's dragged an innocent, loving, kind and generous woman into and get off his ass to change this crazy situation, then he does not deserve you!!

forestfairy's picture

YOU ARE LIVING WITH BM???? WTF?! How in the hell did that happen? I don't understand your situation at all. Your SO runs errands with BM all day and buys her a new phone and gives you her old one? He has a 5 month old???

This seems like the weirdest situation I've ever heard of....what in the hell are you doing?!?!? Is any man worth this? Not to mention, BM agrees with living with her 5 months old's baby daddy's new gf?

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

LadyTremaine07's picture

Let's not forget the VPO that states that he can't be anywhere around her (the kids aren't included on it so he can be around them) because he apparently "abused" her. It's in effect for 2 1/2 more years. Yet, she's perfectly okay being around him.

forestfairy's picture

You really are living on a Jerry Springer show. Maybe you should explain how your situation came to be...I don't understand why you'd put yourself through this. Sounds like a nightmare.

LadyTremaine07's picture

The way I came to be where I am can be summed up in one sentence: I fell for a boy with kids. Really...I didn't think it would come down to this, but it ends when tax money comes in.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Who cares when it ends. The real problem is that it happened at all. How can you be with a "man" that treats you like this?? Has you living with his baby momma, takes off with her all the time, leaves you to watch their kids, buys her a new phone and gives you her old one, has a 5month old with her, let's her talk shit to you and puts you down right with her then takes off with her and leaves you to clean BMs house and watch their kids!!! Wth are ya thinkin?? He is a pos. I'm sorry but Jesus... You deserve so much better!!! No one deserves this crap! If this is how things are now, how can you possibly think things will ever change and get better?? Hunny run!!! RUN!!!! You have only been with him for a few months, get out while you can!! Like I said just because you live with hee does not excuse any of this horrible behavior your boyfriend is doing to you. There is no excuse for him taking off with her, buying her a new phone and giving you her old one, putting you down with BM right in front of you, having you watch their kids and clean her house. This is not ok. Have you and your boyfriend talked about any of his behavior?? What does he say about all of this?? What does your family say about this? Do you have family you could live with?? If you love him too much to leave him, then why wouldn't you two live in a shelter if you can't afford your own place, or you live with your family and he live with his, if he has money for a phone then why not rent a studio apartment for a few hundred a month? Does he or you work?

Lioness77's picture

This situation is mind boggling and hard to understand.
I agree and hope you can get out and RUN. He's got the best of both worlds. Baby mama and girlfriend.
Leave now.
You think this is bad? It's going to get worse and you will get left in the dust.

princessandthepee's picture

Ok, you have identified yourself as a lady. A grand one. Let's just sit back and think a moment. Let's just see wha is. You have changed your name upon the site, I do not know know and do not want to know what your former name was. Writers on this site are already reacting to what you have shared. There is a reason why. People are alarmed for you, they care about you. Maybe some recognize you, maybe some don't. I would say, Lady Tremaine, the mirror casts a good reflection. Just take good care of yourself. You are not in a safe situation, you must trust your own judgment. But be careful.

LadyTremaine07's picture

I know you all care and I do appreciate it. At least someone does. I don't have anyone I can stay with right now because all my family lives too far away and he barely has any family. SO thinks everything is hunky dory...yet...he doesn't realize that this thought is what's damaging us. My daily routine goes basically like this:
Between 8-10am: wake up with SS2 and try to get my brain going
After I wake up to about noon: clean and run SS2 to the potty and make sure SS 5mos is fed and taken care of
Noon or 1pm: put SS2 down for a nap, no nap for me because SS 5mos usually doesn't sleep at this time
2 or 3pm: SS2 wakes up, run SS2 to the potty and clean
3-6pm: wait for SO and BM to decide to stroll in from work...he gets off at 3 and she gets off at 2...apparently it takes 3 hours everyday to "run errands"
After they get home: listen to mainly her complain about how the house isn't as clean as she wants to be
Between 9-10pm: try to go to bed
1-2am: SS 5mos wakes up, get him fed
3-4am: SS 5mos thinks that this is play time, which means I have to stay awake til he decides to go back to sleep
And then it starts all over again....

And right now I know SS 5mos needs to see a doctor for longer than 5 mins because he's sick with a respiratory bug and has been for about 2 months now. But I wouldn't know because I'm not a "real mom." Every time I've told BM that the kids needed to go to the dr and what they needed to go to the dr for...I've been right about the diagnosis.

PS: And where do I sleep in all of this...I usually don't sleep alot because of SS 5mos so when I do get tired and go on 10-12hr sleeping marathons (usually on his or her days off), SO gets mad because his kids are being neglected.

Lioness77's picture

It almost sounds like what they get out of you is a built in nanny?
How did you agree to do this? Raise their kids for them, hiding in that room all day while they work and go off together?

Is there a reason that you wouldnt just leave the relationship?
What are the benefits to you, your soul.
Do you get love? Affection?

Do you like raising their children? It's not your job.

alwaysanxious's picture

Omg, you are the live in nanny. You realize he isn't over B.M right? If he was he couldn't be around her

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Go home to your family. This is not love, this is not right. You are a live in nanny for your these two ingrates that obviously have no concern for you and whom are still very much so together. I truly feel they are pulling one over on you. I wouldn't wait for taxes. I would leave. You are a full fledged mom and neither boyfriend or BM are a parent what so ever. They are inbred hillbilly hicks and its time you left them to be the losers they are. You deserve way better than this and any one can see that this situation is not right. Why are you doing this to yourself?? What does your family say about this? This man does not give a crap about anythingbor anyone other than making sure he nor BM have to attend to THEIR children. Any mom that would allow another woman in her home to raise her babies is a worthless sack of crap and the same goes for your boyfriend. Idk y you've stayed, maybe out of desperation for any kind of love, a place to live, a family?? Idk but this is not where u r find any of that. Please do yourself a favor and RUN!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Go home to your family. This is not love, this is not right. You are a live in nanny for your these two ingrates that obviously have no concern for you and whom are still very much so together. I truly feel they are pulling one over on you. I wouldn't wait for taxes. I would leave. You are a full fledged mom and neither boyfriend or BM are a parent what so ever. They are inbred hillbilly hicks and its time you left them to be the losers they are. You deserve way better than this and any one can see that this situation is not right. Why are you doing this to yourself?? What does your family say about this? This man does not give a crap about anythingbor anyone other than making sure he nor BM have to attend to THEIR children. Any mom that would allow another woman in her home to raise her babies is a worthless sack of crap and the same goes for your boyfriend. Idk y you've stayed, maybe out of desperation for any kind of love, a place to live, a family?? Idk but this is not where u r find any of that. Please do yourself a favor and RUN!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Go home to your family. This is not love, this is not right. You are a live in nanny for your these two ingrates that obviously have no concern for you and whom are still very much so together. I truly feel they are pulling one over on you. I wouldn't wait for taxes. I would leave. You are a full fledged mom and neither boyfriend or BM are a parent what so ever. They are inbred hillbilly hicks and its time you left them to be the losers they are. You deserve way better than this and any one can see that this situation is not right. Why are you doing this to yourself?? What does your family say about this? This man does not give a crap about anythingbor anyone other than making sure he nor BM have to attend to THEIR children. Any mom that would allow another woman in her home to raise her babies is a worthless sack of crap and the same goes for your boyfriend. Idk y you've stayed, maybe out of desperation for any kind of love, a place to live, a family?? Idk but this is not where u r find any of that. Please do yourself a favor and RUN!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Go home to your family. This is not love, this is not right. You are a live in nanny for your these two ingrates that obviously have no concern for you and whom are still very much so together. I truly feel they are pulling one over on you. I wouldn't wait for taxes. I would leave. You are a full fledged mom and neither boyfriend or BM are a parent what so ever. They are inbred hillbilly hicks and its time you left them to be the losers they are. You deserve way better than this and any one can see that this situation is not right. Why are you doing this to yourself?? What does your family say about this? This man does not give a crap about anythingbor anyone other than making sure he nor BM have to attend to THEIR children. Any mom that would allow another woman in her home to raise her babies is a worthless sack of crap and the same goes for your boyfriend. Idk y you've stayed, maybe out of desperation for any kind of love, a place to live, a family?? Idk but this is not where u r find any of that. Please do yourself a favor and RUN!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Go home to your family. This is not love, this is not right. You are a live in nanny for your these two ingrates that obviously have no concern for you and whom are still very much so together. I truly feel they are pulling one over on you. I wouldn't wait for taxes. I would leave. You are a full fledged mom and neither boyfriend or BM are a parent what so ever. They are inbred hillbilly hicks and its time you left them to be the losers they are. You deserve way better than this and any one can see that this situation is not right. Why are you doing this to yourself?? What does your family say about this? This man does not give a crap about anythingbor anyone other than making sure he nor BM have to attend to THEIR children. Any mom that would allow another woman in her home to raise her babies is a worthless sack of crap and the same goes for your boyfriend. Idk y you've stayed, maybe out of desperation for any kind of love, a place to live, a family?? Idk but this is not where u r find any of that. Please do yourself a favor and RUN!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Go home to your family. This is not love, this is not right. You are a live in nanny for your these two ingrates that obviously have no concern for you and whom are still very much so together. I truly feel they are pulling one over on you. I wouldn't wait for taxes. I would leave. You are a full fledged mom and neither boyfriend or BM are a parent what so ever. They are inbred hillbilly hicks and its time you left them to be the losers they are. You deserve way better than this and any one can see that this situation is not right. Why are you doing this to yourself?? What does your family say about this? This man does not give a crap about anythingbor anyone other than making sure he nor BM have to attend to THEIR children. Any mom that would allow another woman in her home to raise her babies is a worthless sack of crap and the same goes for your boyfriend. Idk y you've stayed, maybe out of desperation for any kind of love, a place to live, a family?? Idk but this is not where u r find any of that. Please do yourself a favor and RUN!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Go home to your family. This is not love, this is not right. You are a live in nanny for your these two ingrates that obviously have no concern for you and whom are still very much so together. I truly feel they are pulling one over on you. I wouldn't wait for taxes. I would leave. You are a full fledged mom and neither boyfriend or BM are a parent what so ever. They are inbred hillbilly hicks and its time you left them to be the losers they are. You deserve way better than this and any one can see that this situation is not right. Why are you doing this to yourself?? What does your family say about this? This man does not give a crap about anythingbor anyone other than making sure he nor BM have to attend to THEIR children. Any mom that would allow another woman in her home to raise her babies is a worthless sack of crap and the same goes for your boyfriend. Idk y you've stayed, maybe out of desperation for any kind of love, a place to live, a family?? Idk but this is not where u r find any of that. Please do yourself a favor and RUN!!!!

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Go home to your family. This is not love, this is not right. You are a live in nanny for your these two ingrates that obviously have no concern for you and whom are still very much so together. I truly feel they are pulling one over on you. I wouldn't wait for taxes. I would leave. You are a full fledged mom and neither boyfriend or BM are a parent what so ever. They are inbred hillbilly hicks and its time you left them to be the losers they are. You deserve way better than this and any one can see that this situation is not right. Why are you doing this to yourself?? What does your family say about this? This man does not give a crap about anythingbor anyone other than making sure he nor BM have to attend to THEIR children. Any mom that would allow another woman in her home to raise her babies is a worthless sack of crap and the same goes for your boyfriend. Idk y you've stayed, maybe out of desperation for any kind of love, a place to live, a family?? Idk but this is not where u r find any of that. Please do yourself a favor and RUN!!!!

Disneyfan's picture

SO is nice to BM because THEY ARE A COUPLE.

He made you stop working so that THEY would have free child care.

Since you live there rent free, you have to do house work to earn your keep.

Call your family and go home now.

Lalena75's picture

I have to say if BM has a VPO on your SO and he's living there and around her they are both in violation of the order and can BOTH go to jail, doesn't matter what her excuse is for taking it out. It exists and that's all the police and a judge care about. I had a friend in a similar situation minus a PO minus kids, when she realized she'd been duped by her SO and his wife, her choice was to stay and be the second wife because she loved him. She is the maid, the slave,the cook, and she works to pay their bills, and she hates her life, she's had herself committed twice but still stays. We teach people how to treat us, you've taught them you will accept this, it will not end taxes will come and BM will throw something at your SO SHE needs and the money will be gone and you will be right there nothing changed. Run sweetie, run and don't look back this isn't love toward you love isn't about how much a person can hurt you, devalue you, and make you 2nd, 3rd or last priority, take the hillybilly's phone and shatter it when you leave.

LadyTremaine07's picture

Looks like BM still has a case of idontwannagotoworkitis. All she'll do all day is sleep, feed her big fat hillbilly mouth, and play on the computer. God, I swear she does this to torture me and I don't think she really wants this job. I think she just wants to draw her welfare and be a single stay at home mom. I think she does this so everyone will feel sorry for her and SO will give her more money for the kids. She really has no marketable skills whatsoever and was lucky to even get the job she has. Now, after spending all this time complaining that she doesn't have a job, she's acting like she doesn't even care to keep the one she was lucky to get.

LadyTremaine07's picture

He gives her money, but there is no court ordered CS. BM refuses to seek out actual CS because it would mean SS 5mo's real paternity would have to come out and she's not 100% sure that he belongs to SO. She gets away with it too by telling DHS that SO pays her rent and bills, which he does not. DHS refuses to help her with CS for both SS2 and SS 5mos because she refuses to get the DNA test done on SS 5mos. SS2 just woke up and he has yet to ask about his mother, but he asked "Where Daddy is?" about 5 times already.

Anon2009's picture

He's playing you. He's still in a relationship with BM. The only way things will change for the better is if you leave SO and go home to your family. Please heed the advice of the other posters.

Disneyfan's picture

If she's getting welfare and the state knows about BD, they will make him pay CS.

If the state isn't on his ass, that means he and BM working together to scam the state.

Lioness77's picture

I agree. This story as I continue to read, is so out there that it almost cannot be real.
Sadly, I'm judging someone else... but, OP is doing this to herself.
If it is real, she's staying because there's either something we are missing, or, she refuses to leave.

Not her kids, only been together a few MONTHS? Really?? Who would stay???

To OP, how did you meet him? If he's still living with the " hillbilly", does this mean he always was and you were the " other woman"?...hmmm? If that baby is only 5 months old I'm doing the math in my head.. seems he didn't really have time to be out of that relationship..... soooooooo... give us some more plot..?
Were you the other woman? If you were, eat your Karma and enjoy it. You deserve nothing but what you're getting.
I feel so bad for those poor babies.. all of you should be ashamed for the confusion you're causing. No one really cares about the kids, just who's doing who.


I'm sorry. But you did this to yourself.

Those kids should be taken away from all of you.

Lioness77's picture

She's not answering because either A we called " her" on her bullshit, or B, she's a liar and a fake and was only here trolling to rile up valid real stepparents.

What a wimp LadyTremaine.. come out and play?
Oh where oh where did you go?

Maybe we should just flag your user status until you're REMOVED.

However, if you are real and your story is valid, I stand by what I said before.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

If I were you I'd get the hell out of dodge and go back to your place. I remember you saying before you had your own apartment correct?

hurtandalone's picture

Sigh, I remember this story from before, isnt this the one with the MUCH older SO, and she is like 22 or something? Everyone, we tried to give her advice last time, dont even bother, she will never leave.