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Please think about me tonight at banquet

tryingtomakeit's picture

Please say a prayer for me tonight. I am attending my sd sports banquet. My husband and myself will be going. It would not be that bad if the sd maternal grandparents did not attend. But after each banquet the maternal grandparents have to get tons of picture of sd with mother and father. It is really weird situation and me and the stepfather just stand there and look around.

Sometimes I think the maternal grandparents jsut do not get what divorced means. Also, sometimes I think my husband needs to grow some b_ _LS and tell the maternal grandparents he just wants a picture of him and his daughter and his NEW wife can take a picture just as good as them. haha


imthewife's picture

OK...we all lived close together when SD was young. Pictures were never an issue so this is weird.

At every Christmas program, etc...we really didn't take pictures...but if we did...they have all of us in them. BM, StepDad (when he was still married), DH and myself...

Your DH needs to stand up and get the pictures he wants.

It is important for her to have a few pics with her parents...but exclusion of the new spouses is ridiculous.

Maybe you and stepdad should stand off to the side and take a few pictures together!!!!!! That would be hilarious.....

skylarksms's picture

During a most opportune moment, say the hell with it and grab the stepfather and say loudly "OK, now it is the STEP PARENTS turn for pix with SD!!" all excitedly.

Maybe THAT would make them wake up. Doubt it though.

Auteur's picture

It's worth a shot but as we all know, Stepdad is always treated with kid gloves, whereas SM is always treated like last week's dirty diapers that have been fermenting in the sun.