What exactly IS a single parent?? Opinions please :)
I'm just frustrated because even though BM and I are on good terms right now, it bugs the hell out of me that she still refers to herself as a single mom. Like on her FB today:
BM:What a frusturating day! My three year old likes to act 14 sometimes and thinks she doesn't have to listen. That's the only hard part about being a single parent, cuz I can't just walk away for ten minutes to calm down.
I understand, SD is going through a brat phase.
What I don't understand is the IMMEDIATE outpour of "poor yous" from her friends. This woman who SO or I has never met keeps telling BM "if you need a break just let me know!"
umm okay, she GETS a break. Every 4 days! She has SD for 4 days and we have her for 2. Thats 48 hours of a break...confused.
So of course I chimed in super friendly and said: Just 2 more days and you'll have 2 whole days off! (from a crazy 3 year old anyway lol) Hang in there girl, it's just a phase ♥
To which she replied:
BM:I just hate how she won't brush her teeth or let me brush her teeth, or wash her face, or clip her nails! It drives me insane and its stressful! I guess she likes to walk around dirty lol
I also understand this except its like BM and SO are raising 2 completely different children. Yes she is a brat sometimes over here but after her bath she knows to go straight in her room and we put pjs on. Then we say get your brush! And she goes right in the bathroom, hops on her stool and lets one of us brush her hair and teeth without complaint. then its bedtime.
its just strange to me that all the issues BM has with SD, we have none of them!
And then she has the nerve to whine online about how hard it is being a "single parent"....puleeze.
Just wondering what other peoples opinions were
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To me, it's any parent who is
To me, it's any parent who is unmarried and actually parents their child; dead beats who run off and never see their kids don't count.
BM here does that also. Same
BM here does that also. Same thing, on FB. Almost every post is about how she does it all alone with no help from anyone and how hard it is to be a single mom. WE have those kids Fri 8 am til Mon 4 pm EVERY week. She doesnt do diddly, because even on Tues and Wed SO has to pick them up from school and taxi them to her. That only leaves her having to feed them 4 evenings a week during the school year. They are all old enough to bathe themselves and such. But to hear her on FB she has it sooooo hard and all the replies she gets are how she is so "strong" and "such a good mother" and "giving" and "sacrificing" :sick:
So I refer to her as a Part time mother. Not a single mother.
ooh that's a good one lol
ooh that's a good one lol "part time mother"
stealing it.
A single parent is someone
A single parent is someone who does not get a break! I know I was one for 9yrs! This is a huge pet peeve of mine. Your not a single parent if the other parent takes the child/children on a regular basis. Ugggggghhhhh! If you get a break like above post your a part time parent. B*tches please don't whine on your FB about how its so hard to have your kids in for 3 whole days a week. Talk to me once you have them for 6 mths without a break. Maybe then you could talk about it. I still won't feel sorry for because I had 2 and 1 was autistic!
Sorry for my vent like I said its my biggest pet peeve!
Here is my problem with that
Here is my problem with that and I am not trying to start an argument. But, my point is he may not be active in the day to day issues with her, but he is alive and still takes her every other weekend. You can schedule things. A true single parent where the spouse is deceased or not in their life from abandonment, can not do that.
If you are a single parent, there is truly no back-up. It is not about the CS for me or the money, since widows collect some money from social security. It is the fact that there is no one there to help, talk to, vent to or just say please can you take our kid and do something with them, I have had a long day or I have the flu....You have no one. Grandparents are old or live far away and can only do so much. I was lucky they were close, but, for no more than two hours at a time, could I count on them. That was long enough to go to the grocery store and maybe another errand. And it was hard to see them without drama. Friends tried to help, but eventually they go on to their own lives. YOU are truly ALONE in this when a spouse dies.
If you can hand them off every other weekend, you have a scheduled break. As a widow, I would have paid everything I had for a scheduled break from my son. At 7,8, and 9, he was exhausting and I was exhausted.
I really have a pet peeve with this and people are cautious to use that term around me because I have made it clear, that they chose to be divorced and the dad is clearly in the picture, so they can not claim that status and it diminishes the ones that have no choice to be labeled that way.
Agree imaSmom I would
Agree imaSmom I would consider you single. I'm still envious of you eow break and your sometimes 200 dollors I would have been so happy for either one of those back in the days before I got married. Just to tell you how much inever went out I meet my DH on a online dating site lol
By my definition, a single
By my definition, a single parent is a parent with either custody or visitation of their child or children who is not married, remarried, and does not live in a committed spousal relationship with another adult.
For example: If you and your boyfriend live together and have a baby together, you are NOT a single parent. If he moves out, and you split custody, or you retain custody and he gets visitation, and you each live independantly in your own residence, you are THEN a single parent.
A single parent ceases to be a single parent when they enter into a relationship with another adult that takes part of the burden of being a parent, whether that burden is financial or physical, or both.
For example, DH was a single parent. He lived in his own apartment. He had a live in Manny for his kids who he paid cash and provided room and board to in exchange for caring for the children while DH worked. This person was DH's employee, so DH was still a single parent.
On the day DH moved into my home, he was no longer a single parent. BM1 lives with her shack up barely legal stud of the week. She is not a single parent. BM2 is moving out of state to marry a military guy she met in August of this year. She's got to hurry and seal the deal before the crazy comes shining on through. The moment she steps off the plane and into his house, she is not a single parent. BM3 has 50/50 custody of SD5. She is a single parent whether SD is with her or DH. She is a single parent with a pretty amazing support network, but at the end of the day, she goes home alone to a residence that she is completely responsible to pay for and keep up alone.
I am one of those jerks who has NO sympathy for single parents simply because they are single parents. I have sympathy for widows. I have sympathy for orphans. Other than that, I have little sympathy. Being a single parent is like being overweight. Most people who are overweight claim that they are overweight because they have a thyroid problem or cite some other issue. The fact is that metabolic issues account for less than 4% of obesity in America. The fact is, most of us are chubby because we intake more calories than we burn. It's a choice. Most (and note that I said MOST...meaning this doesn't necessarily apply to you) single parents claim that they are single because "he was abusive", "I accidentally got pregnant", "He abandoned us", "He cheated", and the list goes on and on. But the truth is, most of the single parents I know are single for one of two reasons. They either chose poorly or failed to treat kindly. I know at least a dozen single moms that either got pregnant on purpose to try and seal the deal, or hooked into someone who was bad news from the beginning and thought having a baby would change that. You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear, no matter what great intentions you have.
DH was single because he chose poorly. BM1 was an alcoholic. He had left her when she got pregnant with SS14. Whose fault is that? DH. He continued sleeping with her. Now SS14 has to endure having a douchenozzle for a mother. Same story with BM2. She was a sack of shit when he met her and started sleeping with her, and she's a sack of shit now. The one that suffers is SD10. BM3 is an excellent mother and a terrible wife. Had he dated her for any length of time, he would have know that. We all warned him. Her family warned him. He thought he could change her. Nope. Again, his poor judgement is the reason SD5 is from a broken home. Can you imagine a 5 year old living week on/week off between 2 houses? She is the ONLY child out of her 7 siblings that has such an arrangements. DH should have his ass kicked up between his shoulders for procreating with ANY of these women.
While I would agree that in some cases, a single parent really got the rough end of the stick, in MOST cases it is a person's choice to be a single parent.
Even though DH and I are
Even though DH and I are married, I still consider myself a single parent to my two bios. I am the ONLY one who parents them. He does not, and I do not want him to. Their Bio Dad is out of the picture (pays child support, that is it).
When I was with my ex-fiance (also not their bio dad), I didn't really consider myself one because he was just a like a father to them. We parented them together. It was maybe easier as he had no children of his own. The final decisions in parenting were always mine though.
So that's what I think. If both parents are an active part in the child's life, and both of them parent, especially if the time split is nearly equal, I don't really see them as single parents.
I am a widow so I am truly a
I am a widow so I am truly a single parent. I can't complain I have a deadbeat EX. I can't complain no one helps with my kids emotionally or physically.
Anyone that has an EX that never ever ever sees the kids or helps financially is also a single parent.
Last year BM’s facebook post
Last year BM’s facebook post was something like this…”Guy tried to screw me over when I got my oil changed!!! Why would people do that to a single mom?!” Or something along those lines.
At this time, SS had not lived with her for three years, was 18 and in the military!!! LOL…But she did get the sympathy she craved.
A single parent is a parent
A single parent is a parent who lives alone with his/her kid(s).
Receiving CS and getting breaks, does not mean mom or dad isn't a single parent.
DF pays CS. He has his kids EOWE and the month of July. BM has not remarried and doesn't live with her BF. She is a single mom.
I am in the minority it would
I am in the minority it would appear.
My belief is that a parent is deemed a "single parent" when there is no other parent- be it due to death, rape or even electing to adopt or conceive a child through non traditional means- to share in the upbringing of a child.
If the child has a CP and NCP: neither are "single" as there are "two" parents in this childs life. No matter how sporatically. They may be divorced parents, never married parents, can't stand the sight of each other parents - but there are still two parental units, not a singular parent.
Then add a step parent <--- please notice that last word. So if one of the original parents gets married now the kid has more parents. We are up to three... so, how can one parent be a "single" parent if there is a trio of people walking around with the parent title to said child.
Yes, I do understand some NCP's do not assist in child rearing, others assist barely at all, and the majority seem to be too busy making sure the little darling doesn't get it's feelings hurt to actually "parent" the child.
In my eyes true single parents are:
The victim of rape who chose to keep her child.
Any man/woman whose spouse has died.
Any single person (man or woman) who has adopted or had a child conceived through non traditional means. (Surrogate mom, sperm bank, etc)
I forgot to add BM also lives
I forgot to add BM also lives with her sister and her brother-in-law. I don't really want to bash on her because things are going so well right now and I "kinda" see where she is coming from. But seriously, she just took an entire day off of work because SD "kept her up all night". Guaranteed she slept all day while her sister/inlaw took care of her...and she has a boyfriend.
I see both sides but right now I am leaning towards she is NOT a single parent lol
Thanks for the input everyone!
THis is a sore subject for me
THis is a sore subject for me and one that irritates the hell out of me. My son was 6 when his father died. I was a single parent but never used that term. If you can hand your kid off to someone and take a break for a weekend or weeknight, you are in now way a single parent. YOU HAVE HELP!
I had to plot and plan months in advance for a sleepover or a day out with grandparents or friends so that I can take a nap or go out with friends, let alone have a date. That was like a covert operation.
This woman is not a single parent. Most aren't unless the dad or BM has run off and is not in the picture. If you have re-married you are not single mom anymore either. Although, I still feel like one, since DH parents his and I parent mine. But, he is still in the house and I can still vent to him about BS17.
For 9 years I was a single mom, but I preferred to use the term widowed mom since that fit better and the term Single mom is overused.
I think this is just a new
I think this is just a new battle in the never ending Mommy Wars.
Same battle exists between
Same battle exists between stay at home moms and working moms. But, there is a clear definition there. With Single mom, the definition is open to interpretation...Hence where the problem lies.
I agree. Too many BM's claim
I agree. Too many BM's claim the SAHM title, as though it's something they do for the sake of raising their children a certain way.
BM claims the title, however she doesn't stay home for the sake of being there for her children. She never has. They are 19 & 16. They don't benefit from her being there. It doesn't serve them well to watch her sit on her ass hoarding foodstamps while her live-in is working 2 jobs to pay bills.
Her live-in's income isn't enough to support the 5 people living in their home, yet he is the only one who works.
IMO, she has not earned the SAHM title. She's simply just another lazy welfare leech.
This made me laugh. There are
This made me laugh.
There are many married couples with a SAHM who are collwcting some type of welfare. WIC, foodstamps and medicaid are the big 3.
I don't care what type of SAHM you are ~ married or single. If you can't feed your kids without government help, then it is time for mom to get a job.
I don't claim the term, I
I don't claim the term, I just get offended when others use that term, when clearly the father is around and sees the child and sometimes supports the child. If you have ever been truly alone to raise a child, you would understand why we get upset about the term....
I don't take issue with the
I don't take issue with the term "single parent". I think of it as a literal status more than a title to claim. IMO, if you're single & you're a parent, you're a single parent.
I suppose the SAHM title could be taken the same way. If you're a mom & you stay at home, you're a SAHM. I'm not sure why it bothers me that BM claims that one but her calling herself a single parent doesn't. :?
It REALLY bothered me that
It REALLY bothered me that our BM signed up my skids for Big Brother/Big Sister program but yet would refuse the COed visitation to my DH! In fact, she sometimes used an outting with the BB/BS as an EXCUSE for the skids not to visit!!
I was a true single mom with no father in the picture from when my son was 6 months old. He didn't even start paying CS until my son was almost 10 and never exercised any visitation. He didn't even contact him until after he was 18. Then he contacted him over FB.
It always bothered me how BM treated my DH like he was a worthless POS of a father when he COULD have been like MY son's father! Oh yeah, she would have LOVED that. Because it was all about the money for her. And being able to minimize the other parent's input on raising their own child.
Comparing who has it worse
Comparing who has it worse and has earned the title and martyrdom is dumb.
Going with that line of think I could say that 80% of the women on this site don't qualify as stepmothers because they only have their skids eowe or 50/50..... And you are only a REAL stepmom if you have the kids full time like me.
It's rediculous to make comparisons.
OP, yes she is a single mom...she is single and she is a mom. But just because she's a single mom doesn't mean that she isn't getting help, that she has it harder than any one else, or that she has a right to bitch and moan.
I consider myself a single
I consider myself a single mom.
i am married to DH, but I have 2 bios from my previous marriage, they are here every weekday before and after school and sleep at their dads, maybe 10 days a month if that.
their bio dad doesn't provide anything financially for them.
i am 100% financially responsible for my kids, I am 100% responsible for their activities, their schoolwork, their friend play dates, their everything on my own. bio-dad nor dh have ever attended a gymnastics class, a skating class. bio-dad has shown up at the odd school play. i also work full time, make all the meals, do all the laundry, plan all the weekend fun, take them to all their appointments.
I may be married but I receive no help from any 'male' figure in my life where my children are concerned, to me, that makes me a single mom.
And actually, before DH and his 2 kids were in my life, my single mom life was actually easier than it is now - at least I was calling all the shots for just me and my girls... now more often than not, I have 2 more kids dumped on me.
I always have that thought in
I always have that thought in the back of my mind. That of would be so much easier to be a single mom to my two kids, than to have to take care of my two, his two and him with what little assistance he provides.
One time BM got a letter in
One time BM got a letter in the mail from an annon person (I think it was DH's older sister, but I honestly don't know) but it said "there is a difference between being a single mom and being a DIVORCED mom, learn it and appreciate it". When BM asked me if I sent it I said "no, why would I send that to you? You know your are not a 'single mom' single moms have no dad around that takes care of the kid". She just looked at me like "yeah right you didn't send it". But I really didn't. I never knew she referred to herself as a single mom.
So whats the difference?
So whats the difference?
Just curious, I guess you would term me a divorced mom since my bios dad does take them 1 weeknight after 6 and returns them by 7am the next morning before school. And he does take them every other friday\sat\sun but returns them 7am Monday morning.
When he drops them before school, he 'provides' them lunch so I guess I get a 'break' sort of - I usually have to add fruit and yogurt since he gives them a juicebox and a half sandwich.
If my BD12 has weekend homework on her dad's weekend, she often asks to come over to my house to complete it and\or engages me on the phone because he dad tells her to 'call you mom' because he doesn't know how to help her.
Just because my daughters have a sleepover at their dads every other weekend - its like I still don't get the 'break' - which to me makes me a single mom. A divorced mom gets a break, right?
Not arguing, but that is a sort of interesting statement, I never thought of it that way before.
I don't know what the
I don't know what the "difference" is, I didn't write the letter. The reason I believe it was DH's sister is this: this happened very very shortly after DH and I started dating. BM and SIL were still on speaking terms but more like "frenemies" than anything else. SIL was sick of hearing about Bm complain about how hard it was being a "single mom" SIL told us that. DH and I had SS far more than BM did. FAR FAR more, and we supported him. SIL was by every definition a single mom. her son's dad was not around AT ALL, she didn't get child support (althought she begged for it) she had no boyfriend, worked full time and went to school full time. She was a SUPER STAR! Now her sons father passed away a few months ago, she has been living with her BF for a couple of years and she no longer considers herself a single mom. Her BF is there helping her raise her son. She is neither single, nor a single mom. She does finally get death benefits from her sons dad, sad it had to come to that for her to get any kind of support out of him.
We still have SS more than BM does. She stopped using the term single mom a long time ago when one of her friends called her out on FB. A friend who's husband passed away and she had no help.
To me, it depends on how the term is used. If someone is talking about relationship status, one who has partial custody of their kids and gets the support of the other parent is still a single mom in my mind. But if they are talking about their LIFE and how hard it is to be a "single mom" then I truly believe they are just looking for attention and kudos, when clearly not deserved if they get a break as often as BM here does, and they do not financially suppport their child in ANY way whatsoever.
That is just my opinion.
I wasn't attacking you, just
I wasn't attacking you, just found that very interesting - I had never thought of it in those terms and since I considered myself a single mom my XH isn't dead and I am remarried so I suppose the 'term' or 'title' would be divorced mom.
I guess I was using the term single mom for myself because nobody helps me with anything, and like I said above, when DH and his kids joined me, the work just doubled on top of being a single mom with no help from the bio-dad. Now its even harder.
I have no family in this country either - so I was 'alone' with noone.
I was 'disappointed' to be honest. I married DH because I loved him, but, I did think life would be a little simpler having a 'backup'. Man was I wrong, i didn't get any backup, I got 2 extra kids who I have no authority over thrown on top of my already almost impossible situation, a DH who caters to his BM way too much for my tastes.
Sure, we now have 2 incomes, but we now have more than twice the expenses. That one caught me off guard too - people are like, well you guys both work so you have double the income now. Um, I had a tiny little house where utilities were cheap with me and 2 girls who were not picky eaters and didn't need fancy things and all purchases were x3. Now we have a house to hold everyone, the utilities that go along with that, had to be in a fancier area to be 'close' to where BM already was, 6 people to feed and clothe, 3 of which are now picky eaters and eat WAY more food than I could have ever imagined (my girls and I were simple before this, cereal for dinner wasn't a huge deal once and awhile if we felt like it), and I am not alone in making purchase decisions. The house is messed up times 6 instead of 3 - everything doubled, the housework included - gawd, dishes...
The expenses are more than double what they were before - totally unexpected.
Now instead of trying to work full time and manage 2 kids school and after school activities, I have to juggle 2 more kids bull crap. And hey - can't be unfair - if I sign up my kid for something, one of his needs to be signed up too. If I see a cute shirt for my kid, his kid should get something too, to be fair. sigh
I have done a lot of reflection lately on how much more simple it was to be just me and my girls.
I envy those with EOW only as well. This so wasn't what I was expecting.
I didn't feel attacked at all
I didn't feel attacked at all
no worries.
I am so sorry that you are so unsupported. That is not fair, and it's not right.
You know, I don't feel sorry
I look at it that I chose to have kids and I do whatever I need to do for my kids - always. They are my kids, i am there for them, I give things up to financially support them, and I love every moment of it.
I don't have that feeling for the skids, they have 2 parents and if their 2 parents want to be like my XH and act like they have a choice when to be a parent and be responsible then that is their problem. unfortunately in my opinion the skids lose bigtime - but they have 2 parents.
My XH wants to choose to be a parent or choose to not be responsible for anything - well his loss, he is missing out on so many things where his kids are concerned - and - its by choice - I would be willing to be more flexible with time if he would step up. He can't have more time if he isn't going to step up.
I wasn't titling myself for attention, I just feel if you do it all, that made you a single mom - lol - call me a divorced mom - makes no difference - I just never realized I might be offending 'single' moms with a different definition.
My 'title' is what the office calls me which determines my paycheck - that is the only title I care about - lol
You are funny. I don't title
You are funny.
I don't title you anything other than a MOM. Any way you look at it, being a MOM... being a REAL MOM, not talking about blood or DNA, but love, sweat and tears. The MOM that after a long hard day at work (SAHM or working out of the house) still musters up enough energy to work on a book report diorama, help with math homework, cook dinner, run to and from dance class, softball practice and baseball practice. The one who hands over the $20 that she has been stashing in her purse for 2 weeks to go to lunch with her girlfriends, to a field trip because "someone forgot". The one that puts the kids down to sleep and then does 3 loads of laundry, a sink full of dishes just to sit down and balance the check book. In my eyes.... THAT'S A MOM, and a DAMN GOOD ONE at that!! I don't care if there is no husband, or one sitting next to you watching you do all of this. Being a mom is hard work. I just don't like when BM likes to take credit for MY JOB WELL DONE.
That's all.
I think it is a pretty simple
I think it is a pretty simple distinction.
If BM, for example, was talking to a guy and mentions "I am a single mom" because she wants him to know that she has a kid and is NOT married then I don't want to vomit when it is said. BUT... when BM complains about how hard life is for her, she has no money and no help and it is so rough being a single mom, all the while her child that she is a single mom to... is sitting at home (our home) hasn't seen her in a week and has everything he could ever need but she is searching for all of this sympathy because being a single mom is SOOOO hard. The fact that she birthed a child is vertiually NO "burden" financially or otherwise to her. NONE whatsoever.
HOWEVER, I can only have an opinion about this when it comes to BM... any other "single mom" married, teen mom, divorced, widowed, incarcerated or otherwise does not effect me whatsoever so I don't care to make a distinction about them. I am not saying that this is a generalization I use to every woman in the world. This is what I think about when it comes to BM in our situation.
All the things to worry about
All the things to worry about and handle in a step-world, yet this is where people decide to go. Who gives a crap anyway.
For someone who doesn't give a crap, you sure gave your opinion quite a few times on this. In several of your comments you mention women fighting with other women and women needing to feel good aobut martydom. Really? Martydom? This is a site for people to vent. Most of these women aren't trying to "one up" the next and see who has it the worst. Each woman is just describing their individual situation and their feelings. It really isn't that complicated?
My oldest two kiddos dad died
My oldest two kiddos dad died when they were 2 and 9 months. I was a single parent until I remarried a few years later. I am not in anyway a single parent now as my dh is their stepparent.
I will say-the absolute hardest time of my life parenting was when my now dh was deployed. Technically I was not a single parent-I had his income and of course we were still married-but I had the kids 24/7 except when I worked late and my parents generously watched them. I didnt like to ask them to watch them more since they helped me out for work. I had 4 kids (one was ss)all age 5 and under and worked full time for a 9 months. I finally quit my job at 9 months and enjoyed the last 6 months as a stay at home mom.
WOW. Took a nap and I
WOW. Took a nap and I honestly did NOT expect such a conversation but well done everyone! What a lively debate lol, after reading everyones responses I can safely say that I agree AND disagree with every point made.
I would like to point out that I was just trying to get some opinions on the matter, I realize that there are more pressing issues in the "step-parenting" world, I am not really judging BM. I just think it's silly, her use of the terminolgy.
She has a boyfriend, she doesn't pay any bills, shes being taken care of by her family, and she doesn't have SD full time....even before they had a court order when SD was first born, SO was still there caring for her, so really, shes never been a "single mom" imo.
I get that it could be taken to mean "relationship status" mom...in which case she certainly isn't. Or it could mean "absent father" mom...in which case she also isnt.
Good conversation ladies
I go for a meetng and this
I go for a meetng and this becomes quite the debate. I am not trying to put down SAHM's in anyway. I have issues with it, if it is clear your family could use the income and you are staying at home because you don't want to work. Most of myu friends are SAHM's. Some I respect the decision more than others based on what I know of their lives. But, it is not my life.
As for the widowed mom debate, I have never asked for any sympathy because I raised my son alone. I am definitely not asking for Martydom. I just have a real hard time with a mom doing the "Woe is me" card because the Dad is not around every day. That was a choice you made for one reason or another. Widows and widowers do not have the choice. I would trade everything I have to have one day with my late husband so he could see the accomplishments his son has made. Accomplishments that no one else will ever appreciate as his biological parents would. My DH is great with him, but he doesn't acknowledge it the way I do. Just as I never will with my Steps. They just are not my bio's and I will never feel the same way.
I had a call last night from an old friends husband, our kid were in cub scouts together. She died 6 years ago from Breast Cancer, leaving him to raise 8 kids alone. All through catholic school at a great expense. It was their choice to have 8 kids, but he clearly thought he would raise them with her. Now it is 6 years later and we were checking in with each other since he remembered my DH. He has never dated, because he has no time. He is a single Dad....The youngest is around 10. I guarantee he has not referred to himself that way. It is not done. Women use labels. Men rarely do to describe themselves. I am sure there is some deep psychology to this.
Also, these BM's could ask for help from these dads. Our BM told everyone she was a single mom. We had 50/50 one week on and one week off. Not once does anyone refer to my husband as single dad when he was alone with them for that week. Why, because it is not appropriate...He has a BM who had the kids half the time.
That is my issue, if you are divorced and there is an ex-spouse who from time to time spends time with their kid, then you are not alone raising your kid. Don't use the title, it just diminishes it for the moms who have no help and are struggling everyday.
I don't fully get the big
I don't fully get the big debate, but I do wonder this...
If you were widowed, but collected SS for your kid, how is that any different from a mother whose ex is completely absent, yet pays child support?
I guess I'm more inclined to think of "single" as "gets no help." I consider the financial and physical aspects...
I'm just wondering on that one.
I don't think I've *ever* referred to myself as a single mother, but I'd probably qualify.
There is no difference in
There is no difference in that case. It would be degrees of separation. But, honestly SS is nothing compared to the continual loss of income....Also, in my case, it is gone in three months when he turns 18. Just the time when I need it the most to pay for his education.
If you have absolutely no help, dad has abandoned but his wages are garnished for CS. Then I would consider you a single mom.