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sick of the sicks

stressgirl79's picture

Every time one of my bios gets sick, it's "take two of these and get on the bus." But let one of the skids start sniffling and DH is in a blind panic. Nice, right? But my favorite part is the babying they get - it's disgusting.

I worked all day today, on my feet, retail. All I wanted to do when I got home was curl up on my couch and read my book. What sk I come home to? DH telling me that SD10 has been throwing up all day, so he thought it would be best for her to sleep in our bed. :O

In what universe does that make sense? She got stomach virus germs all over her from and her bathroom, so it would be silly to confine them to just those two rooms? Bring 'em on in here, sounds great! All I need is to miss some work, I'm the only one bringing in any money so I'm.glad you put her on my side of the bed. Seriously. Use your f@$*ing brain.


dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

bd6 has recently began asking to stay home from school when she doesnt feel good (or claims to not feel good). i check for fever first, cause if there is no fever, chances are she's fine for school. i of course check to see other factors, like abnormal fatigue, nasty cough things like that. bbut general rule for me, if she isnt puking her guts out, pooping her butt off (dhiarreah) or has a fever, its off to school.

its a phase she is going through. there are no problems at school (checked into it) and by the time she arrives home, she is herself again.

but i remember whenever exsd said she didnt feel good, exbf was quick to let her stay home and 'rest'....pathetic. in 3rd grade she missed alot of school cause her 'illnesses' were catered to waaay too much by exbf.

Frustr8d1's picture

Sick of the dicks. Just needed to say that after dealing with BS from DH all night. Stressgirl's title made me think of it...

oncechoosetosmile's picture

O no!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell him that you don't accept that! He is nuts! Let him wash all sheets and put SD in her room!!!! Right now!!!He has a problem!!!!

stressgirl79's picture

I moved her ass to the couch, lysol-ed my room and bathroom, and went to bed. Woke up this morning at 4:30 to BS5 throwing up in my bathroom...awesome. It's now 11:30 and he is completely over it, back to running around after a few hours on the couch.

Where is SD10? Still on the couch, moaning and whimpering. And refusing to eat, because she knows that would make her feel better. The DRAMA. :sick:

This is actually the first school year she hasn't missed at least 15 days by now for various rashes or stress related illnesses. I mean, really. How stressful is the fourth grade, exactly?