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When ASS met Medusa

WalkOnBy's picture

I recently learned that ASS met Medusa for lunch.  DH kinda hid that info from me, but it clearly got the best of him because the other night I went out to dinner with a friend and when I got home, DH pulled me into his office, told me to shut the door and then told me that he called ASS that morning to get some more details.  Turns out...

They actually met twice - each time she drove from MedusaTown to ASSCollegeTown, about a two hour trip.  First time they met for lunch.  ASS told DH that that visit went "okay" so when she texted him about coming to ASSCollegeTown for dinner, he said okay.

They met for dinner.  She began to ask ASS what he remembered about when she and DH were married.  ASS told her that he remembered DH being "really cool" and then when DH left, he remembered her teaching the kids that DH was the bad guy.

That devolved into a conversation wherein ASS told her that she was the one who handled things incorrectly, that now that he is older he has figured out that she was the one who "got what she deserved" when it came to the end of the marriage and the removal of her kids.

At that point, she "got very defensive and started reinventing history."  They decided to call it a night and she drove him back to his apartment.  A few hours later, she texted ASS and told him that he was "just a kid" and the way that he remembered events was not the way they happened.   That it was clear to her now that "Dad and that bitch" have brainwashed them and she didn't even know why she bothered.

ASS originally was going to ignore her, but he IS her child and so he replied.  Told her that "dad and WOB made sure we had everything" they needed to grow up and succeed and then ripped her a new one for abandoning them and missing all the the birthdays, Christmases and other milestones.

Her response?  "you are verbally harassing me.  If you don't stop, I will file a police report."

His response?  "go ahead.  And f*ck off while you're at it."

Two observations - first, he really is her child :-)   Second, now that she knows where he lives, I predict some flat tires in her future.  That's what she did to me.

And that's what happened when ASS met Medusa 7 and a half years after she ditched him...


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Interesting. So ASS gave you credit for all you've done for him. That's a steplife home run.

Do the younger kids know about BM? It would do them good to hear ASS's opinion of her.



WalkOnBy's picture

Yes, they do.  ASS shared his experience with them.  KarateKid still gets tears in his eyes whenever her name is mentioned.  BabyVoice will likely be the one who falls for Medusa's shit, but then again, she looks up to ASS, so who knows...

Cooooookies's picture

The karma bus hit her, backed up and run over again...and then again.  I know ASS was a big pain in the ASS for you guys for years but WOW did he figure it out.  Good for him - she got what she deserved!

Cooooookies's picture

WOB's DH is not talking to his ex.  WOB's SS, whom she calls ASS, visited with his BM (the ex) a few times.  ASS then told his father (DH) about it and DH told WOB.

Livingoutloud's picture

Unbelievable. She hasn’t seen her kids for like forever and she threatens them with police reports. What a classy lady.  

WalkOnBy's picture

Yeah, that's her go to move.  whenever someone tells her something she doens't like, she accuses that person of "verbally harassing" her.  Idiot.

Livingoutloud's picture

Sounds like my DH’s ex. Her response to everything is “I am a good person and don’t deserve the abuse”, she says everyone abuses her. She is the abusive one

Thumper's picture

Walk on by...every time I read your posts, I honestly cant get thru them because I am laughing to hard.


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Well you can totally tell she knows how to show motherly love to ASS. Just walzes in on basically exuding it while she tells him all about the "reality" of her abandoning him and tales of how amzing she is as a mother.


WalkOnBy's picture

Yeah, and then when he calls her out on her lies, she tells him he is "verbally harassing" her.

MOTY right there Smile