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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Only The Ugly is on topic today.

The Good: my old house is now my former house. The hell hole filled with 20+ years of horrible memories (mostly thanks to my psycho exh) now belongs to someone else.


The Bad: today would have been my darling Mr. P's thirteeth birthday. It's been almost 2 years since that bastard cancer took my beautiful boy away from me. My heart is still broken over losing him.


The Ugly: BioHo texted me this morning. 
       cn we mt & tlk

 I'm tired of playing Hide & Seek, so I replied.

'Ho came back with....
       nd tlk abt sd22

I'm sure I've interpreted that correctly as 'need to talk about SD22', so I replied...
       Nothing to discuss

And 'Ho texts back...
       sd22 nds hlp

So I went into mini bitch mode and took a page out of DH's book...
NO. Not today, not tomorrow, not next f*cking week. There is NOTHING to discuss. NOT.ONE.F*CKING.THING. SO STOP TEXTING ME. Unless you want to discuss with MY ATTORNEY why I'm petitioning for a restraining order AND a No Trespass order to keep you from coming onto our property to harass me.



tog redux's picture

Why not just block her? (Not that it wasn't fun to go off on her, I'm sure.)

Why doesn't SHE help SD22 herself? WTF?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Why not? Because I'm willing to go into Full Bitch Mode and have my attorney do exactly that if she texts again or sets foot on our property. So I need proof.

'Ho makes doesn't make enough money to help SD. When CS ended, 'Ho could no longer afford to dye her hair or get her weekly mani/pedis or go out drinking all of the time. She's back to her natural hair color, does her own mani/pedi, and drinks at home most of the time.

TrueNorth77's picture

YES!!     Clapping

Good for you, but it shouldn't have even had to get to this point! Get a clue you psycho- if you want to bail your daughter out, fine, but don't expect everyone else to hop on that train.

And for the love of God, stop abbreviating everything!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Dammit, I wish I would have told her to WRITE OUT YOUR WORDS LIKE A F*CKING ADULT...

TrueNorth77's picture

Definitely a lost opportunity, you were on a roll!

Maybe you should send a follow-up text. Kind of like when you're in an argument and leave the room and come back in and say "oh and another thing!".  Blum 3

Mountains's picture

Yes, please be an

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

TBH... I would have snapped at her LONG before you did... Skids are all grown up... No need to keep the peace anymore... 


Congrats on the house!


Sorry about your furbaby in heaven still Ani. I know it's hard.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

All except for PigPen, but that's a whole 'nother thing.

Thank you, PA. I miss him something fierce. Sad

DPW's picture

Seriously BioHo, enough already. How exhausting to deal with her. I'd block her going forward. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I thought about it before I sent that last message, but I won't to have proof for my lawyer if she tries again.

Just got off the phone with DH (sent him screenshots of the texts) and he said, "GOOD. Hopefully she'll leave us the f*ck alone!"

CLove's picture

Last week was Toxic Ferals bday, and Troll asks DH if he can get her some Xanax. He doesnt take them, but his fiend does. So he said "no". Apparently Feral was having her anxieties. Last time this happened she ended up in the hospital (again) and the doctor chewed her out for giving a child meds like xanax. Honestly, these people just never learn, like ever. I mean seriously!!!!

Good for you, standing up to her and being firm. Just because SD22 is DH's daughter, doesnt mean YOU are responsible for her. She has parents.

Siemprematahari's picture

Congrats on the selling of your house Aniki! Good riddance and hope you are more peaceful now.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Muchas gracias, amiga!

A YUGE weight has been lifted from my shoulders!

Thumper's picture

Thank you for making my afternoon.

Congrats on the sale of your house...

You know...lets hope sd doesnt dribble with sex WebCams---you know to earn some fast cash like someone I KNOW.

 Girls around her age have been known to do that.

Based on a true story.

Great to read you put your foot down again with BM.

A friend of mine writes her texts like your bm all the time. IT DRIVES ME nuts. Worst word she uses is "I dunno".and THO"...I am tempted to ask her, WTH are you 13? I ignore her.

Sorry about Mr. P's anniversary. I do understand that feeling of loosing a loyal, loving family dog.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Thank you, GL.

Frankly, I'm surprised that BioHo and Mr. Pinhead aren't part of the sex-web-cam scene. Although they may have been at one time. 'Ho accuses Pinhead of 'withholding sex' when he's angry. Not everyone wants to pork a drunk...

Mr. P was actually my dog before DH and I got together. He saw DH as his playmate. LOL

notasm3's picture

The good - Aniki

The bad - those skids

The ugly - BioHo

Nobody knows better than I do how losing the doggie love of your life hurts.  I lost my precious boy 25 years ago.  I still miss him at times.  But when it happened I literally thought I was going to die from the pain.  I stayed home for 2 days and then a weekend.  I was single and a friend drove 50 miles to spend the night at my home so I wouldn't be alone.

I'm trying to sell my old condo.  It's in a great neighborhood,  is in perfect shape, and i'm only asking $5000 more than I paid for it more than a decade ago.  And I spent tens of thousands in updates as that was going to be my forever home before I met DH.  But I've only had 2 showings in the past 2 months.  Crazy making.

But I did get my old van sold.  Not sure how DH did it but he came home with $1000 more than I was asking - and all in cash.

shamds's picture

When i finished highschool at 17 my parents gave me 2 options, full time university or full time job. The extent of their generosity extended to providing a roof over my head while i did either of those 2 things...

but these hcgubm of divorce/separation see the bio dad as a cash cow to fund everything into adulthood.

they fail to see they are equally responsible for that child but this is an adult capable of getting a bloody job!

if you were still married and were a sahm fair enough but this is an adult, you don’t get to sit on your bum unless you have a comfy retirement from working your arse off

i’m still waiting for hubby to cut off sd23 & ss21 (sd23 has had a fulltime job since early feb this year), she claimed she wanted to treat everyone to dinner mid this year. I’m waiting for hubby to tell me about it again and thats when i’ll say “no thanks!! Don’t want her wasting her precious salary, when are you cutting her off financially so she can self support herself and not sponge off of you because if she really needs money like she claims, she wouldn’t waste it on a fancy dinner supposedly!!”

Aniki-Moderator's picture

SD22 has a FT job and makes good money. She simply refuses to be financially responsible - and that is no one's fault but hers.

Aside from giving the skids money at Christmas, DH does nothing to 'finance' the adults.