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Bio mom issues!

peachgirl's picture

I was able before to get along really well with BM, and just recently she told BD (my fiance) that i have been talking about her, she was pissed that i told her i had plans on my off friday night ( my fiance works 2nd) she got mad that i couldnt keep her kids. She didnt even ask, she said (...youll need to watch them on friday) i found this rude! Why is it my responsibility? Anyway, she came back to attack again, she told my fiance that she was taking thier kids and keeping them through the week now because i cant handle them??? Quick history of me, i am a mother to 2 boys my biokids and i have them every monday and tuesday and every other weekend, my fiance is the same except his nights are wed and thurs. so i would be home with 4 kids every other friday!!!!! ok back to where i was, so she comes attacking again and told my fiance "i cant help that you found someone who cant handle our kids" and i am basically not tough enough. no she is going after him for child support, we never even asked her to take them through out the week!  I think BD my fiance needs to figure something out so i am not the only one here with four kids. I reached out to her today via text and no response...i just want to leave and never come back, i feel like all i do is walk on eggshells around his kids because im afraid theyll make up some strory and tell their mom. 

hereiam's picture

If his work schedule does not allow him to have them on certain days, that's just what it is. It is not your job or responsibility to "handle" their kids.

I would tell them both to kiss my ass.

Kes's picture

Agree with hereiam - if your partner is not there, then the kids should not be, either - it is HIS visitation for the kids to see HIM - not a free babysitting service for BM provided by you.   BM is not your friend - she is obviously trying to pull rank and control you - I'd have nothing further to do with her, block her number, all communications should go to your man.  

Rags's picture

Huh!  Kinda funny that the mommy who is trying to dump her kids on you is complaining to YOUR DH that YOU can't handle HER children.

Curioser and curioser... as the saying goes.

And... why TF would you reach out to a manipulative toxic POS incabaple parent of a BM about anything.... EVER? Or give a flying F about anything  she thinks, says, or anything thing else about her for this matter?

Shut this toxic POS BM down. And keep her shut down. If she wants to play the incapable parent game then step up and play it to win it by keeping her idiot incapable over taxed parent ass eternally bare.

peachgirl's picture

Its funny, its been clear that its been all about her, their SD recently was diagnosed with lymphoma, and she didnt go to any of her treatments, wasnt there when she had her first round of chemo, and when SD had a fever we needed to go to emergency room, BM came and picked up my SS and i had to take SD to the ER!! She only stayed one noght there with her, i had to burn a vaction day from work on the night i took her to the ER!! And she wants to play mom of the year on facebook....smh 

Aunt Agatha's picture

Not your circus, not your monkeys.  

you have zero obligations to BM or the skids.  Do not communicate directly with her. That's on your DH for breeding with crazy.

Survivingstephell's picture

She's reacting to being  told NO.  Its nothing more than that.  Keep doing it.  Someone needs to teach her what it means.  

shamds's picture

bio mums who can’t be bothered caring for their kids now bitching about stepmummy being unable to care or handle for precious skids.

bio mums who didn’t want their kids to begin with (just saw them as a means to milk a man for cs for as long as possible) turns into stepmummy needs to love skids like her own yada yada... 

ldvilen's picture

Peachgirl!  You are not their servant.  I know you are struggling, but you are NOT this family's servant.  BM trying to get you to kowtow to her with, "I can't help that you found someone who can't handle our kids!"  What?!  She doesn't own her husband any more and she certainly doesn't own YOU.  You need to be dealing only with your fiance, and he needs to be dealing with BM.  And, he should not have let that comment just fly.  He should have said, "These are our children and they are our responsibility, not Peachgirl's."

You are not this family's unpaid servant and baby sitter with extra benefits for dad.  And, this could still apply even when you and your fiance are married, unless you put a stop to it now!!  These are not your children.  They are BM and bio-dad's They need to work out their children's care schedule.  My God!  From the comment BM made it sounds like they BOTH have the expectation that he was to find a GF who would fill-in as babysitter anytime either one of them had a need!  You are there to be a GF to your BF, and (maybe) eventually be a wife to your DH.  You are not there to be the family's lackey, taxi, baby-sitter, bank, etc.

I don't usually advise this, but you said above, "I just want to leave and never come back."  I'd actually suggest that you do leave, at least for a while.  You need to think this through, esp. since it sounds like your BF and his ex- still have some unfinished business.  If he sits around and does little to defend you, he also needs to learn quickly how to grow a pair, because there are far too many men who think the mother of their child gets to retain at least one of their balls for life!  You don't want that.

Manipulative, controlling BM and weaker, enabling DH = step hell.  You don't want that. 

Winterglow's picture

OK, BM, you want a babysitter? I'll cost you 20 dollars an hour ... paid on advance, of course.