Here is a VI tale called "I didn't do it"
The Vi is diagnosed narcissist. That being said, the VI cannot, and I mean cannot take any responsibility for anything. Nada..nothing.
The funniest story to illistrate this was the bathroom. Now, I was in charge of cleaning the house, you know since I was just one step up from a maid.
I had just had my DD and my DS was about 3 or so. DS was pottied trained but due to his autisim spectrum disorder, he didn't like to pee standing up. He had to pee sitting down. I at the time weighed about 145 pounds at 4 foot 11. In my defense, I was only 6 months postpartum and I had already lost 40 pounds. Stress and pregnancy will cause a lot of weight gain I would find out. Needless to say my butt was not small.
The master bathroom consistently had pee around the toliet and on the toliet seat. YUCK....I was having to clean it everyday...and lets face it, that is just plain disgusting. I mentioned to the VI, hey could you aim better there is pee on the outside of the toliet and on the seat. Easy request right...OH NO's not.
VI: (insert your most dramatic victim voice here) How dare you accuse me of that . I would never make such a mess. You are just trying to insult me. It must be DS..
Me: I don't think it's dear son...he doesn't go to the bathroom in our master bathroom and he sits to pee so he needs his smaller seat like in the kids bathroom.
VI: (very indignant) It is NOT me. I have perfect aim and would never make a mess. If there is pee on the outside of the toliet, IT HAS TO BE YOU.
At this point...I was so stunned I just turned and walked away. In hindsight it is really
I certainly hadn't changed genders, didn't pee standing up and my *ss at the time was so big it certainly covered the WHOLE DAMN TOLIET in the H#ll could it have been me. The mental gymnastics that it took him to get to it had to be me peeing outside the toliet was simply astounding.
- halo1998's blog
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It's the narcissist way! I
It's the narcissist way! I swear my ex is just an undiagnosed one. We had similar unpleasant experiences.
My SS16 has accused SD or
My SS16 has accused SD or myself of the same when I was complaining of pee on the seat................................
He is also known for not flushing........
recently actually I was in our room, door was shut so he didn't know I was in there, he came out of his room, went to the bathroom, didn't flush.
I go out of the room instantly get SO, tell him SS16 didn't flush. SS16 "wasn't me!"
Really, weird because it was only you and I upstairs and I didn't go to the bathroom. I said oh maybe *insert or dogs name* learned how to use to the toilet but haven't figured out how to flush yet.
Haha...the dog
did it. I've been know to say.." I wasn't aware the dogs had grown opposable thumbs recently. Therefore, I doubt they did x,y,z" My SS was imfamous for saying the dog did it....for x,y.z
It's a typical narc defense
It's a typical narc defense for sure. BM does the same thing, "how dare you say that about me?! I would never do that!"
The most outrageous one was when DH told her that he didn't want Skids coming to our home during COVID-19 due to his medical risks and asked to make sure she was following social distancing. She replied with "how dare you question me! Of course, I am following social distancing guidelines and protecting our children." DH then replied and told her that he saw SS at the grocery store near our home with his friends after the "stay at home" order was issued. BM replied, "I would never let him do that. You must be mistaken. It must have been someone else." Um, a) would DH really mistake someone else for his own child? and b) DH talked to his son, so it was definitely him.