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Sigh. Seriously OSS and BM?

ITB2012's picture

Welcome back to the show. If you'll remember in our last episode DS is a blabbermouth and informed me that YSS and OSS aren't getting along, OSS still won't come to do work, OSS is doing a large amount of weed--enough to have extra to sell to others, and DH overheard OSS and other kids talking about buying from OSS. And now the continuing story:

DH is unhappy about all the above. I offered an option to DH to have YSS stay here maybe week on/week off starting soon since now he lost his job (restaurant closed) and he's going to be working on stuff for DH, plus he's not getting on with OSS. I also know that YSS and DH get along, DH misses the skids, and DH would want to keep YSS from getting too mixed up in OSSs situations. YSS is also a decent and respectful kid who will be only a little trouble to have here (just inconvenient at points just like any other extra person being around that you aren't used to). Yes, I did think it through before offering that option. DH is thinking about it.

DH is concerned enough about OSS (like him wasting college by just being high, or getting arrested) that he talked to BM. Apparently the start of the conversation was still on OSS not communicating with DH and disrespecful to which BM replied that they are close and even closer now with the pandemic and OSS tells her everything. So DH dropped the weed info on her. And no one in the audience is surprised she started denying he'd do that and she knows him so well. DH said he's unwilling to fund college if OSS is a daily pot head. DH isn't so stiff and hypocritical that he thinks OSS should never have weed. But it should be only occassionally/rarely and not daily with enough to be able to sell some off. (And we are all thinking: why has no one considered OSS could be a dealer?) BM says she will talk with OSS but is still in denial that it's as prevalent. "But he keeps the door to his room open most of the time." (And we are wondering: Um, edibles? Goes outside? Does it in the bathroom with the fan on? Goes out with friends?)

An aside: I was pretty sure that OSS was already doing this in HS based on some of the weird spots his little GPS dot would be in our family and friends app.

Meanwhile DS the blabbermouth (he's not trying to get people in trouble, he just can't help sharing stuff he knows because he likes to be social and has something to say that's not politics, food, or the pandemic) tells me that OSS is two states away. ?!?! He went with a group of local friends (from HS) two states away to hang out with a guy they met on some online chat forum. No, that can't be, DS must have misunderstood.

I do tell DH because if it's true I definitely don't want OSS coming here and bringing whatever he picked up from his friends and others. DH immediately calls BM to see if she knows. He comes out of the room and looks mad. She knows. "But I told him to wear a mask." Really. That was her answer. DH is just incredulous and doesn't want OSS here now at all, but still sad he has no relationship with OSS. 

There was a small glimmer of him saying it was because OSS doesn't get along with me. I put the brakes on that. I told DH I tried with OSS. I did. I tried to get good things to happen for him even behind the scenes. I reminded DH. (we have an extra cat because OSS wanted one and I lobbied DH to get it for him but the kid never paid any attention to it) I also stated that I haven't communicated with OSS in a long, long time, like at least a year. OSS would never respond so I gave up. And like DH said, OSS is an adult. And DH and OSS being adult, they could find a different way and place to connect if there is some problem with me. So no pinning any of what OSS is doing or his attitude on me. DH backed off (though I'm pretty sure it's still there in his head that "it" is my fault).

The lesson from this episode is: no matter what they do, you're still the evil stepmother.


CLove's picture

Your new screen name.

Geeze. DH is obviously grasping at straws here.

ITB2012's picture

Just now. Gonna make sure to bring it up.

Facts: YSS has a good relationship with me, DS, and DH. DS has a good relationship with me and DH, too. I recently got recruited by a new company just based on my relationship with a few of the employees (who hadn't worked with me previously). My old company tried to keep me. OSS has a bad relationship with YSS and barely any with DH, DS, or me. 

Conclusion: OSS is the jerk, not me.


P.S. And I may also be bad because I predicted all this a few years ago. DH and I were just randomly conjecturing about who would try weed and I said OSS. DH asked why and I said because he already has taken Adderall for years he's more used to altering his mind so the effect would be less scary/would be expected for him.

ITB2012's picture

I went through DS and YSS and they are all done being horrid teens. DS is stb20, OSS is 19 and YSS is stb18. I will have all adults in just a few months. OSS has had plenty of growing-pains time. DS and YSS have turned out to be smart, conscientious, hard-working, kind people.

The only deep breaths I'm taking are when I'm doing yoga. OSS is not worth my breath.

P.S. Another prediction I made: OSS would be living at BMs doing nothing because she babies and enables him. And...scene.