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SD20 finally called/text DH for money for a car..

notsobrady's picture

That was quick! And guess what? DH did not call her back (she left a voicemail) and he did not reply to her text.


She also called GMA who turned her down and SD20 hung up on her.

Applause for GMA as well!!!

And we haven't heard from her again.


I don't think this is over, but in our world this is HUGE!



advice.only2's picture

Good for them, after doing all that leg work you did and now she just wants money, nope.

notsobrady's picture

Honestly I think she figured out she can't do it alone. She's 20 years old and has zero credit. I'm just glad we're out of the loop (for now)..

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Wow Brady, that's terrific! It's one of the unexpected results in steplife that when damage caused is not addressed, after a while people tend to move on. 

TBH, both your DH and his parents always seemed to take the path of least resistance with your SD. She controlled them while she had them caught up in her drama, but they've since had time to get used to a calmer life without her. Perhaps they've gained enough perspective to understand that life is more peaceful without her shenanigans?

hereiam's picture

Guess she needs to remember that she didn't need or want your help.

I hope your DH stays strong and lets her figure it out for herself.

I've been through all of this when my sister was young. She wanted my help one minute, was stubbornly rebellious the next, then wanted my help again. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. It was exhausting.

It's hard to stay strong, but if you don't, the rollercoaster never ends. The enabling never ends, and they never grow up.

Chmmy's picture

Glad DH and GMA are finally done with her antics!! For now...I know the feeling waiting for the next bomb to drop.

justmakingthebest's picture

HOLY CRAP! GMA is finally over it too! This is amazing! 

I think most people in thier early 20's need a little help from time to time when they are living on their own. However, this girl has just been hellbent on destroying her future no matter what anyone says or does or how they help her. Hopefully this will be a wakeup call.. but I doubt it.