Three-fer and Update on the Toxic Troll/Feral Forger Saga...
Husband and I have a new thing we get to arg---er--discuss now: his friend of 30 plus years has been "stopping by" once sometimes twice per week for the past 2 plus years. This man is quite nice, quiet and reserved with a really super sweet hound/pit mix whom I love. BUT SERIOUSLY. Im tired of this weekly Housemate who comes over (sometimes when Husband is not there but on his way) trots in with a six pack of beer, his bagged snacks, plops himself down in a leather chair in the man-cave and will sometimes grab the remote. For the record, he has "no time for a girlfriend"...he even went with us as a third wheel to a concert I wanted to go to with husband. So. Should I change my attitude or stand my ground? I stood my ground, and husbands response was "ok, so do you want me to go to his house and drive home after a few beers? Because if he doesnt come over here Im going there". That just sounded ridiculous to me, so I said "ok", but now after last nights 3 hour marathon where I felt like a parent giving her childs over-staying friend the stink-eye, I just dont know. I think I might change my mind on this...
This man has more than wore out his welcome. So NOW as of today, SD15 B/M has been with us for 2 weeks and was suppose to go to her mothers yesterday and now I find out shes with us "just a few more days"...not only do I have a "permanent houseguest every other week" who I help support, but a weekly housemate who also doesnt help pay my bills.
Honestly this might just break me. And its not that they are at all imposing on me. I told husband that he is exclusively responsible for hosting activities - food - cooking - dishes - whenever housemate visits. And I generally do not cook and buy food now when SD15 B/M is at our house for visitation...(but I havent really mentioned anything overt) everyone is generally polite and tidy. There is nothing obnoxious about their behavior - they are both just THERE. In my home. That I pay half of. Ive not gotten ANY breaks. Now Ive had housemates - up to 6 at one time with a parrot and cat added - so I KNOW how to houseshare like its an olympic sport. But Im in my 50's and am sometimes not wanting to share my space, especially not with people that are not appreciative. I dont get any extra bottles of wine, no offers to help with dishes, or cleaning, nada. SD does clean out rabbit cage every 2 weeks and pick up dog doo every two weeks and mostly does pet feeding. No other chores, except to set the table and washing her own stuff.
Im a bit frustrated andready to file some paperwork soon. Its too much baggage!
Whew thanks if you read this far.
And the latest is that Feral Forger SD22 is "being better about things", which means the whole eviction and restraining order was a drama-hoax. Its just back to the same old thing.
- CLove's blog
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Why does your DH "need" to
Why does your DH "need" to see his buddy twice a week for hours, are they in high school?
And once again he demonstrates that he cares nothing about your feelings. Tell him yes, go visit him at his house and drive drunk if you want. Don't let him manipulate you that way.
Seems JUST like high school
To me. Ive had issues the whole time. Just not ready to rock the marriage boat until now.
That's exactly
what I would have said. "Yes, please go to his house and I suppose if you choose to drink too much then you'll have to suffer the consequences"
I agree, that would be too much for me. His friend needs to get a life, or they need to hang out elsewhere if they both really like spending that much time together.
if the Mr had a buddy coming
if the Mr had a buddy coming over that much I know I'd have an issue with it. Home is where I can be comfortable and relax and let my hair down. If a non-us person invades my space I can't relax or just be mellow. It's not in me to not be 'on duty' with company here. So I get you. I really do.
Your husband isn't respecting you or valueing his time with you. What do you get out of a relationship with him? We know what he gets but you seem to be last on his list and I want to kick him in the man marbles for it.
Agreed. My DH has a friend
Agreed. My DH has a friend that I really like, but when he comes over and they sit in the kitchen and cook and drink and talk for hours, it's annoying. It only happens every few months, so I don't complain. Twice a week? No. But this guy has social skills and he would know that's too much time at someone else's house, unlike OP's DH's friend.
Not classy
I dont even get a bottle of wine out of it...
Not getting much except someone
To share the house payment and bills with. Not getting much together time (I manage ALL the date nights...Im looking to see what he does now that I am not picking that up for a while...).
Just at the end of THAT rope.
Your nice...I would told him go ahead and you do you boo
but don't call me from jail. I will not post bail and I will not get an attorney for you. I may get an attorney for myself and file for divorce though.
And I get the whole want my house to myself. Sheesh....the other guy needs to find another hobby
Im almost at that point
But cannot afford the house payment all on my own (yet).
LOL. You do you boo.
Im thinking of chores to give the Bro.
Start referring to him as
Start referring to him as "your boyfriend" and see where that leads.
I do generally think that the
I do generally think that the adult occupants should have some level of authority over hosting people in their home. Now, I will have to say that while SD15 is her own set of issues and likely contributes to the general frustration.. I would really try to see her situation as discrete and separate from the buddy.
And.. I get it.. once a week having your buddy over to your house doesn't seem on the face of it entirely excessive.. and he DOES bring his own food and drink for the most part.. so there is THAT to be thankful for..haha. But, when it's once or TWICE a week and monopolizing the house and then your DH doesn't really end up with the cleaning etc? I think it would be fair to say.. yeah... I think you should probably go to his house some... and you could always make sure to not drink so much that you are impaired. Or you could UBER home.. OR.. Clove.. you could offer to pick him up a couple times a month from his buddies.. and while it may not be 100% fair to put that on you.. you would at least have the house to yourself for a few hours!
So, maybe at that point picking the hard is what you need to do.
If you don't want the buddy there every week.. ask your DH to alternate visits... and if he brings up the drinking.. you could offer up some solutions.. UBER/responsible drinking etc... You could also tell him that you might tolerate 1x per week.. but more than that is excessive.. and he needs to tell his buddy it's not a good time to do that.
ADD in the fishing and after fishing
After fishing hang out time.
And he went to a concert on what was supposed to be a date night. I had to insert myself between them. So IN ADDITION to the 1 time per week, theres these additionals...
They always stay in the man-cave (garage), so its not technically monopolizing the house. And I would SOMETimES cook. Sometimes they will order a pizza.
I thought about the different alternatives and him coming over is the "least hard". And Ive already told Husband that Boyfriend (another comment - I like that one!!!) "hey husband when is your boyfriend coming over???"
The hard part is when they go outside on the porch and watch the sunset together.
I think you have every right
I think you have every right to be annoyed. You don't have to tiptoe around it and make compromises. I wouldn't have the nerve, but if you do, tell the friend he's coming by too much and needs to stop.
Ok.. that last line made me
Ok.. that last line made me laugh.
My DH has actually had a few friends overstay their welcome with me over the years. A few times we even had them living with us to an extent.. in a detached place.. but still they were just around all the time.
I mean, I get it's hard to really put into words what is irking you the most.
But, I might be thinking along the lines of. "hey.. you know I think Bob is a super guy and it's great that you have a friend that you enjoy hanging around with.. but between having munchkin for visitation and then your buddy over, we just don't get that much time to spend with each other.. and it feels like 2x a week to have people over when we don't get that much time??? it just feels like it keeps us from having time as a couple.
I do have another devious plan... if you have enough gullible single lady friends... start inviting a woman to introduce to him when he comes over.. he will either hook up and become too busy to visit.. or he will decide that he doesn't want to deal with your friends..haha.
Watch the sunset together?
This is sounding like Brokeback Mountain!
I mean, does your DH have no
I mean, does your DH have no boundaries or self-control whatsoever in any aspect of his life? It's either that or he has to go get drunk at the friend's house twice a week and drive home? I'd be tempted to let him go and then drop the dime on him when he leaves to go home. I wouldn't actually do it, but the thought would cross my mind.
If he insists on having the friend so much, make them drink outside. And they can pee outside too. At least they aren't in your house.
It's totally weird for a
It's totally weird for a grown, married man to spend so much time with his friend like that.
They are totally besties (ew!
They are totally besties (ew!)
My DH has a good friend who
My DH has a good friend who lives across the street and he doesn't hang out with him more than every couple months. And it's always at the neighbor's house, which is nice for me.
Uh, no. I have friends, and
Uh, no. I have friends, and also really like my neighbors but I don't hang with them that much. I'm BUSY and have stuff to do! I'd start cutting this down if possible or just letting your H go - but anything that happens as a consequence is on him. (hopefully no drunk driving b/c that would effect you too). You aren't helping your H with too much are you? I don't do DH's laundry, help him clean up his myriad of piles around the house (other than to consolidate them sometimes), nor do I do his dishes - he can take care of his personal stuff. If you are you need to stop;.
My sister had a firend who would be over to her house pretty much EVERY DAY for hours! She'd just stop by. My sister started hiding from her and not answering the door b/c it was too much. The last time I was there on vacation this woman was there almost all day for two days in a row, breakfast - dinner and I had almost no alone time with my own sister. It was very, very annoying and rude. My sister moved and now that's taken care of I think - I was telling her be direct and tell her no more.
Ugh that is so frustrating
When we moved in May, DH's closest friend started just "dropping by" several times a week. The first week was totally fine I mean we just moved here and know basically no one. After 4 weeks of this especially when they also work together 40+ hours a week, I told DH he had to put a stop to it. Luckily for me, my DH was not a fan of his just dropping by either so he had a conversation with him about it and he has only done it once since then. That was the day he came over to tell us about DH's work being shot up so neither of us minded. Now DH is like I only want to do something with him once every other weekend because he spends so much time with him at work and he just wants quality time with me, especially when his friends talks about work alllll the time.
I am sorry you are not having any personal space and it is several people encroaching on your home, that really sucks. Personally, I would tell my DH that a guys night once a week is fine and they can take turns who hosts if they want, but you want to know ahead what day it is so you can plan accordingly to do something for yourself. I don't think a night a week to hang out with a buddy is a bad thing, but multiple times a week, unannounced, and your DH not caring how you feel about it? No thanks.
CLove, I honestly think your
CLove, I honestly think your DH doesn't like you. He finds every opportunity to spend time away from you (fishing, friends, etc). The way he has used you for his kids and personal benefit and then does nothing in breaks my heart Those are the tough times in examining your relationship. I have (am) at that point for quite some time now....just haven't moved on anything yet either..
I know he likes me
we are intimate. But yeah, its heavily towards his guy time. It is a very tough time, and m done arguing, because Ive tried bringing things up, to no resolutions.
Im at that point of just looking towards the next step, in a new direction, without him by my side.
Does he fish with this guy to?
Does he fish with this guy to? Or does he do that with someone else? If he spends one or two nights a week with this guy and most weekends fishing - when do you guys spend time together just hanging out? I know you go to lots of events together, but it doesn't sound like you spend any time just being with each other. Which is fine, if it is what you both want - but I think you would like more one-on-one time with just your DH. And of course this cuts into any time that he might actually spend with his daughter.
Yes they are also fishing buddies
So additional to the weekly (mon-fri) visit, he will also hang with him saturday all day fishing and then they will hang after fishing (3-5 ish). But not ALL the time, not EVERY weekend.
Our hanging out time is when I sit and watch tv in the man cave, or we go to a planned dinner out.
Time with kiddo - nil - she just hangs in her room on the phone to her friends.
That is a lot of "togetherness."
That is a lot of "togetherness" - especially for men who are out of (or should be out of) their "partying" days. I think you are wise to begin the process of looking forward and deciding what you really want your future to look like. You are a caring and nurturing woman and you deserve someone who appreciates all you have to offer.
I have a colleague/friend who
I have a colleague/friend who a couple of decades ago was a couch surfer. I recruited him to my company at the time. His wife at the time (#2) was a school teacher who had started that school year and could not break her contract. So his three daughters stayed with their SM for nearly a year until the end of the school year when they joined him. For nearly a year he imposed on several coworkers. Not us, I never offered.
A number of years later I recruited him to a second company. After I left that company and we moved to the Mid Atlantic region he and his 2nd DW divorced. Our home was available so we let him live there rent free until we were able to sell the house.
A couple of years later I recruited him to a third company. He lived in our guest room for several months until I told him that my family needed to return to normalcy. It was oddly uncomfortable to get him out and into his own place.
Years later he visited us in Qatar for a month.
I just hired him at a fourth company. He will stay with me for a couple of weeks until his truck and RV are delivered. He is out before my bride joins me in 4 weeks.
Be direct with the friend. "My home and marriage needs to return to normalcy. You are welcome to visit one afternoon/evening every other week." You pick the day of the week. Take it out of DH's hands.
I am considering doing this
Because my husband doesnt want to upset anyones apple cart (I thought it was irritating with how he did that with Toxic Troll!!!) I was considering doing just that - bringing it up with Friend. In a nice way, but firm way.
Ill percolate on it.