OT - Eff Off Friday
This work day won't end soon enough. I am ready to chew railroad spikes while chanting over and over "I need this job I need this job I need this job I need this job...."
Eff off to:
- King Pita. I know this idget is struggling with aaaaaaall of his new job duties, but damn. Make.Up.Your.Mind.
- Last week: Aniki, do your new task (his old) this way and email everyone.
- This week: Aniki, do that new task but do NOT email every one; only me and I will email everyone.
- Last week: Aniki, do not send out the XYZ email to Fluffy Chickenbutt.
- This week: Aniki, make sure to include Fluffy Chickenbutt on the XYZ emails.
- Last week: Aniki, I want the lead programmers to run the ID10T report.
- This week: Aniki, why didn't you run the ID10T report?
Wishing you a KP-free, stress-free, healthy, enjoyable weekend!
- Aniki-Moderator's blog
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Sounds like my old job, of
Sounds like my old job, of which department is sending out various emails most like the situation you describe. My current and wonderful boss has made our own logical department plan to counteract the chaos which I'm thankful for.
Basically it's eff off to February. It will be my 'hell month.' I even woke up in the middle of the night with an 'oh no' realization that someone didn't do something and now I have to follow up on it AGAIN...since I have today off I'm simply noting on my urgent list for Monday.
Eff off to the transit system issues today that will put a kink in DH and I getting to the city for our fun afternoon/night.
I have not had a boss this
I have not had a boss this bad in many years. A majority of it is KP being a freaking yo-yo. No idea what's going on in his head (nor do I want to know!).
I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend!
A friend of mine got fired
A friend of mine got fired for doing the right thing, the hard thing. But there was some negative press around it. A great big EFF OFF to her employer.
That SUCKS!!! *diablo*
That SUCKS!!! *diablo*
Its 5 oclock somewhere, it always is.
No martini luncheons?
No martini luncheons?
It just makes ME feel better saying its 5 oclock somewhere
Gotta keep up appearances ya know. LOL
True. *drinks*
True. *drinks*
Eff off to Toxic Troll
Yet one more Eff off to Toxic Troll BM.
Who busts into a funeral where she isnt a friend, where the deceased is a long-time friend of DH's. And who knows shes not welcome but goes anyway. Thats right folks, Toxic Troll does this.
So, eff off to those BM's that always think they are welcome everywhere and make things awkward all around. Pushing in where they are basically unwanted.
Yeah, I give TT way too much room in my head.
TT sounds like BioHo. Gads.
TT sounds like BioHo. Gads.
Black Velour with Rhinestone Stars
is what she showed up in. With those "cold shoulders" thing. Just her being there was so inappropriate.
BioHo would wear something
BioHo would wear something tight that shoves her tatas up and out.
Eff off to...nothing
I've had a good week
Have a great weekend S'Talkers!
You lucky lady!
You lucky lady!
Eff off to the cold wind
Eff off to the cold wind blowing through here. I live in the south where everything shuts down if there's a slight dusting of snow. It's not snowing here but we're not exactly used to blustery cold weather. What a booger!
Eff off to whatever is causing my daughter to feel sick. She may be getting tested for Covid tomorrow. Sore throat, runny nose, feels like crap. Could also just be the common cold. Omicron has come through the community like a wrecking ball. Our district had so many students, faculty and staff out with covid and not enough subs to cover the classes so they went virtual for a few days.
I love my kids being home but the high school teachers think that the students have absolutely nothing else to do so they load them down with work. Middle school is opposite. My district went virtual for a week at the beginning of this month. My son got a week's worth of assignments done in one day. Apparently neither school has any concept of the word balance. So eff off middle and high school teachers.
Eff off to grocery stores not having stuff! Eff off to everything going up! Eff off to Pet Smart not having the apple banana treats that the guinea pigs love! I had to buy them veggie treats and they don't seem to like them as much. They'll eat it but as enthusiastically. Rotten animals!
I hope your daughter is
I hope your daughter is better soon, PetSpoiler!
Eff off Friday
Eff off to consultants and independant experts. They sent 175 detailed questions that need to be answered in the next 10 business days. Bye bye evenings and weekends.
However, I am going to carve out some time today to go to a fancy restaurant that specialises in savoury pies. I'm going to have the Dauphinoise potato, winterdale cheddar & caramelised onion pie. Not super healthy but this is a treat. If it's as good as it looks, I'm buying the cookbook to find out how to make this at home.
TASM, that pie looks
TASM, that pie looks delicious!
It was good
And it was a late Christmas catch up with the SSs. MSS and GF had (complete coincidence) bought us the cookbook for Christmas. Will have to work on my pastry skills! *diablo*