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Funny things

Cover1W's picture

Oh DH you are hilarious and you don't even know it sometimes!

* DH cooking his dinner on Friday, didn't ask me about it at all. ANYWAY I told DH I will just cook up some spicy black beans for myself. He says, "If you are doing that you can make some for YSDalmost17 too." I look at him like he's lost his mind. "What?!" "If she wants dinner she can come up here and either help make it or nothing." DH, "She can make it for you two then, you can go get her." "No. I am making MY dinner, I don't want to wait another 45 minutes for her to do so with over-seasoned, over-cooked food." All good, he ended up agreeing.

* DH is talking about some book recommendations for YSD then says, "You should recommend some to get." No. "Why not?" She didn't ask me, she asked you, and she'll ignore my suggestions anyway.

* Talking with DH about stuff and I mentioned that YSD won't touch any of my homemade breads. But she'll eat the expensive bread DH buys. He says "She's just weird." Then not two minutes later I hear him tell her, while she's eating some of the bread he bought, "That's good bread isn't it!"

FFS. I can just shake my head and walk away. Now running errands verrrrrry slowly as she'll be gone when I get back.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

" can make some for YSDalmost17 too"



Elea's picture

Oh dear, I would laugh in my DH's face if he were to suggest that. 

Oh honey, SD is your job. Besides, SD is old enough to make her own dinner. Lololol 

Rags's picture

Great job telling DH no to his repeated efforts to get you to coddle his failed family progeny.

Stick to No!

advice.only2's picture

The proverbial "shoving the child down your throat" to force bonding, yeah my DH used to do that....look how that turned out for him lol.

Cover1W's picture

So this morning I get up, start making toast. Toaster is broken. Put two and two together.... yesterday morning last person to use toaster was.......YSD! She was digging around in it. (stuck toast?) One of the inside metal pieces was all bent and torn out of the support. It is not a simple old toaster issue, clearly.

Of course DH says, "it was on its way out anyway." You are excusing the issue, you told me recently to NOT get a toaster....what the issue is is her breaking something AGAIN and not saying anything, leaving it for us to find, actually both girls did this. There's no ramifications ever. "I know" he says quietly.

He's going to get a toaster today.

missgingersnap2021's picture

Oh yeah! SD NEVER broke anything here over the years. And in my case - God forbid I accused her of breaking something.

Oh and I would buy bagels form the store for her to eat but doting daddy would run up to the local store on the Saturdays she was here to buy bagels from a food truck "becasue they were sooo much better" (Like a ten year old has a refined palate) Oh and one time when she was around 10 she tried getting a piece of toast out of the toaster with a metal knife when it was plugged in!