Oh eff my life..I swear
After coming off a week of oncall hell....Saturday I was on a call for 18 hours...(thank you Microsoft Azure).
I get the following from DH regarding SD..
SD was called out of class. She doesn't have enough seals (ie passing enough state tests) to graduate. She needs to earn more seals.
Is this a surprise to me...NO. I saw the state tests and the fact she only passed one and knew her graduating might not be happening. DH assured me when I asked she was on track.
My ability to deal with this sh*t is done..I'm burnt out....flat out...I CANNOT.
I'm resentful because the reason I work this job is because it pays well and we needed the money. I have carried this family for the last 18 years...my tour of duty IS DONE. I cannot take another year of CS and SD being in high school. I just can't...my kids are grown and flying out of the nest..or in DD's case flying to another country. I'm ready to be an empty nester...ratched back my work load..not continue this one.
Just eff my life...
- halo1998's blog
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Your DH has had it too good
Your DH has had it too good for too long. I'd go absolutely apeshit nuclear on him.
Youi have gone above and beyond for a husband who has taken advantage at every turn.
So it's time to draw a line in the sand - here's how much I am contributing to your failed first family every single effin' month, you are not even capable of keeping up with your daughter's lack of progress, I refuse to continue to be bled in this manner because of your lack of parenting. The sum I just showed you is how much will be going into my savings account every month as from now on and it's up to you to make up the difference. Do what you like to get there, second job, better job, I don't care, it's your problem to solve.
Is there an option for her to
Is there an option for her to bridge this gap during the summer? is there an online option she could use to get these done.. and she could be marshalled into that plan?
I think she can do summer school
but I have no idea. SD doesn't exactlly get any details, etc. I will have to ask DD..she knows more about this stuff as she did a semster of that they call "teacher Academy" here. Its a program for high school kids that are thinking of becoming teachers so they go over all the requirements and various plans to get to graduation.
This is on Him, his ex, and
This is on Him, his ex, and his failure of a child. You have carried the weight for too long. You should not have to pay for their lack of proper parenting and their inability to expect anything positive from their child. I would put my size 3 down and tell him "my extra money is for me now. I refuse to pay for any more failure from your child. I. Am. Done. " then fark that noise.
Can she retake the tests? I
Can she retake the tests? I believe in NY they offer retakes during the summer of the state exams.
They can only take them once a year
at a specific time. Nothing in the summer....
Sounds like DH listened to SD
Sounds like DH listened to SD and she said everything was fine. Then reality hit SD in the face.
It's early in the fall of senior year. They pulled her out as she still has time to get the second seal.
DH is now finding out that burying your head in the sand (aka listening to your child say everything is ok) does not turn out well. If he wants her to graduate he'll get in touch with her guidance counselor and figure out a plan forward -- and hold SD's feet to the fire to complete it.
edited -as I misread.
I did a quick google.. Ohio
I did a quick google.. Ohio requires a min of TWO seals.. so if she has one? she is short only another one I think. I would assume there is a pathway for kids to make up something like that so they don't get completely torpedoed in graduating.
this booklet talks about the various seal options.. it may be she can get something accomplished here.. her dad will likely have to work with the school on what those options are.. it's not just school/test stuff.. it involves other things.. like if she joined the military? that would count as one seal.
We reviewed that and really the only one she can get
since she is a freaking SR now..is the Ohio means Jobs...and she need to go a crap ton of paperwork for that one. SD doesn't do paperwork, etc.
She is in no clubs, no extracurriculars, nothing. SD doesn't "Like" anything...
when was she supposed to
when was she supposed to graduate? Ohio is supposed to be identifying and helping kids reach these goals. honestly.. her dad needs to take this bull by the horns and make it happen.. he can do paperwork.. lead her by the nose. he needs to udnerstand consequences when he is already on thin ice.
She is supposed to Graduate in May
and suspect the school has been telling SD..but she 1. doesn't understand and 2. listens to Mommmmmyyyyyy that says..its ok babbbbbyyyy your trying..
I can only "advise" Dh as I've been told I'm too controlling. *I noped out last year when my "controling" ways were used as an excuse for DH's other activities. Now..he has since been shown the light by the counselor that I wasn't being controlling and his actions were all his fault.* I advised today that he call the guidance counselor and talk this out between the three of them. I got told they would do that after he talks to SD. *I walked away at that point*
I think the school needs to
I think the school needs to give them a plan.
There is another seal that she could potentially get.. by getting an acceptable score on the ACT or SAT.. not sure how realistic that is.. but put her tail in a review class.. get her to pass the test (and you can retake them).. maybe that could get her across the line. There are also a few classes she needs to pass with certain grades.. maybe she could do an accepted online class (even if it's a repeat).. and pass with the "b" she needs??
I think there is time to fix this hopefully.
I can tell you the ACT and SAT are a no go
she already took them..and she is in the lower 10% for scores. SD will not go to a review class, etc. She doesn't "neeeeeeeddddd it"
I get it....my own DD did a review to increase her ACT scores..but honestly she just wanted over a 30 instead of the 28 she got the first time. SD has a LOOOONNNNGGG WAY TO GO...she scored in the teens....not even the 20's on the ACT
Is there a local community
Is there a local community service seal available?
Here that would just be the required number of hours volunteering.
What about dropping out and
What about dropping out and getting a job and a GED?
Time for The Talk
With firstly DH and then SD.
Time to take the gloves off. Really take them off. For hardline.
“DH if SD fails and requires
“DH if SD fails and requires another year of school you are going to need to pick up a second job to support the extended CS payment as per our original agreement I won’t be working over to compensate for your or Beaver anymore.”
What I want to say is..
Good luck..I'm out. I'm selling my house (cause it is my house) and I'm moving to where ever the hell I want to. I'm not waiting around anymore for you or your failed spawn.
So say it.
So say it.
Also tell him to consider himself lucky that you're not going to bill him for all the crap you've paid for over the years for kids that are not even yours because he wasn't capable of doing it himself.
that exactly
I could have been retired by now if I hadn't paid for our lifestyle while DH climbed out of debt. I did because i thought we would have a future..but that future keeps getting put off.
Big yikes...sorry
That freaking sucks hard. Especially since it appears to be dragging on even longer now.
Sunken Falacy - sometimes you just gotta cut bait.
Sunk Costs Fallacy...
... combined with MASSIVE Future-Faking.
I can relate
I would be a hell of a lot better off if it wasn't for Chef's prostitution on a payment plan that Rags refers to.
I only keep him bc of his construction skills.
That is exactly what I was
That is exactly what I was coming here to suggest. YOU follow what the plan was supposed to be. DuH can struggle through the extra year of SD and CS on his own and join you when he's "free." To do otherwise is just enabling his poor parenting and poor life decisions. Do what YOU want to do.
Stop being their "safety net."
You have to make
DH get a second job to pay for his CS. Light a fire under him.. it's his problem,, he pays for his mistakes..Not you.
Yep....I'm quite over this
at this point. It been a long freaking 17 years.
Ya know I think I have been plenty patient and supportive
all these years...even with DH having his head up his @ss for the last 8 years. I've been waiting for when it was just us....and we could get on with our lives. I think I've done my time.....and then some honestly. I don't see many women or men putting up with what I have put up with over the years. This very well might be the straw that broke my back...I need to time to decide my fate..stay married or divorce. I know its probably not fair to divorce of this..but I'm just done. What will the next thing be with SD, GWR and Beaver..I don't know and quite frankly I don't want to find out. I want to live MY life...
Hmmph. So these BMs can
Hmmph. So these BMs can extend their CS if their kid fails high school? Jesus, talk about rewarding poor parenting.
Its a fun feature here in Ohio
cs end at 18 and high school diploma....or at 19 regardless.
So...SD turns 18 in early May...she should graduate in middle May, which means CS should end by end of May. However, if she doesn't graduate then we get to pay till 19. It was defined that way so that kids with a late birthday don't get cut off before they graduate. Too many cases of kid turns 18 and CS cuts off and custodial parent kicks them out of the house before they graduate since the cash stopped coming in. Sad but true.
At least
Its not f'ng NYS. I've been with Chef for almost 2 decades and he still has till January!!!!@
Fun in California too
SD17 Powersulk CPS has bday in late may. and graduates June 2024. I made certain to check that shes on track. so far sooooo good.
It matters not if they are "on track" or not. Even if they are employed full time, not going to school or whatever, if they are still living in mommy's basement CS continues until 21 automatically.
ha ha ha
My DH's CS agreement was until SSs were 18 or finished full time education. MSS finished his degree when he was 23 but if he had decided to do a post grad it could have lasted until he was 26.
Also, how about DH (and the D
Also, how about DH (and the D stands for douchebag due to his other activities) needs to get a second job to both pay the extended child support and also pay an equal amount to OP, to make up for the money they would have saved.
Ya know its not even the amount of cs that is the issue
its only $500 a month now..but honestly its the thought that my plans, etc are on hold for ANOTHER year due to SD. I just can't take that and having Beaver involved in our lives for another g0d d@mn year is something I just can't do.
You don't have to justify
You don't have to justify yourself to us,we understand. Dammit woman, your life is yours! Go live it! You have no obligations to HIS kids. Not your problem.
Hear hear
Please don't wait for your DH and SD to sort themselves out. Look after #1. You're worth it.