Hi StepTalkers!
The holiday season is upon us again - and I am so happy to report that I have zero step drama in my life!
Bratty McBratFace is now 26 years old.
And big news - Bratty has been accepted to med school! She will start next fall (2024) and has a couple of schools to choose from. Her first choice is in the Chicago area and she has already moved there to prepare (she and Nutter GF broke up a year ago, as expected). Really she is shaping up her life alot. More responsible overall and really no demands on Daddy or us. She is finding her way in life.
Also after moving to the midwest she is no longer vegan, again. For now. Some things never change LOL. But I don't care as everyone in this scenario has found there happy place.
I hope all the ST'ers out there have a great holiday season, free of step-drama - and please know there is some home for a happy (if not perfect - Brady Brunch) ending!
Happy Holidays!
- caninelover's blog
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Dr. Bratty?
Good Lord, I can't believe it! When/if she finally graduates and goes into practice, please let us know where (so we can avoid). But maybe she has really matured and will be a good doc.
I just saw my new doc last week, I secretly call him my kid doctor. I have gkids older than he. But, truth be told, he seems very knowledgeable.
Will do!
Probably mes school in the Midwest but who knows after that.
All doctors look so young to me lately - probably just denial about me getting older LOL.
Some shit children are
Some shit children are redeemable. Sounds like Bratty is one of them.
Congratulations on your Skid drama free life. Enjoy it.
Congratulations to you, DH and even to Bratty on her turnaround.
She is making her own way in her own way. And staying out of my way. All is good!
Sounds way good to me.
Did she sell
Her mermaid costume?
No idea. But since she now identifies as disabled due to her chronic pain and uses a cane when she wants attention - I would imagine the mermaid costume is gone!
Mermaid costume.
An alumna of my Military School lives her life as a mermaid. She lost her kids to her XH and has only supervised visitation. Her eldest aged out from the CO and moved in with her. It is a trainwreck unfolding as the DD is starting to drink the mermaid Kool-Aid.
In the FB updates she shares, they both look happy. Which is rare for the mom. She usually has this very haunted look of underlying misery.
I truly hope they both have pleasant lives. I fear that they will both end up living on the margins that the mother resides in.
She was accepted into a
She was accepted into a medical school? In the US? Am I confused, because I thought her grades were not all that high?
My god-awful ex was a doctor.
My god-awful ex was a doctor. He was a straight C student, rich parents and he doesn't take "no" for an answer so it didn't matter. He also got kicked out of med school and had to start all over again, more than once. Lordy Lordy, people put too much faith in doctors just because they are a doctor.
There is a "bottom of the class" in all majors. Terrifying really.
In the mid-west.
Her grades weren't great but she is disabled (or represents herself that way), etc etc so probably got some sympathy points in the admissions process.
Thanks for the update - I miss your stories!
Thanks for the update - I miss your stories!
Though I'm glad I don't have any more stories these days!
Hey, caninelover!
Hey, caninelover!
So glad you're back! My chin hit the keyboard when I read the news of Bratty; miracles do happen from time to time although the thought of Bratty in a white coat is a tad unnerving. Here’s hoping that serenity and happiness continue at Chez canine and that your holiday is the best ever!
BTW, How's your Golden pup? Still thriving, I trust?
Pup update
Hi grannyd! Thanks for asking, my pup just turned one year old and is the best! We are training her for therapy work. She is a true angel in a fur coat
Aw, that's great, caninelover
Aw, that's great, caninelover! All dogs are a blessing, as far as I'm concerned, but Golden Retrievers are particularly lovely, loyal and intelligent; they are definitely worth all that brushing. Your girl sounds very special.
They really are just so sweet! And yes when she sheds I can make a whole new dog with the fur I pick up just on the sofa but she is so worth it!!
Glad she's not bothering you
But this reminds me of a short reel I saw on FB. It was a guy calling into the Dave Ramsey show for help. He had amassed £430k in school debt trying to become a doctor but kept failing the medical board exams so was doing something else and only earning £30k (I think) per annum. I really hope this isn't Bratty's future.
At least the debt means she has to work LOL
The debt gets forgiven by government (one of the more disturbing aspects).
My brother's SIL's DH, is a
My brother's SIL's DH, is a Doc. He did med school in Grenada. He was not able to get into any US or Europe med schools. He had to do a remedial Master's to get into the actual med program but did ultimately get his MD.
Grads of that school can only take the Med boards in one US state. He lived in my Aunt's basement for nearly a year studying and taking the boards. He passed on the first try. Once the boards are passed and residency is completed most States have reciprocity and will allow applications to practice though they may not allow grads of some schools to take boards as new grads. As I understand it from talking to the Doc. I am no expert.
He is an OB/GYN and loves delivering babies. Not a bad guy. I did not have much use for him for quite some time. I detest his wife. A cheater, etc.... d My SIL's sister. But he turned out to be a good guy.
Even some of the bottom academic performers can end up being solid in their field.
I was usually at or near the top of my class. With the noted exception of my Undergrad GPA I was middle of the pack. My brother was usually middle of the class accademically. I have done very well in my career. He has done spectatularly in his career. He gets the real world exceptionally well.
Hopefully, Bratty is one of the examples that will be solid in her professional life. I certainly hope that is the case. For her the sake of her patients.
Did a remedial post bacc (twice). First at Johns Hopkins (too hard for her, she dropped out). Then at a lesser known smaller school, which she finished and did reasonably well in.
She used to talk about going to Harvard Med School of course. Now she is more reasonable. My DH's brother is a doc and keeps nudging for her to apply to this and that prestigious school. She dug in and insisted that she is only interested in an education and not prestige. Part of the maturing I mentioned I am seeing. Less interested in the prestige factor and more interestes in the end goal. I like this change in her.
Good for Bratty! And good for
Good for Bratty! And good for you. If she's a Dr, she won't be able to poor-mouth and get money from you.
Lots of ifs still lie ahead but not my circus not my monkey :). And she doesn't get a dime from me now anyway and that won't change in the future.
Bratty in med school?? It
Bratty in med school?? It feels like I'm in the Twilight Zone!
Seriously though, congratulations and good luck to Bratty! It's wonderful to hear that you have zero step drama and life is good.
Happy Holidays, caninelover!
Thanks so much Aniki!
Happy holidays to you as well!
And thanks again to you and the other mods and contributors of this site. When things were much bleaker this was really the only place I could turn for understanding. I hope this site continues so all can feel that empathy, so thanks again to those that put in the time to make it all work
Bratty and med school
Bratty and med school in the same sentence? Thats like Feral Forger and honesty in the same sentence. Or Feral Forger and her love for me in the same sentence.
Glad things are calm for you and yours.
I still keep hoping things improve for you over time cLove. You are clearly such a caring person. Happy holidays and remember to prioritize YOU!
Hey, congrats on Brattys turn
Hey, congrats on Brattys turn around for success. Med school and residency is no joking matter. (doc in our family)
I love reading stories like this.
Congrats again
Thanks Thumper!
Hope you're doing well and Happy Holidays!
Always love Bratty updates!!
Always love Bratty updates!! Glad she's doing OK and leaving you guys stress free. How's she's going to make it though with her "disabilities?"
Time will tell.
Glad the pup is doing great! Goldens are percious! My little girl is 3 today!