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OT - Happy Hogmanay

Winterglow's picture

I'm about to sign off for this year - I'm waiting for DH to bring home the daughter who's away at school - and have pretty much got the meal in hand (all duck plus a tarte tatin for dessert, in case you're wondering). 

I wish you all the very best for this coming year. May your hopes and dreams come true. May this year bring you health, wealth and happiness, though not necessarily in that order. You are all unique and special and I wish I could hug each and every one of you. *yes3*

I wish you all a very happy New Year and lang may yer lums reek!


CLove's picture

Happy New Year from the West Coast California (10:47 am here) Im sure you are getting excited for 2024...and seeing little fireworks across the town.

Many best wishes for going forward and thank you so much for the blessings!

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Today I learned about Hogmanay! I wish you a very happy one as well!

grannyd's picture

Wi' ither folks coal, Winterglow! I was married to a Scotsman and yon Hogmanay was a bigger deal than Christmas. All the best to you and yours, Hon, and to all the other members of this grand site.

Winterglow's picture

That's the case in much of northern Scotland especially, in my experience, for people who come from a crofting/farming background. Hogmanay was always more important than Christmas for my father's family.