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What is wrong with ME

RockyRoads's picture

What is wrong with me. Why am I not out of this relationship. And why am I not worth SO putting an end to what he does?SO will not put up the boundaries with BM and kids like he was told by the therapist.  He won't stop. He continues to let BM text him every day. Yesterday it was about something SS said to a coach( it wasn't mean this time)Okay if you can't control BM you can control your own fingers and not text her back. But he did . Now baseball season had started and it will give her very easy reasons to Text because of pick ups and asking if SO is going to the games. It might be petty but I hate it .   But I am the issue because I haven't left. 


ESMOD's picture

It's tough.. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that it's hard to let go of a bad decision.. because we have invested so much into it.  We also gert wrapped up into the ideal where we see what it "could be if only".. but the "if only" is part of it is what it is.. but it's hard to walk away from our dream.  Failure.. the fact that we didn't see the red flags.. and we own part of the dysfunction.. so leaving means we failed too.  Wanting people to like us.... if we leave.. they will hate us.  

And.. finally comfort.. leaving is hard.. and as frustrating as it is living with him having that kind of communication with his EX.. leaving means finding a place to live.. living with potentially fewer resources.. having to do it all alone.  

Then there is fear of unknow.. of being alone.. "forever".. I mean.. at this point.. you should never be with someone with minor kids.. because even "normal" levels of communication with an ex are your trigger now.  You can't stand it even when it's something that should be normal for parents of kids to discuss things about their joint kids.. The fact your husband has few boundaries.. means your boundary is a 20 foot high wall.. so it has kind of ruined you for a large portion of potential partners.. 

But.. there are worse things than being alone.. and if you think what you are dealing with IS worse.. you know the ultimate step you have to take.. 

RockyRoads's picture

Yep , I know he has to have communication with the ex because of the kids but since he hasn't set a boundary any communication now bothers me. 

la_dulce_vida's picture

You will leave when you're finally ready. It can take a long time to accept that nothing is going to improve.

I stayed with my XH1 for 26 years because we had a family and financial entanglements.

I stayed with my XH2 for 4.5 years because of a trauma bond from abuse.

I stayed with my XBF for 4.5 years because I loved him, his mom died and he just wasn't HORRIBLE. I chose to wait until I was sure that he wasn't able to be the kind of partner I wanted and deserved, and I had to decide that being on my own was better than being with someone who was on the fence about me and struggled to give me the bare minimum.

You will leave when you're ready.

Dogmom1321's picture

If you have brought up your concerns about the over communication & he continues to do so, he's not going to change. 

I had to have a similar conversation with DH a few years ago. The hour long phone calls re-hashing the past, BM wanting to "sit down" together with DH to talk, etc. were all excessive & IMO inappropriate. DH was clueless to most of it wasn't really seeing how it was affecting me. I can wholeheartedly say DH did change his actions... honestly if he hadn't changed, I'm not sure if I would have been able to stay. It was so draining and exhausting I don't think I could have stayed. 

Harry's picture

Him not following the basic " SO will not put up the boundaries with BM and kids " has to be a deal breaker.  You cant live with this interference in your life / relationship.. The therapist told him what he's doing is wrong  But he doesn't care / nor left the old relationship.  Being disrespectful to you.   Really time to tell him to change or else.  And start making an exit plan .  This may never change.  You will be 80 yo and BM will still be texting wanting him to find her teeth    No way to live .

I insisted that this type of nonsense end with my SO  I got it's for the kids  exchuse  I say get back together with him, for the kids .  I would not live that way.

Merry's picture

Sound like he wants to please you and the therapist by agreeing to set some boundaries with BM. But he's not yet been willing to make that hard change. Status quo works for HIM.

I would find a calm time to ask him. No accusations, no tears, no anger. Go with curiosity. Where does his hesitation come from, and what does he need to move forward.

That kind of discussion works incredibly well with DH. Not so much my ex, who couldn't get past his own anger to actually do anything. Until I actually left him. Then the begging started. 

RockyRoads's picture

I have discussed this with him way too much. The therapist has did it with him. He says it is out of fear. But he has more fear with not pleasing BM then the fear of me leaving.

Lillywy00's picture

Some of these men are more scared of ex wives dragging them into court/suing for money, custody, etc than they are of any viable relationship partner leaving them and their shortcomings in the dust. 

Lillywy00's picture

I had the exact same issue with my ex (lack of boundaries with ex wife and kids) and it heavily disturbed my peace because his kids ended up living in "our" home (which he considered his kids home)

When I told him to cut this Disneyland bullsh*t because that crap disturbed my peace in the home I paid bills in .... he simply doubled down, argued with me like a b*tch in favor of his conniving exwife and unruly kids, then had the gall to complain I wasn't f*cking him lol

Let me say this - If these kids aren't special needs, breastfeeding, or terminally ill then they are not the center of my life ... my spouse / marriage is (IF I married well) first then the kids. 

Any man who puts his former family ahead of his new spouse doesn't need to be married and is just using you for free labor and whatever else you willingly sacrifice. 

Men with multiple obligations have to learn how to balance it all but we see a lot of them favoring their exes and kids from previous marriages to the point it's like they struggle to move on and probably should have stayed with their exes or stayed single till their kids are grown. 

Only you can decide what your threshold is for dealing with Disneyland type dads. Me personally, dude would have to bank multiple 7 figures for me to deal with a c*nt ex wife and no-home training skids .... 

May sound cold but I'll NEVER do step parenting for free out of the kindness of my heart because these people will take advantage, drain tf out of you, nothing is ever enough and you're always at fault 

Men with heavy baggage need to be compensating or else it's not worth staying with them self sacrificing till you have nothing but complaints, resentment, and regrets 

RockyRoads's picture

I already regret that I have given up so much of myself and I resent him and me for letting this happen. I complain all the time .  It isn't healthy for either of us.  He should not be in a relationship with someone.  How are things going with you now that you have been away from it all for awhile?

Lillywy00's picture

It made me come to realization that while I loved him as a human and saw the good qualities that kept me with him for years .... at the end of the day his ultimate loyalty lied with his former family and while that worked for him - I could not accept that standard for my life 

I am single now and can focus on myself my needs my desires on my timeframe without having to expend hella mental energy on him and his ex and his kids behaviors. 

Maybe y'all can try couple/marital therapy before completely throwing in the towel

RockyRoads's picture

We are in couples therapy. But he won't do what the therapist said. He won't /cant understand what is meant by setting boundaries. He thought he did on one text she sent. It was can you pick up SS from the batting cages. He told me he sent back that she needs to make SS text him. But what the text really said was. Yes I can pick him up but tell him to let me know the time.  What should have been text back was a text to both SS and BM that said going forward SS I need you to text me in advance so I can let you know if I am available. To me that is simple, I can't even begin to think what goes thru his head that makes it so difficult .    But I do wish for days that I don't have this struggle and I do think I have to get the courage to leave. 

Winterglow's picture

I think that he understands perfectly well what the therapist expects from him but he just doesn't care. He imagines that he outsmarts all of you into making you believe he's complying while doing exactly as le pleases. He imagines that going to therapy and paying lip service to your expectations will shut you up. Truth is that he's fooling nobody and that everyone is aware that he's just lying again and can't be trusted. 

No offence but he thinks you're an idiot. Now, it's your turn - what's keeping you there?

RockyRoads's picture

I guess I keep staying for the good things and just keep hoping.  I tell myself I am being petty and it is me that expects to much.That maybe it is normal that BM texts eveyday because it is only about the kids. And that SO will take abuse from all of them because that is all he can get.I think this is what he believes is okay when it comes to kids and divorced parents. Unfortunately it is making me insane.

Winterglow's picture

No you are not being petty and no you are not expecting too much. If BM calls very day, it's either because she's incapable of organizing herself appropriately or she's making sure she's still at th front of your DuH's mind (she hasn't let go and she wants you to know it). 

Your husband is pathetic and he's dragging you down with him. He's taking abuse from them because he refuses to admit that it's abuse.  I would  tell him that you don't want to go to therapy with him anymore as it's utterly pointless because he isn't invested in it at all. Let him know that at least you gave it your best shot.

Please continue with therapy on your own until you discover the real reason why you are sticking around.

Rags's picture

We all start a marriage with the fantasy.  Hazy framed light footed romps through the beautiful meadow in a life together.  Or whatever fits our individual fantasy picture of a life with our mate.

Then... reality.  The draw of the fantasy clouds the view of reality.

It certainly did for me in my first marriage.  I knew on the wedding night that it was over.  I should have initiated an annulment on Monday after the Saturday event of the season wedding.  I did not have the courage or maturity to do that.

So, I went all in to make it work.  The problem was that my XW was not in at all. All in from partner does not work with not in at all from the other.  So, I pursued a path of insanity experiecing the same things over and over again while hoping for a different result.

In hindsight, I owe my XW a debt of gratitude for leaving.  It likely would have taken me far longer to end it.

I will never again do that to myself.  Fortunately, I have won the marriage lottery the second time I played.  Through there are no guarantees, this one is looking good so far.

I agree with the perspective that your SO is doing exactly what he always has and that is what he will continue to do. He sees the therapist because you expect him to.  But, the difficulty is not in the therapy, it is in changing one's historic and chosen behaviors.

Sadly, you are right. This will not end until you end it and the only likely solution is... to end it.  BM is not going away. Ever.  SS is not going away. Ever.  The odds are overwhelming that Daddy will never do what needs to be done to prioritize you or your marriage.

I understand and have lived not taking action when that action is painful, will likely fail, and will untimately end a marriage.  I will never again sacrifice me for a mate who does not make me as much of a priority as they make themselves. For damned sure, I will never tolerate my mate prioritizing anyone or anything over me and the relationship we share.

Doing nothing, changes nothing. Never forget that.

Take care of you.

RockyRoads's picture

I know Rags.  I have to leave . I can't keep waiting for a change. He is set in his behaviors. Even if he attempted more he would not be stern enough to make it stuck and would be right back at it. And I don't think I will ever get a answer that satisfies me on why he does it. I can't take hearing it is for the kids and that he is afraid of BM.  And it is like and addiction and he can't even get past the first step of admitting she texts daily. 

Rags's picture

I know how hard this is. 

I did not leave my XW. She is the one who played the D card. She told me in a back patio conversation while my parents were visiting from out of country.

I told her to go file. At which point she broke into tears and said "You are not going to fight for me!!!!"  Nope, I had faught for our marriage from day one and I was done.  When started the water works I told her that I had killed myself trying to make it work and I was now done. Sadness for me came later and in private.  F2F, I had zero sadness.

I am forever grateful to her for telling me she wanted a divorce. She tried to back out a couple of times after that. Nope. I did not let her pull the one more try crap.

You may find that once the decision is made and communicated, that things move forward in a far less stressful process.

Take care of you.