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2 Month Milestone

la_dulce_vida's picture

This week was the 2 month anniversary of the breakup. Still no contact and not looking to see what he's up to. I'm no longer tempted to peek at his ridiculous dating profile.

I recently went into my Amazon Prime account to cancel my Starz subscription because I knew I had also logged into that on XBF's TV, and I clicked on the viewing history tab. XBF had been using my account to watch a bunch of shows since the breakup. Now I know he knew what he was doing and I feel like buying the movie was absolutely an attempt to get my attention. Didn't work. I won't reach out. Password changed. Access denied.

I'm so fed up with lazy, passive attempts to get my attention. How about you go get some therapy, really do the work to become a better person - for yourself. That might actually get my attention.

It all goes back to the way he asked me out for the first time. He showed up at 2 bike rides I organized where he heard me mention wanting to see a Marvel Comics movie. A day or two later, he texed my phone with a link to the movie - no words - just a link. I work in IT Security so I don't know what possessed me to respond to his text, but I said, "Who is this?" He had my number because I was the event organizer. That was the FIRST sign he was going to be an indirect and low effort partner. Lesson learned.

Effort, self awareness, emotional maturity, emotional availabilty, empathy, kindness and integrity are what gets my attention going forward. I will actively ignore lazy, indirect and passive suitors.

Life is good. DD30 has just wrapped up 2 weeks working for the new job. She's feeling more confident about her skills and experience working with her new team. She's working with a very young group of engineers at a small company. They are all in their 20s to 40s, and she says they are all extraordinarly good looking (including her, but I'm biased). She just sold her old 2015 Kia at Carmax and is set to pick up a gently used Tesla SUV tomorrow. She said it's her consolation for having a 1 hour commute each way. Her BF drives the Tesla sedan, so they'll make a cute pair. They've been together 4 months and she is finally going to meet his parents tomorrow. BF is from Central America, and his mother is VERY traditional, so DD30 is a bit nervous. If momma doesn't like you, there will be hell to pay!! LOLOL

I'm happy. I'm good. I don't cry very often anymore. I'm moving into the acceptance phase, I think. I've been busy getting work done in the yard at my house. The front yard is very small and hilly, so I had a local kid come out and cut the grass/weeds really short and he covered the front yard with landscaping cloth and mulch. In the fall, I'll probably have it professionally landscaped (after the weeds and grass are good and dead). Also had the backyard garden prepped. Next week I'm getting a quote on a fence for the backyard. With DD30 contributing to rent, I'll be able to make additional improvments to the house. It's feeling like home sweet home.

Life is busy. Cycling season is about to start. I have several cycling events, 2 kayaking events, hiking trips, 2 bike packing trips, one backpacking trip, camping, etc. It's a bit much and I have most weekends booked until October. I'm back to organizing adventures with friends and making new friends on meetup.

Miraculously, the scale is inching downwards. Might be because I'm more active - duh. It's definitely NOT because I'm dieting or abstaining from alcohol - *snort*!!

Life is good. Work is good. The kids are all good. I'm happy 90% of the time. Thanks again for all of the support.


CLove's picture

Step by step, forward, gets you further away from the past.

Glad you are so busy! Im so looking forward to when the dark skies, and slushy days transition to the drier blue skies and sunny days. Its Good Friday, Ive got my Merrills on and am thinking Ill brave whatever weather and do a hike since its a half day. Biggrin Youve inspired me.

Yep, Ive got to change my password also. Debating when, because Princess Powersulk mentioned that I shaved off users to 2 devices - to her father. So she logges in during the day when we are not there. Monday will be password change as she transitions.

This will send a good message that you are DONE.

Rags's picture

I'm worn out just reading about  your adventure schedule and house activities.

Keep being inspired in your new life adventure.  You are inspiring me for sure.

DD has very exciting stuff going too.  I'm estimating that your 90% of the time happy estimate is conservative.

la_dulce_vida's picture

Dude, I'm worn out. But I'm also excited.

I've joined a couple of cycling clubs in my new area and they are very active, running at least 1-3 bike rides a week. I can't ride with the speedsters yet and I suck at hills - very slow. But I managed a nice 12 mile ride with them on Monday.

What I'm most excited about are the two bike-packing trips, one backpacking trip and a couple of weekends camping in Shenandoah National Park. I have only been backpacking once and bikepacking 2x all with XBF. When I ended things with XH2 I decided I would keep all of the new things that came into my life while I was with him. I'm doing the same with this breakup. I have all the gear and I plan to use it. I'm trying really hard to avoid filling in the few vacant weekends I have, but great stuff just keeps tempting me. Thankfully the weather has put the kibosh on a couple of bike rides I was supposed to lead, so Mother Nature is making sure I have downtime even if I don't have the sense to schedule it. Biggrin

Thank you in particular for your words of encouragement.

Rags's picture

A premise in life. Also in my profession.  Though one addresses out own body and mind heath, the other is around production assets.  Plan  your downtime for maintenance, or your equipment will do it for you in the most expensive way possible.

Give rose

Lillywy00's picture

I'm so fed up with lazy, passive attempts to get my attention. How about you go get some therapy, really do the work to become a better person - for yourself. That might actually get my attention.

good points but the likelihood the average man initiates a therapy session? It would be nice if more men felt comfortable sharing their feelings and emotions in a safe place like with a trusted therapist especially at the first sign of relationship trouble. 

also very wise choice to engage with men who put in more than the bare minimum efforts most of the time. 

Good to hear things are going well for you.