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Crappy Situation Update

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Things had been pretty peaceful. No drama from BM2 in months, and the SDs have been, as far as i could tell, quiet except for SD27’s repeated requests for money, which SO said he was finally going to start setting some limits with. SD24 has been no contact since moving out in a huff a few months ago. I recently went on a trip for a week with my recent high school graduate and it was nice. 

So when SO told me yesterday that he and BM1 talked on the phone about SD27’s issues, i appreciated the honesty. BM1 called him to ask for financial help to fix SD’s car. SO told me that he offered to have SD27 move in with him to save money, finish her education, and work on her mental health. Not ideal, but i appreciated the honesty and tried to be a supportive ear.

Here’s where it goes off the rails. I couldn’t stop wondering why he was being so open with me. In the past, when he disclosed something like this, it was because i would likely be finding out something worse and he wanted to get out in front of it. At least in my mind.

So, this morning, while he was in the shower, i committed the mortal sin. I looked in his phone. Everything seemed to be on the up and up. But then i looked in “recently deleted.” There it was. He worked some nights just before i left and while i was gone, and there was a text convo between him and Britney. The girl he worked with, single and in court with her 2 kids’ 2 different dads, the one who shared her Adderall with him and he started taking it regularly afterward. She was fired about 6 months back and he said he didn’t talk to her anymore, but i saw in his phone that on one of his night shifts he texted her and asked how she was doing. She replied “I have wanted to reach out so many times but didn’t want to cause any trouble.” Then nothing.

So i asked him today if he’s talked to Britney since she was fired. He said no, check my phone if you don’t believe me. I told him i did, i sent myself a screenshot, and i don’t believe for a minute that that was the end of the conversation. He admitted that he then called her from the hospital landline to catch up, but that’s all it was. He then told me he didn’t think it was a problem to catch up with an old friend. I told him that if that were the case, why did he wait until the first night he was away from me in years to contact her, and why did he delete it? We haven’t spoken since.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks. I am just putting it out into the universe. I know what’s up. We don’t live together. I just feel sick. Things don’t change. I am just sad. 



ESMOD's picture

You are always one of the great posters with wonderful and sane advice on here.  I just know that you deserve to find a partner that values you.. and is honest with you... and this guy isn't doing that for you.

The problems are not just steplife related... it's extremely concerning that he took prescription drugs without a prescription.. and the contact of his "old friend"... is pretty suspect too.  

Look, we all wish it were different, but it's just not that common to be friends with someone of the opposite sex.. not without there being some unrequited desire on one side and or the other.  I mean.. sure, I have friendly conversations with my coworkers.. and when we travel for business, we eat meals together from time to time, but I'm not hanging out outside work.. not getting meds from them.. lol..   The fact that he was hiding it.. well.. that speaks volumes to the point that he knows that this was not something you would be happy about.

I mean.. if she was such a great pal.. why not invite her to join you on some group activity at some point in the past?  no? didn't do that?  yeah.. because his intentions were not totally pure I'm guesssing.

I'm sorry he has dissapointed you.. but you have so much going for you.. and your worth is NOT determined by the actions of a Dbag in action.

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Great assessment @Rumplestitlskin. ESMOD is right he's a Dbag, I hope you take your great insight and move on from this guy. I know this feeling - it passes and you deserve better. Glad you two are not living together - this will be an easier transition. 

CLove's picture

Im so sorry this is happening. Its not at all fun being the relationship police. 

What are you going to do next? Going no contact is a wonderful idea.

Merry's picture

Been there.

I caught my DH in several emotional affairs (he denies of course). I was in my hometown moving my Mom into a nursing home and he was back home "accidentally" running into a friend at a restaurant where he intended to "read a book."  To my knowledge, he'd not met her alone before and I don't recall him ever going to a restaurant to "read." It was just a "coincidence" that I was out of town. My BS meter was spinning. 

This was not the first woman ("we're just friends") and holy hell rained down on his head. He had an appointment for therapy the next day, as did I, to see if the marriage would survive.

Obviously it did and we're happy, but forever changed.

One more thing...DH's health is in decline and he requires a fair amount of care. I find myself wondering what my life would be like if I had left him. I can't know of course (it could be worse) and I feel guilty even thinking it. 

Anyone that is not a friend of your relationship can not be a friend to only one of you. You're not being crazy, but please think about why you tolerate his behavior. Therapy saved my sanity. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

You guys are right, he is a Dbag. I looked in the phone because i knew something was missing, like maybe SD was on her way to move in from out of state, or he had given BM1 a large sum of cash. I wasn't expecting this. He has other female friends from work and i have met most of them, and am cool with them. Britney is no longer allowed at work functions so i don't really know her.

I don't necessarily think he was trying to cheat or that he did cheat when i was out of town, but he knows i don't think she is good for him. Their previous texts centered on Adderall as far as i could tell. There was a shortage in the area and they texted about what pharmacies had it. But at work, he said they talked about their custody cases. Lovely things to build a friendship on. They are not good for each other and there is something wrong with him if he is drawn to people like her.

Maybe he felt "slighted" because i went out of town without him. He cheated on BM1 because he felt slighted over sex. He cheated on BM2 because he felt slighted because she put her mother above him as far as who to be loyal to. This is not good relationship behavior. He is not a good guy, or at least not good partner material. Just when i start to think he's changing, something reminds me he can't change enough. I put up with him going to the bar to play pool every day because i thought he needed it for stress relief and i truly believe he just goes to play pool. What a cool girlfriend i was! But, he just can't resist the drama. And what does it say about me that i still hang around, even if we aren't married and don't live together? If i'm "crazy", that's how i'm crazy. 

CLove's picture

Its a grieving process...

you can know in your head, but your heart tells a different story...

halo1998's picture are living seperately from this man, etc.  He has shown that he cannot be trusted.  Really you went away and he had to "talk" to good old Brittney.  My own DH like Merry's had many and I mean MANY...too many to count emotional/cyber sex affairs for 9 GD years.  We have been in therapy for over 2 years and yes we are still together but it's been a long haul.  

Dh only NOW understands his why...and none of them are.

1. slighted for sex

2. because I put kids/others/job above him

3. Stress

All the above were just the justifications..not the why. DH's why...he was insecure and wanted validation.  He used his side items as a means to escape our stress filled life....a life that was full of stress due to his ex and his kids. 

He justified his side items because 

1. I was busy...(yea with a full time job and 4 kids)

2.  I didn't want him...(see above...all I wanted was freaking sleep and some quiet)

3.  I didn't meet his needs (see above and the D*ckH3d never mentioned any needs that were lacking)


Bottom line your SO seems like my DH and is an avoider...he avoid any tough conversation or anything that brings him some discomfort.  That doesn't work in the long run.....there are always things that are hard/difficult.

I like Merry wonder what my life would be like if I had left DH two years ago or better yet many years ago when I suspected he had extra -curricular activies.  I would be in a cottage somewhere near a beach enjoying my empty nest that is for sure.

My advice...cut him loose. There will always be another "Brittney"....since your SO hasn't done the work to figure out why he keeps repeating this pattern.

My DH is fully forgiveness is a one and done. Do this shiznit again or keep his really really sh*tty communication habits...I will slap him with a divorce so fast his head will spin off.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

"All the above were just the justifications..not the why. DH's why...he was insecure and wanted validation."

Exactly. My SO's father was abusive to him but he was his mother's and his oldest sister's special favorite. He learned to get what he wanted by charming women. But he's 56 now, with 4 kids and 2 BMs, and fking up still. At some point the baggage becomes yours to fix, or keep repeating bad patterns. Britney is young enough to be his daughter, too. Arrested development much?

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I have to ask, why isn't Britney allowed at work functions?

And - you deserve way better than this guy. He keeps showing you who he is - a man who cannot be trusted in any sense of the word. It is time to move on.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

She's not allowed because she was fired. SO doesn't know why, or at least he isn't telling me. Nothing would surprise me given her pill-sharing and other issues. She got in trouble for lateness and not showing up, too, and sleeping in the break room, and constantly being on the phone arguing with the fathers of her toddler and baby. She looks and acts a lot like her e-namesake, Ms. Spears. 

I'm just sad. 

Felicity0224's picture

I'm so, so sorry. I know this feeling all too well, and it absolutely sucks. I'm glad you listened to your instinct. My XH used to brag to me about how he turned women down, he'd send me screenshots of him declining their advances (he has a huge IG following, so not uncommon for women to dm him). It ALWAYS raised my spidey senses, so to speak, but it took a couple of years before I could prove that for every woman he told me about, there were multiple that he didn't turn down. The "openness" was just an attempt to distract my attention/gaslight me into believing that he was transparent. No surprise, but the long-term mistress I eventually caught him with initially contacted him on IG. And he's cheated on her countless times with other women he's met the same way. He also cheated on BM, which I did not know until after we were married, and he had so many justifications for it. If I knew then what I know now, I would've divorced him as soon as I found out he'd been unfaithful in his first marriage. Men just don't change, particularly if they've never really suffered any consequences for their behavior.

Again, I'm so sorry that this happened to you. You deserve so much better. I hope that you'll find it in time, and find a way to never look back on this asshole. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

There really is something sleazy about middle-aged or older men who are married or in a LTR who post a lot of selfies and have thousands of online friends or followers. And yes, the "honesty". It's like they are hiding in plain sight. My SO used to post a lot of gym selfies to get likes and "Looking good!" comments. It's an endless pit of need for validation. I feel like an idiot for thinking that a guy like that could make for good relationship material. He tried to say it was just for fun or to "show off" to the other guys from the gym. Yeah, right. 

Rags's picture

I am so sorry that he is what and who he is.  Time for you to move on.  Put his ass in the poor house and get on with your life.  He can go rescue Brit and her two daddy spawn.

Actually cheating or not, he was being sneaky.  Sneaky has no place in a committed relationship. Unless it is related to a major surprise for you. He cheated on your trust.  Flush the shit.

Take care of you.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

to comment on this site, and many of us have been doing it for years. But none of us is perfect, and for many our own issues is what got us embroiled in dysfunctional step life in the first place. I now know myself well enough to see the how and why of my situation, the holes I had inside and how I thought DH and co. could patch them. 

I think you recognize your relationship isn't healthy, and that it can't progress. Perhaps it's time for you to work with a professional to uncover why you feel unable to cut this guy loose? I hate that you're hurting,  but you seem stuck.



Rumplestiltskin's picture

I am stuck. Mentally that is. Physically i am fine. Good job, kids doing well, my own home which i love, good family and friends. I do think it's time to see a therapist to figure out why i won't get out of my own way.