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Extremely happy! And extremely annoyed

porcelian-doll's picture

I broke the good news to DH. I had little green baby booties in my hand. I asked DH what he was getting his mom for mother's day. He was like “Idk yet probably a gift card and some flowers". I looked at him and said what about me? I took my hands from behind my back revealing the baby booties. He was so happy he had a sparkle in his eye.
He wanted to call everyone but I think it’s best to wait a few weeks until we're in the safe zone. So yeah I am very happy and I am just constantly day dreaming about how the baby will be and my future. I am annoyed because SD14 keeps calling asking DH for money and he keeps giving it her. She has called 3 times in the last two days. Talking in an annoying fake sweet voice asking daddy for money. He has given her almost 200 dollars to go shopping with friends, to buy feminine products, and to buy her friend a birthday present. Maybe its hormones but its bothering me that she never talks to DH or plays nice to me other than when it’s to get something. We have a baby on the way now and we don't have money to rain over SD every single time she asks. That just really gets to me. Other than that I'm happy. The thought of being pregnant has never really been real to me until now. I just pray for an easy pregnancy and birth and a healthy baby. I really want a boy but if it’s healthy I'm happy.


Anne Boleyn's picture

That is SO exciting. Congratualtions!!! Focus on your day dreaming and don't let that brat irriate you in your happy time.

Hanny's picture

Congrats! Hopefully your DH will see that it's time to stop buying SD everything she asks for and will want to save for the new baby!

Cocoa's picture

congrats. and i agree with what doormatnomore said. i'd just make sure i got to him before sd does saying we need this, we need that every payday. give him a heads up a few days before and say, honey we really need to start slowly buying things for the baby now, how about you figure out what you can contribute each payday for baby things. and honey, we really need to start saving now for...(a house, retirement, college fund - whatever you can get your hands on). if he's anything like my dh, i have speak up and have first dibs on his money before his family gets their hands on it. if i didn't we would have nothing! i wouldn't even mention sd. if it gets to the point he tells you no because of her, throw that gauntlet down and give the ultimatum: sd's wants will NOT come before your joint family's NEEDS.

dontcallmestepmom's picture

Congratulations! I hope you have a healthy baby, and a healthy and happy pregnancy.

There is hope. My DH's 3 kids are ages 19-23. They only contact him when they want money-it is sad. When I met him, he was handing them so much, he was barely eating. He does not make a huge salary, but he always felt "bad." It was insane. Then, 2 years ago, they got so nasty, and asked for so much, he cut off the money train. They still ask, and he just ignores them. These are 3 people who refuse to work, and want everything handed to them.

I hope that your DH will wake up and start saying no. I never thought mine would, but he did. It may take some time, but for now, try to focus on your future little family.