Children need Father figure
I have this knack...I am not quite sure what to call it. Empathy? Intuition?
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I have this knack...I am not quite sure what to call it. Empathy? Intuition?
Post in the comments below.
I mentioned before that I
I mentioned before that I used to work with children. After spending a few moments with them, I find I can gage what their family life is like. For example, at a recent party I could tell which children had siblings and which did not. I find children with siblings tend to be mindful of other younger children. I may not always be on the mark, but I come pretty close.
I recently had occasion to spend time with DW’s cousin’s kids. DW’s cousin and her two children (boy and a girl ages 7 and 11 respectively) are in town and I offered to take the kids out to the nearby park to play for an hour while DW and her cousin went shopping. DW’s cousins kids are are well-behaved kids and they took a shine to me almost immediately, but something about them struck me as a little “off”.
Later, I asked DW if her cousin was separated or divorced.
“Yes she has been a single Mom for several years now.” DW said. “Why?”
“Hmm…I could tell that her kids don’t have a father-figure in their lives.” I replied.
“How could you tell?”
It wasn’t easy for me to answer. I explained some of the things the kids did and some of the things they said.
“That doesn’t mean anything.” DW said. “My cousin is good single-Mom. Her whole life revolves around those kids.”
“I’m not accusing your cousin of being a bad mother. I am just saying that I get this weird vibe from them…kinda like when SS did before we got him tested for ADHD. I knew something was ‘off’ but I couldn’t explain it to you and you thought I was exaggerating remember?”
DW remembers that conversation very well. It was one of our first heated arguments. I kept telling her that something was ‘off’ with SS but DW said I was exaggerating. Plus since I could not express my feelings I do not blame DW for not heeding my warnings. It was only after SS’s teachers, and the child psychologist suggested it that DW and Donkeykong agreed to get SS tested and we found out he has ADHD.
I feel I should explain my observation to DW’s cousin, but I fear it may not be well received.
I never said I disliked SS. I
I never said I disliked SS. I said that I cannot bring myself to love him.
And I did "divine" that something was a little off with SS within the first few months of having met him.
You don't want your wife's
You don't want your wife's son to live with you, Drac0 ?
Even if this was true, which
Even if this was true, which Draco has said it's not,I'm not sure why the jaw dropping?
There are Dozens of SMs on here that don't want their skids living with them,that express relief, thankfulness, gratitude when the skids visitation is over and flat out state they'd leave their spouse if the skid moved in. I've never seen them get any kind of surprised or negative reaction for simply not wanting to live with a skid.
Id be just as if a SM told
Id be just as :jawdrop: if a SM told her husband that his child can't live there after she moves in. How old is this child?13 ,right?Or is he younger/ older?
If my husband said my children cant live with him then neither can I.
Is he violent? Does he steal or do drugs? Is he into perversions?
I will get to reading the blogs. Just curious about how badly behaved this boy is that there is.
Im going through blogs now.
Im going through blogs now.
I read some of a few people's last night. Aeron, you are wrong. That bulletblast chick got shredded for not being happy with her stepson being there. I still have many other blogs to go through but there have to be more stepmothers people came down harshly on. I will get the them eventually.
Bullet's been shredded for a
Bullet's been shredded for a Lot and my observation was that very little of it had to do with her being unhappy that he was there. Tasha's gotten trashed, I saw, not so much for not wanting the kid around but for the double standard people were seeing in her house and her treatment of the skid. has gotten some really hot reactions for supposedly? wanting her SD to fail, for the handling of BM, for various other things, but not specifically for not wanting the kid to live with her.
I'm not saying that SMs on here never get blasted, they certainly do. I've just never seen them get blasted for a simple desire to not live with their stepchild, regardless of age. For their treatment of the child, absolutely. For double standards, for behavior, or I've even seen SMs wish true ill on the skids and be blasted for that. But never for expressing a simple desire about the living arrangements. I do not however, have a photographic memory nor have I read every post on the site.
Boy, if I were to try to read
Boy, if I were to try to read every blog of every poster before ever responding I don't think Id ever write until 2015!lol
?? Didn't think you were
?? Didn't think you were blasting anyone for it hon. I just had a question about Lenore's response to your comment and then was having a clarifying discussion with her... Never thought you were picking on him. And I have made No mention of estrogen or anything related to it or its symptoms.
I have no issue with you calling things the way you see them. I may not always see them the same way, but I've never had a problem with your comments. Not sure how I've offended here...
QUOTE: >jes coming from when
QUOTE: >jes coming from when one day you talk about your ducky life with a skid and don't want to be much but an authority figure and then the next you are wanting to tell a single mom her kid needs a father figure.<
SS is screwing around in school. This despite everything DW and I have done. This bothered me because I KNOW SS is better than this. DW agrees with me 100% on that count. So for the next 5 years, I will help SS PROVIDED SS puts in the effort. I will help pay for tutors and SS's extra curriculars PROVIDED SS puts in the effort. That is the deal.
However, I will not stress out over this and will not *push* SS any more than DW does. Therefore, if SS succeeds, then great!...I will continue to support him. If SS drops out because he believes his mother and I will continue to support his laziness and sense of entitlement past high school, he will have a very rude awakening.
By then, the issue of whether SS needs a father figure in his life or not will be moot.
ETA: I hope that clears things up. And no, I don't see dtzy as attacking me either.
I have read them,but maybe I
I have read them,but maybe I missed that statement. The only thing I've seen that's close is that he doesn't want a non-productive, non-contributing adult living off him. I haven't seen him saying he doesn't want his SS as a minor in the house. Maybe we just interpreted it differently, or as I said, maybe I missed the statement.
I never said I would kick out
I never said I would kick out a minor child. Don't know where you read that. Maybe you are confusing another blog post with mine?
I told DW last week that if SS makes the effort, graduates and goes the distance (college, trade school, military) I will gladly support him. But if SS continues to screw around and ends up dropping out of HS. Then he gets a job and he moves out. I will make the same speech to my own bios and it is the EXACT SAME SPEECH my own father gave me. I believe this to be fair.
I haven't read it all yet, as
I haven't read it all yet, as I said. Just seeking small points of clarity before I get the chance to. Thank you.
I'll try to bring you up to
I'll try to bring you up to speed nevermore.
SS is struggling in school. DW and I have helped him A LOT this year. Unfortunately, he is barely passing. Remarks from his teachers indicate that he is horsing around in class (i.e. "SS is disruptive in class".). I was angry, but I didn't unload on my wife right away. I dwelled upon it. Later that week, I approached my wife and gave her the exact same deal my Dad gave me all those years ago. "If SS graduates, and goes the distance (like attending college), I will gladly support him, both emotionally and financially - but if he continues to horse around, fail and drops out of high school, I am done; SS is to get a job and move out (once he's 18)". This "deal" I made I believe is fair and I would make the same deal with my own bios.
The whole point I wanted to emphasize is that SS is struggling in school now and NOW is the time DW and I need to address it, because later will be too late.
Oh, I see. Is he learning
Oh, I see. Is he learning disabled? He may be more vocational school material than college. And that is fine. We need garbage men and mechanics as much as engineers. You don't think so until your car starts making a funny house and the trash stinks.
He has ADHD (inattentive
He has ADHD (inattentive type). After this diagnosis we set him up with an IEP right away. We talked about meds but upon advice from doctors and the child psychologist, we opted to leave the meds out for now to see if structure and the IEP will work. It did, at first, but now that SS is in junior high a new series of problems seem to have emerged. What is scaring me is that the IEP will be phased out next year. As I stated, the evidence I see is that SS is more concerned with socializing and horsing around in class.
I honestly don't care waht SS decides to do with himself. He can become a doctor, lawyer, truck driver, or a short-order cook. But no matter what his career choice, it still requires some EFFORT. It's frustrating to help someone and only see that person make no or very minimal effort in return. I post about this frustration in my blogs and I have since taken a step back and steeled myself to NOT let it bother me anymore.
Custody is 50/50. Actually
Custody is 50/50. Actually it's more 60/40 in our favor but on paper it is 50/50.
Duing the school year, SS is with DW and me. During weekends, most holidays and most of the summer, SS is with his bio-Dad.
BTW, I'll be deleting your double posts.
Can you switch that so his
Can you switch that so his father has him during the school year? That would remove you from the school situation and relieve the family tension.
Don't go there...
Don't go there...
She is just giving her
She is just giving her opinions like everyone else does out here.
What are some examples that
What are some examples that told you something was "off" with the kids?
I'm curious to know because I'm a single mother as well and would like to know how you can tell when kids don't have a father figure in their lives.
It's difficult to explain, so
It's difficult to explain, so bear with me.
The little girl latched onto me right away. I thought that was a little weird because most children that age exhibit some form of shyness at first. She would also only whisper to me, forcing me to lean in closer to her to hear her. Whenever I did so, she had this - I dunno - a beaming smile - like she had just gotten a Christmas present.
The boy kept asking me weird questions out of the blue. "Draco? Is it true that people die every day?". On the swing set he kept asking me to push him. I told him you have to keep moving your body to get the momentum going but he just wasn't able to do it. I push him a few times to get him going. He seemed happy when the swing was in full motion but then he would get sad - like really sad - when the swing would slow down.
There are other things too...but like I said, it is difficult for me to explain as these are just "feelings of mine".
I don't know what you expect
I don't know what you expect to tell her? That her kids are somehow "off" because they don't have a father figure in their lives? What exactly would you expect her to do with that information?
I think this is one to keep your nose out of. If her kids need help/attention, I'm sure she would gladly get it for them, but I agree in that I don't know that your observations will be very well received.
My experience with single mothers is that they are very proud, very determined people. They have to be! Implying, even indirectly, that her kids are somehow "wrong" because they don't have a man in their lives could damage your relationship with her beyond repair.
See I really did not want
See I really did not want this to be a diss at single mothers. I like DW's cousin. She's a good woman and she works very hard for those kids so she has a lot to be proud of. They are good kids. SS gets along with them too so it is only too bad we don't see them very often.
we don't see them very
we don't see them very often
All the more reason your need to keep your opinions/observations to yourself.
It wasn't my intention to
It wasn't my intention to offend you. I didn't assume you were dissing single mom's .. I was just playing devil's advocate. I can't see how any situation where you give her advice on being a single mom, or try to imply her kids are "off" due to a lack of a father figure would ever turn out well.
This is a good time to just keep your thoughts to yourself
Yeah, you're probably
Yeah, you're probably right...
I was just wondering if anyone on here experienced something similar.
I think they have a term for
I think they have a term for it "father hunger." More likely to be displayed by boys than girls. I think the "war between the sexes" is a lot like a SM's situation.
There are loyalty conflicts and the mindset of "winner takes all" in that if one party wins, the other MUST lose. And that is a result of thinking that the sexes are the SAME, thus competing against each other. . . notice I didn't say "equal." Men and women may be equal in their balance of strengths and weaknesses, but they certainly aren't the SAME.
And now, many women have adopted the negative aspects of the "male personality" (crudeness, vulgarity, etc) and vice versa (meterosexual) in the attempt to be the SAME. So basically if you notice "father hunger," that is immediately taken as an insult to the mother. I think everyone can say that in general, men and women parent differently and that is true even of "intact" families.
Not having a father figure in
Not having a father figure in a child's life does not always equate to the reason why a child might be off. Your SS has 2 father figures in his life and he is still "off", serial killers who HAVE father figures in their life are still "off".
I'm not sure what armchair therapy/insight you intend to give DWs cousin? Unless you have your Ph.D. in Psychology I would suggest that you don't share your "observations" with DW cousin as it won't be well received.
^^^^ Good point^^^^ Jeffery
^^^^ Good point^^^^
Jeffery Dahmer is an excellent example. While it's true kids need father figures in their lives, a child is not doomed to a life of failure if they don't have one.
Plus, what good would it do to tell this person her children are "off"? What could she do to solve this problem? Is she just supposed to go and find some man to be a father to her kids? We all know how well that works, when women try to force men to play daddy to their kids.
You make some good points
You make some good points there. No, I am not an expert. I have a grand total of one psychology course under my belt so the most that qualifies me for is "armchair psychology".
But do you ever get this feeling that you should say "something"?...I mean, look at the serial killer example you used. What if someone in the serial killer's lives while they were growing up actually spoke to the parents about their behavior....I know, I know, - I am just yapping here and I am probably not making a whole lot of sense.
So now you are going to
So now you are going to justify speaking to this woman and telling her that her kids are off because they may become serial killers? You cannot verbalize how or why they are off other than they acted like normal kids and you think you know best with your psych 101 class under your belt? OMG!!!!!
I'm not justifying anything.
I'm not justifying anything. I am more than likely not going to speak to my DW's cousin about this. I am merely expressing a thought here, not a course of action based on feelings I get. But who knows, I might change my mind later, or I might not.
I don's see you having a good
I don's see you having a good relationship with your in-laws if you talk to this woman and she doesn't keep it to herself.
Trust me, I hear what you are
Trust me, I hear what you are saying. No one wants to be told that something is apparently wrong with their child. I like my DW's cousin and I like her kids. I want what is best for everyone. If what is best for everyone is for me to keep my observations to myself then that is what I will do.
What does COD stand for?
What does COD stand for?
Child of Divorce
Child of Divorce
child of divorce? crappy
child of divorce?
crappy overbearing dramaqueen?
cheesy orange dragon?
freshwater fish?
I love guessing games!
I don't think anyone would
I don't think anyone would argue that COD can be spotted amongst other kdis who aren't. But the question is, what good will come out of OP approaching this woman and telling her that her kids seem a bit "off" because they don't have a father figure in their lives? Without legitimate, concrete concerns to express, I think it would be offensive and out of line.
He said it in the last line
He said it in the last line of his very first post. I think he's since decided to not say anything, but I hadn't caught up to all the other comment bantor yet
Yes! That is exactly what I
Yes! That is exactly what I am talking about. After some observation I can pick these things out. It's like a vibe you pick up on. I wish I could explain it but I have seen teachers, doctors and camp councellors do this too!
Are you the young librarian?
Are you the young librarian?
Just curious.
LMAO that is a great
LMAO that is a great generalization, thankfully there are too many of us that don't fit your narrow-minded preconceived misconceptions of us and you have no idea because we don't fit your narrow view.
What are some of the "COD"
What are some of the "COD" behaviors you observe?
My own skids are the only "COD" kids I've ever been around; maybe your insights will help me better understand them.
My skids are definitely
My skids are definitely skilled manipulators...of their parents, at least. Interesting. Thanks for your reply.
That is utterly and
That is utterly and completely untrue.
If it wasn't for me, SS would have never been tested for ADHD in the first place. I've always kept this child's best interests at heart.
I think you may have misread
I think you may have misread the portion of kicking SS to the curb. I am not "plannng" on kicking him out. I am only stating that there are consequences to SS's actions. I would much rather state those consequences NOW than 5 years from now.
I suppose this is the beauty of blog posting isn't it? You never know what kind of reactions you are going to get from people. My blogs seem to illicit both extremes (highly positive to highly critical).
Sometimes I post because I am frustrated and angry and it results in a very negative perception of me and my personal life. Truth be told, I cannot envision my life without DW and SS in it. I strive to make it better and I often run into a brick wall.
But posting here has given me A LOT of fresh perspective, hence why I do it.
He deletes everyone that isnt
He deletes everyone that isnt in his fan club.
No, just yours and Echo's.
No, just yours and Echo's.
Seriously?? Delete other
Seriously?? Delete other peoples comments? He post on a pubic forum and then deletes what he doesn't want to hear?
Too funny.
As stated, I only delete Echo
As stated, I only delete Echo and Agravated. I don't even read what they post because I refuse to entertain them. I've asked them nicely to please stop posting on my blogs before but they continue to do so with the express purpose to harass me. If you check my anterior blogs, you will see that I have fielded some negative reactions from other posters to my comments before but the negative comments were still civil. I respect people's opinions but when it comes to harrassment, I draw the line.
How do you know it is
:? How do you know it is harassing rather than just a difference of opinion if you don't read it? I thought members were not allowed to harass each other?
I have a little "history"
I have a little "history" with certain posters.
I'll try to explain it with an analogy (please bear with me). Imagine my blog is a local popular pub and I am the bouncer.
I allow anyone in and trust that everyone remain civil and act responsibly. Sure things get a little rowdy, but generally speaking everyone gets along with everyone else and everyone is civil. Along come two people who trash the place and say lots of insulting things. They start fights with the bouncer just for the sake of starting fights. I ask them to cut it out but they continue to act like jerks.
So I kick them out.
The next day they come back. I let them in hoping that they will behave this time. They don't. They continue to harrass me and even other pub goers.
I kick them out again.
After the third time of acting like jerks, I say "I have had enough. You are no longer welcome here. Please don't come back."
And yet they still come back (for what reason, I do not know)...only to be grabbed by the scruff of the neck by me and thrown out before they get a chance to enter.
So when I scroll down through my comments, and see a poster I have bad history with, I just immediately delete it without even reading it. My blog, my policy.
DracO, are you just on here
DracO, are you just on here for the ride? There are several posters who just like to stir. That's ok if you are just looking for attention of any kind, positive or negative.
Just wondering....
I'm not sure what you mean.
I'm not sure what you mean.
I admit to be slightly prolific when writing. I like this site because I do get some excellent advice (even if the signal to white noise ratio is low on some days).
Deleting what you don't want
Deleting what you don't want to see or hear on this site? So you like to control your white noise ratio?
OK, you've answered the question. That's fine, it's your blog, if you don't want to see or hear from someone that you view is negative, that is your choice.
Yes, I have read several of your blogs with great entertainment. Especially the one on vaca.
I don't really understand the deleting... why bother. Actually sometimes I like to re-read what someone has commented on my blog. It makes me think outside my box. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I think you can't fix stupid, sometimes I just don't get their point of view.
>if you don't want to see or
>if you don't want to see or hear from someone that you view is negative, that is your choice<
Not negative - harrassing. There's a difference.
also worked with kids for
also worked with kids for several years and found that I also developed a "Sense" about them. Maybe I Don't always know *why* they are the way they are, but I can sense certain things intuitively. You're empathetic and sensitive... follow your intuition, and maybe find a way to put it to use? Would you work with kids again in the future?
It's not an insult to single mothers to say that kids without fathers may act differently than kids with intact families-- of course they're different!!! But IT IS AN insult to kids with divorced parents to pretend that they do not have a different (perhaps more painful, or difficult) experience than kids who did not experience divorce in their families.
REally ladies, relax. Your kid may benefit from your divorce in some potentially big ways, but that does not change the fact that a divorce is a loss and hardship for children. What's wrong with Draco making that observation?
How is it his business? And
How is it his business? And what should the mother do with this vague "diagnosis" of off.
Step, You have a way of
You have a way of expressing yourself that not only helps me, but makes me laugh! Once again, I agree with you 110%.
Draco, Your hearts in the
Your hearts in the right place with the kids, but honestly... leave it alone. Nothing will get a mothers back up more than telling her something is off or not right with her kid no matter how good your intentions are.
Perhaps have dw talk to the mom about getting the boy into cub scouts where he can have a positive male role model. Or maybe both kids into big brothers/big sisters programs where they get male attention and mom gets a few hours break. Another good program most (not all)cities or towns have is police explorers or cubs... again a kids group but based on civic pride with no roots in religion.
That's a really good idea! I
That's a really good idea! I think you may have helped out my DW's cousin and her kids in a big way. I'll try to "propose" these things to her.
^^agreed^^ Regardless of how
Regardless of how good the intentions, telling what pretty much sounds like a stranger (I know she's technically family but if you don't know her well enough to know that she's divorced, not a close relationship...) that there's something, Anything "wrong" with their kid, it's going to be less of conversation than a... well, think about some of the reactions you get here. Just in person.
It could also seriously damage your wife's relationship with her cousin. As seen here, parents, particularly divorced ones, have a very difficult time thinking of their kids as anything other than darling, perfect angels. If she's like most, it would go in one ear and out the other, yielding no positive results and more than likely crating a rift in the relationship between your family and cousin's.
Unless you think the kids are a danger (which you said you didn't cause they're good kids) or you think they might be being abused (daycare, school or whatever, not throwing an accusation at mom), this is a live wire it would be better to just step away from.
I am new to this whole forum
I am new to this whole forum and I already find both Drac0 and Ladyface incredibly offensive.
It is no ones place to armchair diagnose other individuals children as you two are. Plenty of children of divorce are very well mannered and gracious people. There are many children in intact homes with behavior problems. I don't care for generalizations.
Also I have just been reading through here at other posts and this is not the only male poster. I have not read this posters blogs yet, I may form a better or worse opinion when I do. Yet i have seen other men here that are not hated or treated with disrespect. So there you are again ladyface with another broad paint brush saying people here just man hate for the sake of it.
I have things to do, I will be sure to try and see these other blovs.
All of these Draco haters
All of these Draco haters must be children of divorce with no father figures!! Geesh! Someone please... we need an intervention!
I just saw that it is an evil
I just saw that it is an evil menstration time when he posts.
I must read these other blogs!
According to two of these people everyone else is sitting on a coocoo train on their periods.
Curiosity peaked
I do not know what to think
I do not know what to think yet. I think I need to read his other writings to get a full picture and that's going to take some time.
Just this post seems quite haughty and judgmental and presumptuous. Even the title Children Need a Father seems inflammatory given a step parenting board will have women who for some time were single mothers on it.
If this is indicative of the tone taken then that could explain his blog's not being well received. But I need to read them.
>I started to feel more and
>I started to feel more and more that for whatever reason you think very poorly of women as they are not capable of parenting and are somewhat inadequate<
Woah! Wait a minute. How the heck could you come up with that? For one thing, I would never never be able to raise my bios (or SS) without DW! Should something happen to DW ---- Eeesh! The mere thought of it freaks me out!
Draco you mention children
Draco you mention children need a father figure. But you don't say much positive about kids having a mom in their life and in fact imply the opposite.
WB - we're on the same page.
WB - we're on the same page.
That doesn't make any sense.
That doesn't make any sense. Isn't that a fallacy of omission argument? Just because I had one argument with my wife doesn't automatically mean that I think she should be removed from all parenting responsibilities.
Not really. You speak poorly
Not really. You speak poorly of kids who have a mom in their life even if there's a step dad (male figure) in the kid's lives.
Omission of praise for women raising kids can easily be for a reason and not just by chance.
Especially given how much you disrespect and talk down about your wife. If you want to judge people based on indicators, at least as far as children go, you can also do the same with adults. Adult males who talk bad about their mother or their wife are more often than not disrespectful to women in general. Otherwise, if they felt they could find a woman they respected they'd do so. Unless of course all or most women do not deserve respect and therefore there's little need to search.
So the women on here who
So the women on here who trash their husbands on this site are all man-haters?
Sorry Warmbody. I reject that argument. Revise and resubmit.
Their feelings on men might
Their feelings on men might very well be negative. How do you know? Others might be more submissive or used to abuse. With women it's more complicated as to why they stay with a man they don't respect or like.
With men less so, because men and women are different. Argubly, men are less complicated creatures than women when it comes to relationships.
Why are you with someone who you don't respect? Don't you feel that's a make or break thing to have in a relationship?
Warmbody, In no way have I
In no way have I ever said that I disrespected my wife. Not once have I questioned my relationship with her. I love her dearly and it is that love that sustains me through the turbulent times that I have with some of the issues surrounding SS. YOU came up with the conclusion that I am disrespectful to my wife. That is simply not true. What IS true is that DW and I have very different views on parenting. That difference is the cause of 99.9% of our conflicts. We discuss, we argue and yes - on some rare occasions - things end up out of hand and I end up in the dog house. Note that these flare ups are not frequent (I said they are rare). Most of the time we talk and end up with a compromise that we are both happy with.
>I never needed anybody to
>I never needed anybody to teach me that DD has to have good grades to be successful.<
But somewhere, at sometime in your distant past when you were still a child, SOMEONE had to tell you that education was important no? This is not a lesson we just wake up to. Someone had to tell you this. What was it that drove you to excel academically at first? Encouragement or fear? Positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement?
>I want you to understand that many single, divorced, or whatever men and women do excellent job with their children. Many are very capable.<
I understand.
Ok I was NOT going to weigh
Ok I was NOT going to weigh in here because my interactions with Drac0 yesterday seemed to cause quite a ruckus. But I have to speak my mind on this one.
I know the "feeling" you are getting. It's the same one we all get when we are standing in line at the grocery store watching the woman in front of us pile hundreds of dollars worth of food on the conveyor belt while 2 unruly kids are bouncing off the walls, grabbing everything off the shelves that is colorful and they think they **need**, while there is a precious 2 year old in the seat of the cart that this woman keeps talking to for sake of ignoring the little assholes running circles around her skirt. And we think "poor thing, she's gotta be a stepmom". Yeah, we all make assumptions about other peoples lives. We all "people watch".
I could sit on a bench in the mall and point out every scantily clad dressed young lady hanging all over her boyfriend, or flirting with the older guy that works at the hot dog place and think "she needs a dad". I could watch every well dressed young man that is walking a little too close to his guy friend and think "he was probably raised by his mom". But guess what... I COULD be wrong. Chances are with the divorce ratios these days, that I am RIGHT... but the fact is, it is allll an assumption. Would I EVER EVER EVER speak my opinions to anyone? NO WAY. Not my place, not my business. Do I talk to my CLOSE FRIENDS about these types of behaviors in their children. YUP.I would not be a good friend if I didn't voice concern or point out potential issues when I notice them. But DH's cousin, off limits. Not my family, not my friend... NOT MY BUSINESS.
Drac0, I hope you really consider the backlash of such conversation. If ANYTHING, have DW talk to her... but even at that, I wouldn't. She is a single mom, so what. Sounds like she can handle herself and her kids just fine without your insight.
Okay, okay, I'm done!
Okay, okay, I'm done! Sheesh!
Can I come out of detention now?
So Draco - What about a same
So Draco - What about a same sex couple who have children? What about widows/widowers? Are you going to nail them for not having a mother/father figure in their lives too? Are they going to be defective parents because they lack a father or mother figure (depending on the couple or the widowed parent)? Or are you just attacking single moms based on your experience with your permissive parenting DW?
I think your observation regarding "single parents" is incredibility condescending. It has nothing to do with who is raising the child, but how the child is raised. What about all of the f**ked up skids we women are dealing with simply because of the inordinate amount of Disney Dads that are out there? Are they deficient too? Have you observed how much richer the child's life would be if they had a positive female role model.
My observation??? Your loss of control over your SS is having a serious impact on your personality.
>But in the smaller picture,
>But in the smaller picture, Draco already agreed not to say anything, proving he's capable of listening.<
or...reading in this case....But yeah! I am not going to say anything. I might suggest some extra-curricular activities like someone else posted above. But other than that, my lips are sealed.
how do you propose you are
how do you propose you are going to "suggest" these extra curricular activities to a woman you barely know without coming off as intrusive?? I can just imagine the look on this woman's face when you say "Oh hey, Suzie, I know we barely know each other, but I think your kids sure could benefit from some Cub Scouts."
Do you have any suggestions?
Do you have any suggestions?
Already stated... just stay
Already stated... just stay out of the advice giving role to this woman you hardly know.
Shaman, where do you get that
Shaman, where do you get that I am attacking single Moms? Single parents have a lot of challenges and I take my hat off too them for overcoming them. All I said as is that it seems to me that these two kids don't seem to have a father figure and I base it on their behavior. Like I said, they are good kids and I *feel* they could benefit from having a father figure in their lives. It seems to me that some people are using the "argument of omission" to change my post as "single mothers are incapable of raising children by themselves". That is simply not true!
I didn't accuse you of
I didn't accuse you of attacking single women. I asked you about single parents (either gender) and same sex couples.
This is quickly turning into
This is quickly turning into a political discussion you know?
I don't know any single sex couples. Well actually - I do know one couple but they do not have any kids. I do know several single fathers and a couple of single mothers. I also know their children. In all instances, none of them gave me this "vibe" I got from my Dw's cousin's kids. So if my experience were to constitute as data, the children's behavior is symtomatic of "some" underlying issue - NOT necessarily a fault with the parent.
I know I am speaking in very generalized terms here, but that is the best answer I can give you at the moment. I would have to read up more on the subject to give you a more educated answer.
No father figure is better
No father figure is better than a bad one. I lived the experience of a bad one.
And I have known amazing young ladies with no father figure. My childrens baby sitter is the best kid you will ever meet and her father walked when she was a toddler. He still is absent, is a drug user with a FB page dedicated to Satanism.
Surely you can't believe this 16 year old virgin,straight edge ( no alcohol or drugs) honor student would be a better person for having been raised by the high Dark Prince as this asshole has titled himself?
I am honestly curious -this
I am honestly curious -this post is not aimed negatively about/toward anyone. Not pointing fingers. No blame laying, I am honestly just curious: Why?
Many of us come on here and vent/complain about BM’s in our lives keeping our DH/SO’s child from him. We make long emotion filled posts on how our step kids need their dad’s in their lives. We spend thousands going to court to fight for our partner’s right to see his child, raise his child, have a say in the child’s life.
Many of us have complained before about our XH not stepping up to the plate and fathering their kids; Or of their playing Disney dad and leaving the parenting solely in our laps.
There are literally thousands of posts on this web site that we have all written stating how important it is for a child to have their father in their life. **For those same sex couples on the board please understand these words easily translate to “how important it is for the child to have both parents in their life”**
So how come when Draco says the same thing…. He is getting his a$$ jumped hard core?
We are getting comments of Draco fan club vs Draco haters club… come on. Really?
(Side note: the only fan club I belong to is Echo’s bacon chocolate chip cookie recipe fan club)
Are there times he is frustrated with his wife and experiences the sensation that he would have an easier time talking a toddler out of eating play dough than getting her to understand what he is saying/feeling? Probably.
Are there times I have felt that way about my own DH and come on here saying what an unbelievable moron he was being at the time? Oh Yeah.
We have all done it. We don’t come on here to vent and talk about how wonderful our spouses are as parents and how they have all the answers and are wonderful parents blah blah… because frankly if they were all so wonderful and perfect… none of us would need to vent.
Draco portrays his wife to be a bit airheaded a lot Disney, but a generally loving and generous person.
Imagine for a moment you the reader was married to Donkey Kong. And Draco’s SS was also your SS. And the kid sat around the house all day playing video games, had shitty grades, an attitude, was lazy, had questionable hygiene and avoided bed time like the plague. And that his darling BM allowed all of the above.
Oh wait. That’s 90% of what we complain about.
Draco is giving you a look inside the BM’s house and mind from his view. Are some of you just getting pissed off because you see slight images of the BM’s in your life reflected in his writings? And due to hating your own BM, and seeing her in his posts just seeing his name pisses you off? Or is it something I am totally missing??
I have seen many posters call their spouses a$$holes and worse. But Draco portreying his wife to be a bit airheaded and alot disney is horrible?
Wow! I'm kinda speechless
I'm kinda speechless here...Thank you just.his.wife.
I do love my DW...Just as I am sure many of you love your respective DH's. I fully admit that my own situation is no where near as challenging as some of yours but I remain committed to my family and the love I have for them.
I can't speak for other
I can't speak for other posters. For me it was off putting the insinuation that children without a father are "marked" per say. I don't agree that one MUST have a father figure to not be fundamentally flawed at such a level that everyone around them can sense the offness.
I also do not agree that to disagree with him or anyone automatically gives me ticket to ride Ozzys CrazyTrain with a complimentary box of maxi pads to staunch the flow of my menstruation.
JHW, I believe a lot of
JHW, I believe a lot of ladies are “ganging up” on Drac0 because they think he is being disingenuous. I for one believe he really doesn’t like his stepson at all, and tries to manipulate situations to make everyone feel he is just being a good role model. For example, his wife wanted to pick up SS early on Sunday to go to her dad’s pool with the rest of the “family”. Drac0 didn’t want to pick up SS because he hadn’t had a chance to talk to her about his grades yet. Seriously? This was Friday – he couldn’t have talked to her on Friday, Saturday or early Sunday before picking up SS? Bottom line IMHO is that he just doesn’t want SS around, but won’t come out and say it. That’s the difference between Drac0 and most of the SMs on this site. Most of the SMs will actually tell the truth about the way they feel about the SKs.
That’s just the “vibe” I get.
As early as high school
As early as high school (which was decades ago for me) I realized that my friends and other young people that I knew who were screwed up almost always had a "mother" problem. But that's just an observation not any grand theory of life.
And besides that the world was very different back then. Most dads really weren't that involved. Plus there were quite a few kids in my age bracket who never knew their dads as they were killed in WWII so maybe mothers did count more then.
I observe here on a daily basis evidence of the damage a bad BM can do - even for a weekend. The bad dads for the most part just disappear. Bad parents of either gender hurt their kids - sad.
Very true old one. ETA: today
Very true old one.
ETA: today many children are fatherless due to the middle eastern wars. These brave ,heartbroken children can't all be off. have a knack for have a knack for your blogs running wild. I glanced through and this is what I think....
1). I would not talk to the single mom about this. What would it accomplish?
2). I usually never delete comments. I want everyone to see when someone is being an asshole. However, I do understand why you delete Echo's comments. This blog would be 25 pages if you didn't.
3). DH and I agreed (before we married) that any kid could live with us after HS graduation IF they went to college FULL time and worked part time. If they did not meet that criteria, they were out of our house.
Echo posts TWENTY pages on
Echo posts TWENTY pages on Drac0s blogs?
Does she have a crush on him?
Not what I meant...but I am
Not what I meant...but I am positive you ALREADY know that.
You have been a member for only 20 hours huh?
Yes How would I
Yes :? :? :? How would I know anything?
I'll be honest. I over
I'll be honest. I over analyze people all the time. I talk a lot about friends with SO and their messed up relationships. And I label them with psychological terms and wonder what a real psychiatrist would think. And if I said these things to anyone else, I would certainly come off as feeling a bit superior. But when I do that, it's strictly gossip, nothing more. I'm just BS'ing with my SO. It's one of my vices. Never would I want to tell someone (other than SO) or even imply that I think their kid could use some professional help, even if it's true.
Drac0 I think you're a good parent, you're full on though and you have a strong personality. Your concerns about your SS are legitimate, SS' problems directly affect you. I don't always agree with the way you handle things but it's just a disagreement. It doesn't mean I think you're a jerk.
I really didn't care about your posts one way or the other until this post. This one, your tone is a little off putting.
You talk about this kid like he's a new project. Maybe you can get him to a therapist and help him and maybe the therapist will prove you right. And you could then congratulate yourself for being spot on with this kid. You may not intend this, but that's how your writing presents itself.
Anyway a lot of people appreciate your posts so keep doing what you're doing. Just know that tone is everything and you're bound to get negative responses and disagreements. Sheesh, it's just a blog. It's a good way to give my mind a break, decompress. So write away.
I didn't read all five pages
I didn't read all five pages of comments on here,but here's my two cents.
No, you definitely shouldn't say anything. You may or may not have some sort of special intuition. Who knows? I think I have some special skills as well-I'm a therapist and trained to observe and analyze and yes, I actually find that I can tell very early on whether both kids/or adults have mental health issues, but that is simply through education and years and years of experience with working with many disorders. However, I would never volunteer these thoughts to someone I barely knew based on playing with their kids for an hour in the park. IMO, it would be unethical for me to do so-an hour in the park is not a psych eval and shouldn't be treated as such. I would also have to say that most likely your comments would be offensive and the cousin would not be happy with you. I would not want someone who hardly knows me or my kids to comment on how they are "off" and need a father figure. Quite frankly you'd never see me again. The only exception to this, for me, would be if I witnessed something that was a danger to the children or others.
About your ss-maybe it's time your dw DID think about medication? Why exactly is she holding off? If medication could help him reach his full potential then wouldn't she want that? some kids truly do just have issues beyond their control that make sitting still, paying attention, doing any sort of "work" just very, very difficult. I'm not saying that as an excuse, because it's not, but perhaps your dw needs to consider giving the kid every advantage that he can have.
^^ Yes, this! One hour is not
Draco are you in a mood because of the previous response to your last blog and just trying to agitate now? You had to know that talking about how parents raised by a single mom are "off" would ruffle feathers in a predominantly female board where there are bound to be many single moms or moms who were single till they got together with some guy who has kids.
Wait? The boy has ADHD and he
Wait? The boy has ADHD and he isn't taking medication? Whose decision is that? Drac0s wife, he, or the bio father?
I feel you can seriously set a child up to fail without giving them medication available for ADHD. Its like expecting an asthmatic to run a triathalon with no inhaler.
Thanks for your insights! I
Thanks for your insights! I appreciate the ethics delima from a pro.
To answer your question about medication. I answered this in another comment but I'll rephrase it here. SS has ADHD (inattentive type). By my understanding it is the "less" severe of the ADHD condition. Upon advice of our pediatritian and SS's child therapist DW and I opted to not seek medication. Even if I wanted to see SS get medication, the final decision rests with DW and her ex (Donkeykong). Donkeykong to date has not said anything on the subject. I am not even sure if he remembers that SS got tested - but anyways. DW and I believed that structure, discipline and the school's IEP program would help. We even enrolled SS in a karate class which has done a LOT of good. I cannot say if our decision was the "right" one but for a while, SS seemed to be doing well - both socially and academically.
Now that SS has barely passed grade 7, the discussion of medication is back on the table again.
Honestly, it something I
Honestly, it something I would very seriously consider. You may recall that my ss15 is a hot mess in so many ways and has been since he was small-but aside from his psychopathic and perverted tendencies the kid also has adhd. We started medicating him at age 5 and it was like a difference between night and day. Before the medication if I picked him up at 5-he couldn't tell me what he ate for lunch that day. Hell, one day at that age I asked him what his name was and he seriously acted as if he had no idea what I was talking about? Favorite color? Nope, couldn't tell you. The kid couldn't even really converse with you before the medication.
Even now as a teenager-you can tell the difference when he takes it and when he doesn't. He has horrid study habits-well he just doesn't study as he doesn't care-but when he takes the medication he will at least attempt to do his work. He will not get in daily trouble for disrupting the class. He may still not be a straight a student but he at least you get something out of him. Your wife can try the meds and if she doesn't feel they are working she can stop them. It's not a big deal. Some kids with adhd cant even begin to pay attention long enough to learn and it stunts them tremendously both academically and socially. There are also lots of studies out there that show those dxed with adhd, but not medicated have higher rates of substance abuse as they go into their teen years and adulthood (attempts at self medication). Those not medicated also show up with lower self esteems because they just cant seem to get things right or get things done as other people do and they often eventually give up trying.
Okay lol I poured the
Okay lol
I poured the gasoline, who has the matches? 
I just cannot imagine a
I just cannot imagine a situation where such a revelation would be taken in a positive manner.
One of my children has some pretty severe issues; if you met her on the street, you'd just think she's a little off. But if you felt the need to *tell* me she was a little off, I'm pretty sure I'd just tell you off and where to shove off.
But let's even assume cousin-in-law is clueless (which I doubt; you even said she's a good mom), she's going to view you as a meddler. After all, she's with them everyday and sees nothing.
Either way, the kids gain nothing, and now there is strife in the family.
See, doll faced sm gave a
See, doll faced sm gave a good description of how these unwanted observations and opinions would come across to the parents.