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kellyrae1's picture

Can someone help me...

I'm new to this site and I'm not sure what all the abbreviations mean.

SD, SS = step daughter/step son

BD = biological dad

and that's about all I figured out. Your help is appreciated. Smile


3LittleDragonflies's picture

You can find most of the abbreviations there.

BD2 would either mean a 2nd Biologial daughter or (usually) a biological daughter that is 2 years old.
A few members use the "Skid1" eldest stepchild "Skid2" next stepchild etc. but most use the SS9 SD12 (step son- 9 years old, step daughter 12 years old) format. You may also see OSD (eldest stepdaughter) MSD (Middle step daughter) and YSD (Youngest Step Daughter).