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So we had the talk...

esm for too long's picture

Friday night, having dinner, DH is asking me questions about a new job I am about to embark on and I'm telling him all the details I had learned on a conference call Friday afternoon.

Good ole SS8 has eaten her two slices of pizza and breadstick and starts acting like a spider monkey, I guess trying to get his attention. We have had this conversation before, she is NOT to interrupt and if he allows her to, I will shut down. So we keep talking, intentionally ignoring her asinine behavior until I guess he couldn't handle it anymore...I am in MID-WORD, not just mid-sentence mind you, and he looks at her and says, "You can have another breakstick." NOT "Hey! Stop interrupting! We've already talked about this!" So I say "You know what? Forget it, obviously not as important as a damn breadstick." and throw my plate down and sit back and ignore them BOTH. She's staring at me, he's pleading with me to keep talking, I just ignore them and look straight ahead at the TV (we usually eat dinner at the dining table, but Fridays are pizza in the living room).

She eats her EFFING breadstick and goes to her room and he starts in. Why did you act like that? I couldn't help it, she was driving me crazy...I'm sorry. I guess you're not going to tell me the rest now. I guess you're just not going to talk at all now. (BINGO!!!)

Suffice it to say, I unloaded on him. I was trying to do my normal thing by remaining calm and just being quiet, but he kept pushing, so I finally told it all. I'm sick of you babying her, I'm sick of you coddling her, I'm tired of it always being about you and her when she's here, you have guilty daddy syndrome" - you name it, I said it. So he tells me "I feel like when she's here, you'd rather she just stay away from you." and I say, "Newsflash." That seemed to make him a little more upset - poor baby.

I said, "You went as far as to tell me I need counseling [insert shocked look of denial from him here] and I have the email to prove it [he swallows], but I read a LOT of stuff and there are people EVERYWHERE who feel the EXACT SAME WAY!!!! YOU don't know what it's like, YOU don't know how it feels to be DONE with parenting and then take on a small child. YOU don't know what it's like to watch the two of you!"

Anyway, didn't really get anywhere, except I was able to give him examples of how stupid the two of them look:

You cut up her PANCAKES, DH - REALLY?!
You MIX her cereal
You MIX her spaghetti
You follow her into the bathroom to help her get ready for her shower - how much longer will THIS go on?!?!
As if it's not bad enough that you have to go in there with her for over an hour at night and WAIT ON HER TO GO TO SLEEP, you even LAY with her and FALL ASLEEP yourself and then you wonder why I'm PISSED!
You CONSTANTLY let her interrupt me, you, us - with no consequences.
Even when she's NOT here, she's all you ever TALK ABOUT!

I mean, it all came out, man...every bit of it. Sick of it - SICK SICK SICK!!!!!!!

See, for you ladies out was the weekend before that glorious monthly experience that we all have or have had the honor to enjoy - I'm usually pretty doggone good at being the bitch when I have to be, but he had been warned about this particular week. And yet, he went there and the beast was unleashed. I'm just so tired of it all and it's not even been three years yet. I said so much more, but I'd never remember it all after being in a rage. LOL

At least I got to get it off my chest. It's up to him now to make changes, I have to stop taking responsibility for that.


QueenBeau's picture

wowwwww congrats for getting all that off your chest. How did he respond? Denial or acceptance?

esm for too long's picture

He SEEMED to accept it, I guess only time will tell in changes to their interactions and our communication. He didn't really deny anything other than the comment he had made to me that maybe I needed counseling. And he may be right...maybe I DO need counseling - to find out why I thought this was a good idea. }:)

QueenBeau's picture

her DH didn't correct the girl, he gave her the attention she wanted. If he would have stopped to scold her for acting a complete ass, that would be one thing. He let her interrupt & answered her needs when she was misbehaving. This is positive reinforcement for the behavoir, so why would the child not repeat it again and again?

esm for too long's picture

Thank you, that was my point, there was NO correction at all. Not to mention, it's a conversation...there were stopping points in between and she had done it for 15 minutes. He could have told her to cut it out at a stopping point.

HungryEyes's picture

I don't know how some of you ladies have put up with so much and have stuck around for these guys. Seriously. Saints. Or crazy. I don't know which.

esm for too long's picture

Hey if only ONE thing I say in 3 million ends up helping somebody else, that's all I can ask for. I know that were it not for this place, I might not have gotten up the courage because when he told me I needed counseling, it beat me down into thinking there really IS something wrong with me (in addition to all the stuff I admit to!). The folks on this site proved to me that's simply not the case. I AM NOT ALONE!! And neither are you.

Thank you for all your kind words! And hang in there...eventually, the moment will come and you will know what to say. The key is being able to back it up with examples and more importantly, to stand your ground.