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I need advice today

Kattkatt's picture

dH was fired from his job today under suspicious circumstances. This job was miserable to him from the get go, he got it through a temp agency. It was hospital stockroom stuff, running from warehouse to hospital stock rooms restocking as needed, inventorying, etc. The temp agency placed him back in January, and the hospital jerked his schedule all over the place after that. In the time he worked there, 10 out of 12 of their full time employees in the department quit or were fired under questionable circumstances. At first he was first shift, then second shift, then third shift, then rotating shifts. Each change was supposed to be the last change. Finally, last month they wanted him on third again, and he said he would only be able to work it if they made him a permanent hire, with benefits and job security. The supervisor actually accused him of BLACKMAILING them into hiring him, not jokingly, he seriously said that! Fortunately the higher up super said DH was an amazing worker and had been doing such an excellent job she ignored the protests of under super. So they were going to make him permanent, starting in december. Then someone else quit! They said they'd make him permanent next week, he just needed to take the mandatory physical. They scheduled the physical on his day off, when he was gong out of town. He begged them to switch, but they were adamant. So he re-arranged his plans, decided to drive separately the 4hour trip to our conference last weekend to get to this stupid mandatory physical that absolutely could not be rescheduled under any circumstances. There was, of course, a drug test, which was no problem, since DH doesn't even take aspirin. But they told him he hadn't peed enough in the cup. He peed. Just not enough. So he's already six hours late to get on the road, and they are forcing him to sit in the waiting room chugging water to PEE MORE. and the attendant was getting snippy with him, and he said, "i just want to get the hell out of here!" He realized he might have sounded harsh, and said, "sorry, I'm really late!"

Finally the physical done, he leaves. Goes to work monday, has tuesday off. Goes in today, and they fire him, because "he cursed at the nurse" at his physical. The super who accused him of blackmailing them into hiring him was the one firing him. No warning, no notice, just fired. For "cursing" at the nurse on his day off.

He is beside himself now, but it seems so freaking sketchy. No, it was an awful job, no he doesn't want to work there, but we were kind of counting on it for a little while, and now he has to start over, which is hard enough. How can you fire someone without even a warning, on the verbal account of some snippy orderly, a week later? How can a freaking hospital hire a "temp" for almost a fucking YEAR and get nasty with him for asking to be made permanent? How long are you supposed to be a "temp" anyway? Is that legal? They hire temps and force them to fill in instead of permanent hires so they don't pay benefits! It's fucking shameful. I don't know what to do, or if anything can be done. It just makes me furious. DH bent over backwards for that place and they treated him like shit. I guess the new job market is like that, just find a worker who will eat shit all day and say they like it, i guess. Sad


Anon2009's picture

Wow, I'm so sorry! (((HUGS)))

Has he filed for unemployment? Has he called the temp agency and asked what the next step is?

Kattkatt's picture

Honestly, we haven't taken any steps at all yet... His shift started late, so by the time they gave him the news, temp agency was closed, and he was so upset he drove around for an hour before he even called me. I wanted to talk to a lawyer, but we are struggling financially already, and our lawyer is family practice, not even in this state. Ugh. I mean, we have been trying to focus on how it was a lousy awful job and we knew they were just going to push and push and push until he quit or else they would just take serious advantage. It just blows.
Actually, on top of this we got good news from the lawyer on the SKids front! bM was totally lying when she claimed she would lose her voucher for daycare if we got the kids for the summers, and the court agreed, if she won't lose here voucher we get the skids for the summer. So the good news was, fewer 14 hr round-trip drives to see skids every other weekend! Once a month visits, nd summers, and one week during the year. We were psyched! But our lives are like Downton Abbey (minus the giant estate),whenever things look too rosey someone dies tragically or we fall into financial ruin, or something. Ugh.

Kattkatt's picture

I'm not too concerned about unemployment. He has had ups and downs with job hunting before, he has never ever been unemployed for long enough to actually collect. He will sign up, of course, but he always finds something pretty fast... Sometimes it's a shitty temp job that strings you along for 11 months with promises and shitty scheduling, but still. Le sigh!

ctnmom's picture

Listen, is there a chance he's not telling you the whole story? Maybe he didn't pass the drug test. I'm sorry to say that, but it's the first thing that comes to my mind when I read your post. Sad

Kattkatt's picture

Yeah, i kinda just want to get someone to call the hospital and say they are a lawyer and want to see the documentation, just to make them sweat. Where I work, we have to document every write up, every verbal warning, to cover our butts if they made an issue of it. I know it wouldn't make a difference, but i hate feeling so helpless. I do think it's good, ultimately, but damn, aggravating!

misSTEP's picture

I am sorry you are in this position. I feel like employers are going to go more and more the temp route in the future to get around paying for expensive health insurance coverage!

Kattkatt's picture

I can't believe how hard it is to find a job lately, even five years ago it was easier. Now you find yourself taking ANYTHING because you feel like you have no choice. Both me and DH have arts degrees... Man, if I had a do-over! But I am making my career, he is struggling,