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Oh ok.. knew this would happen someday - sk12 took a swing at me.

stepmomsoon's picture

Yep. you read that right.

He has been trying all kinds of shit here lately - just needling me and I have ignored it for the most part. His latest bullshit is leaving the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen open. He will go get a glass and leave the cabinet open. Time and time again, I remind him to close them. Same with drawers. It has gotten way past the point of if being an accident - how do I know this? Because it is happening more and more instead of less and less. Lately, he has even walked in to close a cabinet when he has been told to, and not close it - only to turn around and accuse me of reopening it! Yes - he will claim he closed it and then say I reopened it.

After hearing this shit, one time too many, tonight I was like "NOPE" and called him out. I'm not going to be accused of this bullshit anymore. I don't play games - I end them. He started mouthing off and telling me "No, I'm not shutting it - you opened it" and I turned around and grabbed his cup of candy that he had - sorry, you don't listen and then have the nerve to talk to me like this on top of accusing me of some bullshit - I am taking your precious candy. Of course I asked for it first and was told no. I didn't just grab it off the bat.
His punk ass turned around and round house swung at me. Uh - no.

His dad was occupied and on the phone so I told him to get up to his room. Then once DH got off the phone I told him what happened and that we need to talk to him.

The talk went horribly because I was NOT letting him get away with this shit one more time. He was not going to make excuses and lie. Oh, but he damn sure tried. He was an absolute asshole and the disrespect was blatant. DH didn't put up with it either and had my back. This pissed off SK12 to his limit. He stood up and literally tried to come at me saying "you aren't going to touch me" and tried to physically intimidate me! (This was because he claimed I touched him when I grabbed his candy - his excuse for taking a swing at me).
DH told him to leave the room - NOW!
I sat down right in front of DH and said this exact thing "That kid is going to hit me. He wants to hurt me physically. He has already tried verbally, mentally and emotionally. Now he is going to up his game. He wants to hit me and he is going to. When that day comes you will be faced with this decision - he goes or I go." and walked away.


farting_glitter's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

Disneyfan's picture

You're good. I would have floored his ass.

I am one million percent against SPa hitting g their SKs. However, that goes out the window if a SK hits or attempts to hit a SP. All bets are off at that point.

stepmomsoon's picture

One step ahead of ya. Yep. I do believe he will try this shit. I already told him since he's acting "he will be on film" from now on.

I'm also going to record his outbursts for the cops so when I do knock the crap out of his ass the day he comes at me, I have proof of what an out of control jerk he is.

stepmomsoon's picture

I stood up for myself when he came across the room - literally. I said, you coming at me, are you going to hit me? I made him admit what he wanted to do. Right there in front of his dad.

I won't tolerate it and neither will DH. He told him he will not lay a hand on me.

I will NOT hesitate to call the cops on his ass. I have more at stake than just my well being. If he hits me, he will hit anyone - including my daughter - who is younger than him and he has jealousy issues with. The day he even acts like he is thinking along those lines, is the day he will soon regret - he will not only have me to deal with, but my ex husband as well and my entire family. Plus the cops. A bully will not be tolerated.

This kid is out of control and I do not like him - and for damn good reasons. He is unlikable and has waged war on my home. He treats everyone with disrespect and I can't and won't like a child that acts like a hard ass the way he does. I have given him chances to make amends - he doesn't want this family and is determined to destroy it. Now that he sees his little head games aren't working he is going the physical route. Upping his game. I won't engage. It's game over for his ass.

For those of you who say "she is mean or unfair" read all my posts over the last year. I have tried to understand and do whatever I can to make this work. Its been 4 years actually, that I have tried. This kid has issues and they need addressed in therapy.

The only way I will even try to accept him is if his ass is in steady therapy. I'm done pretending this kid isn't fucked up and has anger issues.

queenofthedamned's picture

no one with a brain could say that y mean. my 13 year old skid had two incidents last year that involved violence toward his dad. FDH and skid both know that if 1) he is ever violent toward FDH or 2) he is ever violent toward me the police WILL be called, and charges pressed.

after he punched FDH in the face (gave him a nice shiner too) and FDH wrestled him into submission, CPS was called because the precious child had a mark. they sure didn't care about the mark on FDH'S face. we were told that when a child gets violent calling the cops is all we can do. fair enough. I'll do it, and I won't feel bad when I press charges either.

you have to do what you have to do to protect yourself.

stepmomsoon's picture

He is escalating his game for sure.

It started with verbal abuse in the form of threats like "I know things and will embarrass you in front of ___".. and mental abuse with telling bold face lies and then turning around and claiming "he never said that" in order to cause a fight.

Now that those tactics no longer work, he is on to the physical aspect.

He has a lot of anger. And rage. I see it constantly and it is scary. Last night was the first time he physically came at me with it. Usually it's verbal and things like "growling" or breathing heavy like he is soooo trying to control his anger.. whatever.

I told DH flat out - the kid is getting therapy. That is the only condition in which he will be allowed to stay in the same house as me. No excuses.

IslandGal's picture

Holy WHAT!! That li'l asshole would've found himself floating around the bermuda triangle if he tried that shit at my house!

Ban him forthwith!! Do NOT allow his out-of-control ass anywhere near you and yours! DH must be on board with this and he should be in full on protection mode where youse are concerned!

Don't let the little swine back until he has proven that he can control himself.

Bloody hell! What a little turd!!

stepmomsoon's picture

I seriously stayed up half the night, worried about this shit. I am so pissed that this kid is trying to do this to me in my own damn house. I mean, first of all - aside from the physical aspect, the manipulation and lying is what eats me up. Who does this crap? It is so sick and twisted to even dream up a scheme like that to begin with!

Then to escalate it to the point where he is trying to call me a liar and accuse me of some dumb game in order to get me and his father to fight? What is wrong with this kid?

That's what I can't get over. Physical is a loss of control. He lost control over his precious candy. Then went nutso and tried to punk me out when I told him yes, I will use physical force if necessary to make you behave - bear in mind, I wasn't using it, only telling him I have every right to do so if he is being disobedient, at the time he came across the room with his chest puffed out like he's a bad ass. That is all about loss of control.

I just am bewildered by his attempt to lie and manipulate - the scheme that he thought up and then tried to flat out accuse me of.. wow..

I am concerned. This isn't the last of his shit. I know this. I have a lot of fear now and it is legit.

If does even act like he is thinking about laying a finger on me, mark my words - it will be the biggest mistake of his life. I will call the cops and I will pack up his shit and put it on the porch.

stepmomsoon's picture

I really don't think it's that easy. This kid has in the past chased his own brother with a knife. Of course one time was before I knew him and the other time he was at his moms and I didn't find out about it until weeks after it happened. Of course, his mom downplayed it to his father, who at the time was in denial about what a wacko this kid is.

I fear that with his anger issues and this history, combined with his love of violent video games and add in a dash of the gansta, thug drug using, gun glorifying music he has been sneaking listening to, things are not going to go in a good direction...

Not to mention the fact that he has no friends - he is the kid no one likes because he is an annoying nut job. I truly think he might have Asperger's or something along those lines because mentally he just isn't right. Socially awkward does not even begin to describe him. He is also extremely immature for his age and at the same time, thinks he is much older. It is so odd and at the same time disturbing.

I even have some indications that he is being cruel to the dog - nothing solid, just some observations and my gut telling me something is going on here. SK12 is the only person the dog growls at. Everyone else can lay on him and do whatever, but not sk12. The dog doesn't even want to sleep with him and will try to run out of his room. This is a dog they have had since he was a pup. My dog will not go near him and neither would my old cat, and now the new kitten wants nothing to do with him at all either.

I'm telling you, this is a sociopath in the making.