So, it's DH's Friday to get SS8. He usually does this around 4 PM. I was going to pick SS8 up for him after work (at 4 PM) because DH was changing the brakes on my car. DH gets a call from BM at 10 til 4 asking if DH is going to be at her house soon. Apparently she decided she was sick enough to go to the doctor but didn't make any arrangements for someone to be at her house to get SS8 off the bus. He gets home at 3 PM when he rides the bus. What a dipshit! She called DH about it at the same time the school called him wondering what the hell they should do??!!
Who does this? I know that if I had to pick up one of my kids and suddenly was sick I'd try to make arrangements for my child before I went anywhere or go to the doc after they were squared away. It's called sucking it up. No wonder this child is so screwed up!
- Harleygurl's blog
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The bus driver wouldn't let
The bus driver wouldn't let him off the bus. DH was close by and and met the bus at BM's house. She is a total moron!
It must be something in the
It must be something in the water. DH went to pick up SS9 from the babysitter that watches him and BM's DD7 from baby daddy #3 after school. He pulls up to the building in a pretty shady part of town and sees SS9 and his little sister sitting on the sidewalk in front of the babysitters' building with their backpacks. He asks why they're outside alone and why their stuff isn't inside the sitter's house. SS9 tells him that the sitter quit watching them a week ago because BM didn't pay her so BM told them all week long to just walk over there and wait for her to get off work at 6pm and pick them up and to not tell their daddies because they would get her in trouble! So these 2 little kids have been sitting in a ghetto-ass appt complex parking lot for 3 hrs a day waiting on her sorry - ass to pick them up!!!!!!
Child neglect and child
Child neglect and child endangerment at the very least.

What a horrible human. Those poor kids.
I'd be filing charges if I
I'd be filing charges if I was him. CPS also. That's crazy! Thank God nothing happened to them.
I called CPS. Baby daddy #3
I called CPS. Baby daddy #3 used to be a cop so he's taking care of that end supposedly. SS9 was reallllllllllly mad st DH because how dare he get his poor, innocent, sweet mommy dearest in trouble.... I told DH we need to get him back from her. We already have the 3 oldest, we don't get a red cent in CS, she can't even buy them toothbrushes for them to use at her house. We had all 4 skids last year and they all flourished. They grew, they ate well, they did better in school and were learning routines and normal behavior. Now SS9 is behind again, he's failing school, his speech is worse, he has the verbal skills of a 3 yo, no joke. BM DOESN'T CARE! As long as she has this kid's head shoved far enough up her ass she's assured that one of them will stay with her forever and change her diapers when she's old and crippled.